When you think of classic Clash Royale decks, one of the first decks that comes to mind is Pekka Bridge Spam. This deck used to rule the pro scene at one time, and while it has certainly fallen from grace over the years, in the hands of an experienced player, it can easily help you reach the top of the ladder.
But what made this pack so popular? Why are people still running a variant of this deck in the current meta? Is it still good considering all the nerfs and changes to various cards in the game? It seems the answer is yes! In this guide, we'll give you a complete guide to Pekka Bridge Spam and help you master the subtleties of this classic bridge archetype in Clash Royale.
Clash Royale: The Best War Decks
Here is a complete list of the best War Deck in Clash Royale to help you secure the top spot for your clan. in Clash Royale.
How does Pekka Bridge Spam Deck work?
The Pekka Bridge Spam deck uses aggressive, spam troops that can pressure the opponent's tower without relying on other support cards. While most brawl decks in the game use a lot of support troops behind a big tank, this deck uses cards that can quickly rush to the enemy tower and knock off a lot of HP if left unchecked.
Here are the cards that are used in the classic Pekka Bridge Spam deck:
Card name |
The cost of the elixir |
Zap |
2 |
The minions |
3 |
Bandit |
3 |
Royal Ghost |
3 |
Battle ram |
4 |
Poison |
4 |
Electro Wizard |
4 |
Pekka |
7 |
Evolution cards weren't a thing when this deck was first introduced in Clash Royale. And since the cards used in the deck were considered broken for the time, Pekka Bridge Spam had an excellent win rate. He had solid defense and a deceptively strong attack that could easily overwhelm the opponent when the game reached the double elixir stage.
The pack uses three legendary cards: Bandit, Royal Ghost, and Electro Wizard. Both Bandit and Royal Ghost are excellent at applying pressure. The Bandit can quickly dash to the enemy tower if left unchecked, while the Royal Phantom can turn invisible and deal splash damage.
Battle Ram is the primary win condition, and a successful connection can often spell defeat for the opponent. With Pekka as the frontline and anti-tank, melee decks don't stand a chance against Pekka Bridge Spam. In addition, you also have Electro Wizard and Minions for extra defensive power. For your spells, you have Zap and Poison, which are great at clearing Pekka's path to your opponent's tower.
The Classic Pekka Bridge Spam deck uses Tower Princess Tower Troop.
The best Pekka Bridge spam variants
While the classic Pekka Bridge Spam was a strong deck for the time, with the arrival of Evolution and Champion cards, Clash Royale the meta has become much more dynamic. So to make sure the deck stays relevant, you'll need to make some minor adjustments to your card selection.
Here are the best Pekka Bridge Spam variants in Clash Royale that you might want to try:
- Pekka Marcher Bridge Spam
- Pekka Ram Rider Void Bridge Spam
- Pekka IceWize Bridge Spam
You will find more information about decks below.
All decks below use the Cannoneer as a Tower Troop.
Pekka Marcher Bridge Spam
If you miss the classic Pekka Bridge Spam, this is the deck to try. Just trade the Minions for the Magic Archer in this deck. But this small change is all it takes to make this deck relevant to modern standards.
Card name |
The cost of the elixir |
Evo Battle Ram |
4 |
This is Pekka |
7 |
Zap |
2 |
Royal Ghost |
3 |
Bandit |
4 |
The Magic Archer |
4 |
Electro Wizard |
4 |
Poison |
4 |
This deck plays the same way as the classic Pekka Bridge Spam, with one big exception. You have a secondary way to take turret damage if you're having trouble with Battle Ram. With Magic Archer at the bridge, you can line up hits on the enemy tower to deal chip damage that starts to add up after a while.
You'll also be using Evo Battle Ram and Evo Pekka, both solid evolution cards that offer a lot of flexibility in how you play. You can consider changing one of the evolutions for Evo Zap. But since you already have Poison in your deck, it's best to stick to the normal variation of Zap in most matchups.
Pekka Ram Rider Void Bridge Spam
Most Pekka players these days choose to trade the battle ram for the ram rider. Ram Rider is faster, can slow down enemies, and is a bigger threat overall than Battle Ram. Some people even use it as an alternative to the Hog Rider in a few Hog bike packs.
Card name |
The cost of the elixir |
Wizard Evo |
5 |
This is Pekka |
7 |
Electro spirit |
1 |
Zap |
2 |
void |
3 |
Bandit |
3 |
Royal Ghost |
3 |
The rider of the ram |
5 |
The deck also uses Evo Wizard and Evo Pekka, giving you both offensive and defensive damage. With Void Spell thrown into the mix as well, you can safely take out key defensive buildings or troops without committing too much elixir. Building momentum is much easier with this variation of Pekka Bridge Spam.
The absence of the Electro Wizard might take some getting used to for players who grew up with the classic. However, since you have Electro Spirit and Zap in your deck, making targets to hold or reset Inferno Tower or Mighty Miner shouldn't be too difficult. This variant has very few bad matchups, making it a popular deck to get to Ultimate Champion.
Pekka IceWiz Bridge Spam
If you are a fan of bikes in Clash Royalethen this ultimate version of the popular Pekka Bridge Spam would be right up your alley. Like the previous deck, this one also uses Ram Rider instead of Battle Ram. However, the main advantage of this deck is that it also uses the three card cycle thanks to a Champion card.
Card name |
The cost of the elixir |
Evo skeletons |
1 |
This is Pekka |
7 |
Electro spirit |
1 |
Anger |
2 |
3 |
The ice wizard |
3 |
The rider of the ram |
5 |
Goblinstein |
5 |
Ever since the free champion Goblinstein came out, most players use this card in their decks. And as it turns out, it's a perfect match for the Evo Pekka and Ram Rider. It acts as a second DPS tank/unit and allows you to pressure both lanes at the same time during the double elixir stage.
The deck also uses a lot of cheap cards like Electro Spirit, Evo Skeletons, and Ice Wizard that allow you to easily defend against most decks. With Rage on deck, you can upgrade your Ram Rider so he can let loose. On the other hand, Arrows allow you to counter mobs like Minion Horder or Goblin Gang with no problem.
How to play Pekka Bridge Spam
Playing Pekka Bridge Spam decks can be difficult for beginners because it has a relatively high elixir cost. Pekka is one of the most expensive cards in the game, so you'll want to be extremely careful when deploying it. The last thing you want is to play a Pekka in the back while your opponent unloads a massive push into the other lane.
The single elixir stage is crucial for Pekka Bridge Spam decks, and you'll want to be extremely careful about how much elixir you spend. Focus on defense and only use Bandit, Royal Ghost, Battle Ram or other cheap pressure cards to keep your opponent on the defensive.
It's okay to lose a turn with Pekka Bridge Spam as long as you're getting decent damage in both lanes.
However, if your opponent plays something like a Golem in the back, you can match him with a Pekka going the same lane behind your King's Rook. This will allow you to defend the push and build a solid counter push if Pekka manages to survive.
Things get a lot easier as the game hits the double elixir mark. You have more elixirs to work with and can start spamming your opposing lane troops to overwhelm your opponent. your purpose is to keep applying constant pressure while having enough elixir to defend his push in the opposite lane.
In the triple elixir phase, if your opponent manages to last until then, you become unstoppable. You can drain your entire elixir bar from the pod and still have enough to defend against any attack with your opponent. If the game reaches triple elixir, winning against a Pekka Bridge Spam deck in Clash Royale becomes almost impossible.