Pocket Pokemon TCGThe next expansion, titled Space-Time SmackDown, is set to arrive on January 29 and will focus on Gen 4 Mons like Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, and Legendaries Dialga and Palkia. While a new set for Pocket Pokemon TCG It's interesting regardless of the cards it features, the Smackdown space-time is of particular interest to fans hoping to see more of an underrepresented guy. Dialga ex is one of the featured cards of the set, The Metal-Type In Pocket Pokemon TCG get an upgrade that could make a new contender in the meta.
The Space-Time SmackDown set will feature over 140 new cards for players to collect, many of which will likely help shape a new meta for the game. With the last set, Mythical Island, not being a full-sized expansion, the Smackdown space-time will be the biggest addition to Pocket Pokemon TCG From the game's release in October 2024. However, of all these new cards, Dialga Ex might be the most interesting addition Space-Time Smackdown will bring to the game.

The next set of Pokemon TCG Pocket that focuses on Gen 4 may put the cart before the horse
The next expansion of the Pokemon TCG Pocket is set to introduce a lot of Gen 4 Pokemon, but this raises some questions and concerns.
Dialga EX is already the clear star of Pokemon TCG Pocket-Time's space-time set
Pokemon TCG Pocket is not severely lacking in strong metal-type cards
With Pocket Pokemon TCGThe first set, Genetic Apex, focusing mainly on Gen 1 crits, makes sense that it would be light on metal-type cards since steel type wasn't introduced until Gen. The game, the set did not bring any new metal-type cards. As a result, the only metal-type cards currently in Pocket Pokemon TCG include:
Of these metal types, Melmetal is the strongest and can form the basis of a decent deck. However, Pocket Pokemon TCGEx cards are the most powerful in the game, so building a deck without one already puts the player at a disadvantage against those who use one in their deck. With Dialga Ex giving the metal type some serious power, decks using this type finally have the foundation of a viable build in Pocket Pokemon TCG Meta.
Dialga EX has a solid 150 HP and a retreat cost of only two energy, which means it should be quite bulky, while still easy to swap using a trainer card like X Speed or Leaf. Having a powerful 100 damage attack like Heavy Impact also gives Dialga Ex a great way to quickly and reliably dispatch the ex option.
Dialga ex could make dual decks more viable
Perhaps what makes Dialga EX the most interesting is its turbo metal attack, which allows the player to attach two metal energy to one of their bench pokemon. Because energy manipulation is the most important aspect of battle in Pocket Pokemon TCGthis move gives Dialga ex a serious advantage. Players could use it to stack energy on a second Dialga EX on their bench over two turns, before swapping it to the active one to immediately attack with heavy impact.
This ability also doesn't require players to attach metal energy to a metal-type card, meaning it could form the basis of a solid dual-type deck. A great strategy would be to build a deck full of Metal and Colorless types that can both benefit from receiving Metal Energy from Dialga Ex's Metal Turbo, allowing players to quickly get Energy on their bench cards. Similarly, taking advantage of other cards that have colorless energy in their attack costs—such as Venusaur Ex—would allow players to create dual metal-type decks and another card type, where the metal energy from Dialga Ex can fill in the colorless energy required.