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Where to get armor with Psi protection
Go through the Warren Lodge
The main story a Stalker 2 will have players revisiting some of the most iconic locations from the original series, including the old Clear Sky base in the Great Swamps. Getting there is no easy task, however, as the region has become more dangerous over the years.
After finding Nimble during a precedent Stalker 2 mission, players will then be tasked with finding Faust in the swamps. However, that's a little easier said than done, and if you're having trouble getting to the right spot, here's a quick guide to show you how.

STALKER 2: How To Get The Zircon Suit
Find out all the ways you can acquire the Zircon suit—one of the best pieces of early-game armor—in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
Where to get armor with Psi protection
At this point in the game, your best bet for getting a suit with high Psi protection is to get a SEVA-D from Cagean unfinished building in the Cement Factory region. There is a Psi anomaly covering the Cage, so expect to take damage and experience blurred vision while in it.
SEVA-D is on the roof of the cage. To get to it, you have to climb stairs and carefully traverse support beams inside the building, all while trying to avoid death by falling and anything that causes your brain to slowly melt. i shall jump a gap near the top of the cage to reach the roof. Once you're on the other side, go to the roof and grab the SEVA-D lying on a concrete barrier. It has slightly better stats than Sunrise Suit in Stalker 2but it will prevent you from wearing gas masks.
The gap near the top floor is marked by a wooden plank with yellow paint on the floor.
Disable Psi beacons
For the rest of the mission, you'll be stopping the Psi beacons spread across the swamp. There are four beacons in total and you can expect some resistance near or at their locations.
Burnt Farmstead Beacon
The lighthouse in Ferma Arsă is located on the wooden watchtower. You can take the ladder on the tower to get to it, but watch out for the mutants and anomalies in the area. If you are not wearing Psi-resistant armor near a beacon, imaginary monsters will come charging at you from nowhereharming you in the process.
The lighthouse of the Old Church
The location of the second beacon is a bit difficult to reach. You will need to reach the roof of the church. There is a secret path to the roof under some boards marked with yellow paint. Break the boards, go down, then follow the path. Once you reach the roof, jump through the broken window to reach the top of the church. The headlight should be there, just take note of all the holes in the floor.
Pump station beacon
The pump station lighthouse is on top of the tower. Getting to it should be much easier – just use the ladder at the back of the house, jump onto the neighboring roof and cross the wooden planks to reach the lighthouse.
There may be some zombies and a controller at the pumping station. Having an open air fight is a bad idea, so if you can, consider the Lynx sniper rifle from one of the earlier Noontide missions. If you don't have it with you, there is an SVD-M in the watchtower south of the Old Church.
The second vanguard beacon
Like the one in the Pumping Station, the lighthouse here is on top of a large watchtower below, south of the marsh. To get to it, climb the ladder next to the destroyed tank, and the lighthouse should be to your left.

Can players use night vision in Stalker 2?
Night Vision was important to the Stalker series and players wondered if it was also included in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
Go through the Warren Lodge
After you close all the beacons, the quest marker will tell you to reach the Warren Shack. Localization will be easy, but the problem here is with Chimera lurking nearby. This mutant is extremely tough – not only does he have a lot of health, but he's also very fast. Sprint to the side when you think he's going to pounce on you and keep some water or energy drinks handy.
Don't bother killing the Chimera. It is extremely durable and you will not get anything out of it.
Reach the base of the clear sky
Once you approach the Warren Shack, a Show will start. Run past the Chimera and keep running towards the objective marker. Don't stay in the Warren Shackas it is not sufficient to protect you from the Issue. Look for an entrance to the underground shelter and enter it. Follow the tunnels and a cutscene with Faust will play, ending the mission.
At the end of the scene, you will receive the scanner that you lost during the mission There and Back Again in Stalker 2as well as a unique UDP pistol called the Deadeye, which comes pre-equipped with a fire brake and collimating sight.