All boxing games and how to play

There is never a shortage of things to do Infinity Nikki, which has helped keep players engaged in Nikki's journey through Miraland since the game's release in December 2024. While fashion keeps up-and-coming stylist Nikki pretty busy, there's still plenty of other activities to check out in Florawish and beyond . These are not only fun to participate in, but also offer some very tempting rewards.

Such activity in Infinity Nikki are the so-called box games that are scattered throughout each region of Wishfield. To complete all aspects of the Folklore Guide, you will need to find and play them all. It's important to know how and where to start, so here's everything you need to know.


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What are boxing games in Infinity Nikki?

“Cassette Games” is the colloquial term for Miraland's version of casual board games, except they're built in boxes, like a diorama. They are found in every region of Wishfield. Each area has a different type of box set that relates to the history and tradition of its inhabitants.

All these cassette games make up what is called Folklore guide. You can find the Folklore Guide on the second page of the Pear-Pal app after talking Ciceto near the Stylist's Guild in Florawish (use that Warp Spire to travel there easily). All the box games you've encountered and played are counted here and categorized by game type and region respectively. The different cassette games are as follows:

  • Florawish: Crane Flight

  • Breezy Meadow: The Marble King

  • Stoneville and the Abandoned District: Among the Pieceys

  • Wishing Woods: Wishing Orb Express

I am 11 cases of each game type to find and win in each region, so you'll need to explore thoroughly to find them all. They will always be found in and around inhabited areas rather than out in the middle of nowhere.

As you play and win these games in each region, game expert Ciceto will take note of them and occasionally reward Nikki for her efforts based on her progress. This is in addition to the rewards you receive once you win each box game for the first time, which includes Diamonds and Blings. You will need to visit Ciceto in the same place in Florawish to collect his rewards. To see if you have any new rewards available, look for a note from Ciceto at the bottom of the Folklore Guide menu.

How to play all boxing games in Infinity Nikki


Every type of game box in Infinity Nikki has its own rules and goals to follow in order to win. Note that while some games like Crane Flight are fairly simple, others like Marble King and Wishing Orb Express will require a bit more finesse. As long as you understand how each type of game works, it's just a matter of finding the right strategy for each instance.

You can refer to the Folklore Guide Collection Locations for all instances of each specific game. All box games that have not yet been won will shine bright and remain accessible. Once won, the Folklore Guide will verify that the instance is complete and you can replay the same games just through the guide itself.

Crane Flight (Florawish)

Crane flight is local to the starting area a Florawish (accessible from chapter 1 of the main story). Its rules are very simple and straightforward. You take control of a paper crane and must navigate a predetermined path while avoiding obstacles along the way until you reach the finish line. To avoid the trees, bend the paper crane out of their way until you pass.

The more challenging examples of Crane Flight will also include boulders you can dodge and two paths that run parallel together instead of one. To avoid the boulders in your path, you need to quickly cross the other path. Watch out for obstacle sequences that require you to frequently move back and forth while tilting the crane to one side or the other. If you hit an obstacle, you will have to start the game from the beginning. However, the obstacle pattern will remain the same, so it will become easier to predict those obstacles each time until you win.

Marble King (Breezy Meadow)

The marble king it's essentially Miraland's version of soccer and pinball. Above all, it requires excellent aiming skills. The main objective is to launch the marble on a path that sends it into the goal on the opposite side of the board. Hitting any of the roadblocks scattered around the field is acceptable; in fact, you need to use them to help angle and leverage the marble into the lens itself.

Among Pieceys (Stoneville and the Abandoned District)

Among the Pieceys it has a simple objective but requires sharp eyes and a good memory. The game starts by showing you three Piecey-style dolls and briefly deconstructs them to reveal which one has a bit. Faewish Sprite hidden inside. Then they close again and the game tries to throw you off track rearrange the dolls several times, faster and. Once that's over, you have to choose which of the three dolls has the Faewish Sprite inside.

If you watch closely enough during the change, you can follow the sequence and figure out where the original sprite doll lands. However, if you're having trouble following it, you can just guess your way around until you get the hang of it.

All examples of the game Among Pieceys are found in both Stoneville and the Abandoned District.

Wishing Orb Express (Wishing Woods)

I want Orb Express is one of the most strategic boxing games in Infinity Nikki. It takes figuring out your way overboard with just one tool — other than your brain, that is. You must successfully guide the Faewish Sprite through the trees until it reaches the yellow orb, which is the finish line.

To do this, you need to use the tokens with tokens, provided that each one has an arrow indicated on them. These represent the direction the Faewish Sprite can turn and move when it reaches him on the board, so you need to place them in the correct places. You can also flip the tokens to change the directions of the arrows. If the Faewish Sprite hits a tree along the way, it will be game over and you will have to start over.

Infinity Nikki tag page cover


PlayStation-1 transparent phone


December 5, 2024


Paper games, Infold games

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