All Mission 2 Collection Locations in Sniper Elite: Resistance

There are 20 collections in Sniper: elite resistanceThe second mission, Dead Drop. While players are certainly not obliged to find all these collections, some fans will undoubtedly be interested in doing so. This guide is written with those players in mind and detail the location of each collection in the collection Sniper Elite: ResistanceMission 2.


Sniper Elite Resistance: How to kill Claude to Ronde with Cargo (3 Kill Challenge mission)

Players who want to kill Claude to Ronde with merchandise in Sniper Elite: The third mission of resistance can find out how to do it here.

Sniper Elite Resistance: All dead fall collection locations

The next map provides an overview of all the collection locations in Sniper Elite: ResistanceDead Drop mission. These locations are elaborated in the sections under the map, and the players who fight to find a collection are advised to refer to these sections.

Sniper Elite Resistance Dead Dead Drop Map Collected

  1. Hidden items (propaganda poster to resistance to)

  2. Bank of work for the rifle

  3. Personal letters (a lost soul tremble)

  4. Stone eagle

  5. Classified Documents (Finding Report)

  6. Stone eagle

  7. Classified documents (increased security)

  8. Classified Documents (Use Library)

  9. Personal letters (a tree offiling)

  10. Classified Documents (Tightening Security)

  11. SMG Workbench

  12. Personal letters (you miss you)

  13. Classified Documents (order to follow)

  14. Personal letters (surrounded by idiots)

  15. Hidden items (police report: #224)

  16. Hidden items (police report: #222)

  17. Hidden items (police report: #223)

  18. Stone eagle

  19. Personal letters (a nephew's concerns)

  20. Workbench Pistol

1. Hidden articles (propaganda poster to resistance to)

Players will meet their first propaganda poster while climbing The flight of stone stairs near the western gate starting the entrance.


Players can find the work bank for the rifle Sniper Elite: Resistancethe second mission on The second floor of the building in the map corner from the bottom left. To reach it, fans should use boxes in front of the building to access the second floor, head to the left desk and choose the lock on the room gate (or break it with screw cuts).

3. Personal letters (a lost soul tremble)

This personal letter is in a sure to the second floor of the church in the lower left corner of the map. There is one Carriage load Near the green paths on the first floor, which is outlined in yellow when using focus, and players can use that article to access the safe content.

4. Stone Eagle

There is a stone eagle on a roof next to the building where the players are Find Vertigo's dead fall to the basilica. Fans you have Sniper Elite Games can use a sniper rifle to destroy that sculpture from many positions on the map.

5. Classified documents (findings report)

These classified documents are on a mass under a canopy in corner from the bottom left of this level in Sniper Elite: Resistance.

6. Stone Eagle

There is a stone eagle on a turret in the lower right corner of the building where the players areOcate Veritgo's Office. Fans can use a sniper rifle to destroy that sculpture from many positions on the map.

7. Classified documents (increased security)

This classified document is on a mass in a area with boxes of Corner below right of the map. Players can enter that area by choosing the blockage on his gate. Alternatively, fans of games with a historical frame can break the blockage if they have a pair of screw cutrs.

8. Classified documents (use library)

Players can find these documents classified in a sure on the first floor of a building on the right side of the map. Sniper Elite: ResistanceThe safe key of the old town, which can be used to open the safe, is on a chair next to the bed on the second floor of the building.

9. Personal letters (a tree offiling)

This personal letter is on a Circular table in front of the restaurant where the players must kill Philo Beck Sniper Elite: Resistance.

10. Classified documents (tightening security)

After they have grabbed a offshore tree, stealthy game fans should enter the restaurant, to cross their way upstairsand look for these documents classified on a table.

11. SMG Workbench

There is a courtyard in front of the building where the players are Locate Vertigo's office. There is a metal gate in corner from the bottom left From that yard and there is a SMG working bank beyond that gate.

12. Personal letters (you miss you)

Once a player has finished with the SMG working bench, he should get out of the room, go a few steps to the left and then pass through the corridor on their left. Fans of sniper games will now be found in a Small gardenand this personal letter is on a stone bank near some purple flowers.

13. Classified documents (order to follow)

Players should now pass through the corridor that was used to reach the garden and to enter the building that is forward and left. There is one mass Liter with communications equipment right inside that building, and these classified documents are above it.

14. Personal letters (surrounded by idiots)

This personal letter is at the reception office at the entrance to the librarya location at the top of the map.

15. Hidden articles (police report: #224)

Players will find this hidden item while working to find stolen resistance files. Is directly on a office office under the library reception office.

16. Hidden articles (Police Report: #222)

Players will find this hidden item while working to find stolen resistance files. Is on a small table on The left side of the first floor of the library.

17. Hidden articles (Police Report: #223)

Players will find this hidden item while working to find stolen resistance files. Is on a small table in the meeting room on the -the second Floo of the libraryr.

18. Stone Eagle

The third stone eagle is above a building just to Library law.

19. Personal letters (a nephew's concerns)

This personal letter is on a bench behind the library.

20. Pistol Workbench

The pistol work bank is underground in the upper right corner of the map. To access him, players should stand at the top of his position and then take these actions:

  • Go to the top of the map.

  • Take the right to the first fork.

  • Take a right to the second fork.

  • Follow the road to the end to find a tunnel leading to the work bench.

Sniper Elite Rezistance Tag Page Cover Art


January 30, 2025

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