When it comes to Citizens Sleeper 2: Vector StarwardYou will fall into one of the two groups: you will be played first game and you will feel reasonable Home, or jump with the second title and you are completely perplex. Citizen sleeping games are unlike anything else. I am a visual novel, on board and have a small adventure game and RPG elements thrown.

6 changes to make the bedroom citizen go from good to great
While citizen Sleeper is a fantastic experience, which is a joy to play, there are a few things we would like to see improved.
While the returning players will feel much more comfortable, there are new aspects, such as stress, added to the game and it is also pleasant to get a bit of update. This guide will be able to serve you regardless of whether you have played through the first game or you are an experienced sleep.
Decisions are final
I hate to start this guide by eliminating new players, but this is an important aspect that must be emphasized. The game is constantly saving after performing each action. Each choice you make, every risk you assume, are permanent. Save expensive is not Indeed an option here.
You can save, upload a rescue to the cloud, then you can download that cloud rescue later to reset your progress back but this is many of faffing about.
While this can be a stifling, it should also inform you. It is not worth playing risky unless you need to. You have to look at your chronology and consider any actions before taking them. Your pressing ability will help you balance your game considerably, but you need to consider the stress level, as you don't want to break the dice.
The difficulty you choose at the beginning of the game will determine how often you can use your ability to press, because the main difference will be the severity of stress. If you want a more stable experience that will make you less vulnerable to RNG bad, you should choose the easier difficulty and invest in your pressing capacity.
A rapid reference to risk levels
There are three levels of risk you will meet regularly Citizen Sleeper 2: Safe, risky and danger.
- Safe: As the name suggests, this option is unlikely to explode in front. Usually, not even a failure will hurt you.
- Risky: This is practically the standard difficulty. A failure will hurt you, while a neutral is a kind, only less positive than a success.
- danger: This tends to be an option in which everything is high. The successes will deserve major points, the failures will have substantially more negative, and the neutral will be a bit of both, but it will tend to hurt you.
Update the first to press your class first.
In a game with a heavy amount of RNG, your pressing ability gives you a huge leg. However, at the beginning of the game it is quite unpleasant. As an operator, you could discover your worst dice just to make them remain the same number (while you increase your stress). This is a real bum. Fortunately, upgrades for your pressing ability are relatively cheap and you can make it very quickly. You will be able to update it three times quite quickly (if you fill in units, ie).
After these upgrades, you will find that you can make the pressing capacity to be less to play and more a consistent and reliable maneuver. Which does not mean that you will want to use it all the time, managing the stress level is still important but with a few upgrades you will be able to do something worthy to use at least once on the mission.
Use the rollers with thought
In large lines, larger it is Always better when it comes to a mold role. However, sometimes one and two will give identical results. In addition, one two can become a three if you are built for a specific type of event. The opposite is also true, and the larger rollers will decrease if you are in particular poorly suitable for a task. So, Before you start committing your dice, you will want to look at all the options availableAnd you get a stretch of the earth, so to speak.
This can be without saying, but you can improve your basic attributes with skill points. However, it will cost four points of ability a pop just to increase its power to a level.
In addition, you should pay attention to how many points you need to perform a task. If you are at some point in your goal, then a “neutral roll” will probably be sufficient. No need to lose one of the six here. One five will end the job. There is a time component in the game, so you will want to be effective when possible. Using your dice will buy you a little space.
Missions are not always the best means to win cryio
The first mission you will acquire in Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector will give you a Cryo Honking 200. Except … Consider what it will cost to complete it. It costs 15 Crio to purchase a day worth delivering. You will probably need three days of supplies to complete the task. You will also need 10 Cryo in gas. Finally, it will cost you 10 Cryo to purchase the contract. So it will cost you about 65 crying to start the mission. Then, when you fill in it, if you have taken NIA with you, you will be asked to give it a quarter of winnings – so 50 more crios left. In the sense that you made 85 cryo in three days. Meanwhile at the station, You can easy Earn around 40 to 60 Cryo a day making odd jobs.
All this does not mean that you should not take contracts. To begin with, you cannot recruit NIA unless you take the first contract. In addition, some of them offer optional elements, such as stripping of metal residues from a wreck, to help you increase your earnings (although they are always at an additional risk). In addition, some missions pay great. If you are looking to reunite a criso, you know the options. Each station will have a task you can perform to earn money for your special construction. Before jumping between contracts, consider the air costs.
Full units to earn skill points
In the above section, I mentioned that completing a contract may not be the best way to earn fast money. This is true. However, if these contracts are part of a unit, which are often, then the value increases dramatically. The more skill points you get, the more you will be able to manage contractsYou will be able to improve your pressing skills, as well as the general skills of basic skills.
Your units will always be listed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. As you encounter more NPCs, your list of units will increase. If you are ever looking for something to do, this is the place to look at.
Stress management
Another factor in the game is your stress. How to use your stress best will be determined by the difficulty you play. The smaller difficulties have a little more freedom. However, in all the difficulties of playing, one thing is for sure – you never want to play dangerous when you risk damaging your dice. Once the stress meter is about to rise to that point, you will want to show restraint when using the dice.
Note that it is sometimes better not To use certain rolls at all. Time is always a consideration, so there will be times when you may need to play more risky to avoid a goal, but the loss of dice can be devastating, so you will want to avoid this at any price (in particular the middle contract). That being said, you should know that you will recover five stress on returning to the station. So you can often take more stress close to the end of a mission.
As for missions, you will want to make sure you are well rested before one starts. While your hunger does not go to a mission, your stress is doing. So be extremely careful when starting missions when you are compromised by stress.
If you are stressed, well, stress, note that The machine has the best play capacity in the game to cope with stress.
Energy management tips
One of the best little tricks you can use is to allow your hunger to tighten only Before an expedition. If you take a job, Shipping will recover all the stress. Similarly, when you return to a space report after a mission, you will refill your lost energy from the mission itself. You will want to use your energy as a resource. There is no need to refill your energy by consuming all the time: this will be expensive.
Also, look at the other options around the current space space. You will be able to locate less expensive sources of foods that will restore a smaller amount of energy. Seek to keep your hunger until you ship. If you go to missions with full energy bar, then lose resources.
The prices of different foods tend to be approximately equivalent. So, the table that restores two energy bars is usually half of the cost of the table that will restore four.
Failure is a basic component of the game
When you look at Citizen Sleeper 2 from the perspective of being a game, the failures hurt. However, while Citizen Sleeper 2 is a game, it is also a narrative adventure. Expect to fail from time to time. Some missions should du -tte south.
All the above points are still stand, because you certainly do not want to die (if you play with the hardest difficulty, that will end the game), so you should still give you every chance to succeed. But when you hit a swelling in the road and, inevitably, you will take it in step. Failure is a part of experience.

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