The seventh generation of consoles was a big leap forward with many innovations including HD graphics. However, another aspect that remains important to this day is the achievement system. Started by Microsoft with the introduction of the Xbox 360, the achievement system would soon be adopted by PlayStation, Steam, and even Newgrounds.

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Achievements and trophies matter because they give developers the tools to directly tell you how they want you to play your game and what to try for. Both achievements and trophies have been around for many generations of consoles, but which system is more satisfying, challenging, supported, and generally superior?
This will be from a hardcore achievement/trophy hunter perspective, not a casual perspective.
Xbox Achievements
A big negative for PlayStation Trophies is that Sony took too long to implement this feature. The Xbox 360 achievements came right at the system's launch on November 22, 2005, while trophies were only introduced on the PlayStation 3 in July 2008. Almost two years after the PS3's launch, several high-profile games have not received trophies.
Popular titles like 2008's Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't have trophies for years until a trophy patch was finally released in 2012. Legacy matters here, and the fact that Xbox's achievements were groundbreaking and almost two decades old makes the system more prestigious. It may sound ridiculous, but compare it to the value and prestige of world titles in professional wrestling. A world championship that has been around for decades will mean a lot more than a title introduced only five years ago.
PlayStation Trophies
The standout feature of trophies compared to achievements has to be platinum. Completely completing an Xbox game still feels great when you get that 100%, but platinum trophies, especially now, feel better. With the PlayStation 5, Sony updated the platinum trophy so that when you get one, it's a beautiful animation that rises off the ground that feels awesome.
When you're 100% challenging a game like Metal Gear Solid 2 and you get that Big Boss rank, PlayStation Trophies are the more satisfying experience. PlayStation isn't perfect, as there are a murderous number of games that don't have platinum trophies at all, compared to Xbox, which has a full 1000 player score for all titles since the Xbox One launched. However, the PlayStation is superior here.
The achievements and trophies community is quite large, so there are some great third-party resources for your needs. For Xbox, you have TrueAchievements, while PlayStation has PSNProfiles. Both are a must for any hardcore achievement or trophy hunter.

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Forums for almost every game are still active and incredibly helpful with buggy achievements or technical issues like messed up servers. The main gain you will use these websites for is boosting sessions and for the most part they are a good time. Since everyone in the session wants achievements or trophies, people are incredibly helpful most of the time as opposed to selfish, and this is true for both Xbox and PlayStation.
Xbox Achievements
Here's an aspect that people don't usually talk about because it's more of a social element between the two platforms. For PlayStation, the ultimate goal is that platinum trophy. If there are DLC trophies, 100% is more for bragging rights than anything. On Xbox, however, a complete completion means complete completion. In the Xbox Achievement community, you have to get 100 percent, which makes Xbox Achievements much harder than trophies.
Completing games like Grand Theft Auto 5 means a lot more on Xbox because of how ridiculously hard Masterminds is to complete. To boot, PlayStation sometimes gets sick of games like Last of Us Part 2 Remastered, which has DLC trophies that should have all been included in the main roster. Why make platinum trophies easier to get like this when they should be for dedicated fans?
PlayStation Trophies
One huge negative about Xbox's achievements has to be the lack of updates. Look at PlayStation; each console generation has a different trophy system. The PS3 was very basic, but the PS4 stepped up with screenshots by default, and the PS5 stepped up even more with that fancy platinum animation and a trophy win video.

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Xbox, on the other hand, has nothing new since that rare achievement animation from the late 2010s. Background rewards are supported, but only a few games use them, such as Clock Tower: Rewind. The return of 0 player score achievements for something like getting Master Prestige in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, earning a wallpaper or a bunch of reward points would be great to see.
PlayStation Trophies
Another big advantage of the PlayStation is the leveling system. With no external resources, this leveling system accurately tells the PlayStation community how good you are on the trophy totem pole. Gamerscore on Xbox should be the leveling system itself.
However, the problem is that you can't accurately judge someone's skills because they might use a lot of kids games to get their gamer score down. You should use resources like TrueAchievements, which has its own TrueAchievement score, for more accurate metrics. On PlayStation, everything is native.
PlayStation Trophies
When you consider all factors, PlayStation trophies come out on top. It may seem like trophies are the be all and end all, but for everyone out there, it's a lot of different things to different people when it comes to your system. favorite. If you enjoy playing older games and are more of a die-hard hardcore gamer, the achievements of Xbox and its community will probably be more to your liking.
For everyone else, trophies provide a better experience with their visual presentation, leveling system, support from Sony, and even other factors like how quickly trophies spawn. On Xbox, achievements take a while to appear, but on PlayStation, they're almost instant. Both are great in their own right and still far better than Steam achievements which are basically worthless.
4:42 a.m

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Don't say you have any of these. We won't believe you.