Battlefield stealing approach call of duty 2025 can be a good move

The battlefield It was once Call of dutyHis biggest rival, but lately, the series published by her has failed to keep up with her competitors from the Shooter market to the first person. The most recent two The battlefield games, The battlefield 5 and The battlefield 2042 were disappointing both critically and commercially; 2042The disastrous launch of the series in particular stained the name of the series. Although these two The battlefield The trenches have improved a lot since they arrived for the first time, the series as a whole is still far from the bus that was once.

Currently she puts her hopes on the next main line The battlefield Tranche in trying to change things for problems with problems. The new game, which is driven by the long -term developer of Dice series and Star Wars: Battlefront 2 The creator studio reasons, has not yet been revealed, but the directors have recognized his existence several times. Ea CEO, Andrew Wilson, said in 2023, for example, that the game still without title would be a “reimage” of the game. The battlefield series. What this “reimaging” entails has not yet been officially disclosed, but if this new approach is similar to the one that Activision adopts with the next Call of duty Game, then the result can be promising.



Former developer Dice says that Battlefield fans should “temper the expectations”

A former Dice developer warns the fans to “temper their expectations” for the future Battlefield title, as it will differ from previous entries.

The Battlefield franchise should be inspired by the rumors of approach of the call of duty a activision

It seems that Call of Duty 2025 will be a continuation of the code: Black Ops 2

The Call of duty The franchise has received new annual rates since 2005, and this year it will probably not be different. According to a report from Insider Gaming, 2025's Call of duty The game will be a continuation of the 2012 Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 established in the near future. The game, which is supposed to have the “Saturn” code name, will contain a combination of new multiplayer maps and remsterized maps from Black Ops 2. It also seems to include zombi-based zombies, Gunfight Game mode and the return of the classic Pick 10 “Create-A-Class” system last time in Code: Black Ops 4.

If the rumors are true, the supposed decision of Activision to continue Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 with a continuation of Black Ops 2 It's a smart idea. Black Ops 2 is undoubtedly one of the most beloved games in Code The franchise, so it makes sense that Activision wants to capitalize on its popularity. In addition, since there was no futurist Call of duty game in a long time, a Black Ops 2 The pursuit could be an invigorating rhythm change compared to the recent entries of the franchise, most of which have been established in the past or at present.

After she launches the next Battlefield game, she should make a continuation of Battlefield 3

Given how long the series is struggling, it may be best for The battlefield from which to inspire you Call of duty. Instead of deciding between review The battlefield The formula and appealing to nostalgia in the next installment of the franchise, it has the opportunity to take the cake and eat it as well. As if Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 added omnimovement and other features worth noting, the next The battlefield The game should have a certain point of sale, whether it is real -time destruction, larger media or even Battle Royale modes.

In addition to a new, more inventive The battlefield Game, it could consider a direct continuation of one of the previous games in the series, such as acclaimed by critics. The battlefield 3. Instead of trying to shake things with this hypothetical continuation, it could remain simple and use what worked in the previous entrances. A The battlefield 3 Continuation with new and old multiplayer maps, fighter jets and other favorite fan features could be sold as cakes if treated correctly.

Battlefield Franchise

The battlefield

The Battlefield franchise from it is a series of shooting games in the first person. The games were placed mainly nowadays, although there have been titles established in the First World War, in World War II and in the near future.

The Battlefield franchise is often compared to Call of Duty, both franchises offering single-player and online multiplayer campaigns.

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