Beginner mistakes to avoid in Foxhole


  • Don't bring too many supplies to the front to avoid wasting resources and giving them to the enemy.
  • Watch out for AI pills as they can slow players down and be deadly.
  • Be aware of bleeding, wear a bandage and pay attention to the blood drop icon.

Foxhole is an MMO loosely based on World War II and sees players fight on two sides in persistent wars that can last more than a month. With so many options and huge aspects of the game to learn, it can feel a bit daunting for new players, who may also be worried about annoying their more experienced allies and making the war effort difficult.


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Fortunately, 99% of the community is super nice and many players are happy to help new players when asked. Mistakes will happen, though, and players can expect to die often or have their plans fall apart. That's part of the game and makes the moments of victory even sweeter. There are some rookie mistakes in Foxhole that players can avoid early on and being aware of them will help players spot the difference sooner.

5 Don't carry a lot of supplies and ammo up front

Each piece of equipment is crafted by allies with resources and carried forward

Foxhole Medical Uniform and Supplies

When players first start playing Foxholethey will probably go to the front line and fight as regular infantry soldiers. One mistake to avoid, however, is taking too much gear, such as ammo. A rifle loaded with an extra clip or two is normally sufficient.

The reason for this is that every weapon, ammo clip, and every other piece of equipment was painstakingly crafted by other players who were hard at work behind the map using their harvested resources. A logistic driver will also deliver the equipment. Not only would it be a waste to die with a full inventory of gear, but there's a chance the enemy will take it and use it to further their war effort. If players run out of ammo up front, either steal or return to base for more.

4 Watch out for AI pillboxes

These enemy structures will shoot the players

Anti-Tank Pillbox icon from Foxhole

Pill boxes in Foxhole they are player-made structures, but usually run by AI. There are three types of pillbox, rifle, machine gun and anti-tank. Players can tell if they are friend or foe by their flags, blue for Wardens and green for Colonials. If the flag is small, then the AI ​​is not active, but if it is large, players must stay away.


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It's easy to be unaware of these locations or ignore them if they're not currently firing, but usually after going into range and taking a single shot, players will be slowed to such a degree that they can't disengage. Fortunately, the anti-tank pillbox will only fire at vehicles, and the machine gun pillbox has a restricted field of view. They can be destroyed by tanks, artillery and other explosives such as grenades.

3 Without realizing you're bleeding

Take a bandage with you. and watch out for the Blood icon

Foxhole Medic Revive

Doctors in Foxhole are absolutely essential in the frontline, but even if players don't intend to learn the role, they should still be aware of some basics. For example, players may be injured as indicated by blood on their uniform. They won't die from it and can be healed, but if blood spurts out and there's a blood drop icon in the top left, it means they're bleeding.

Bleeding soldiers will eventually be knocked down upon reaching 0 HP and after a 30 second timer will die unless picked up and later revived by a medic. While players cannot heal themselves, they can stop bleeding and should try to be aware of this. To do this they will need a single bandage equipped with the tertiary slot, then they can press 3 to remove it and hold LMB to stop the bleeding. Then they have time to retreat and find a doctor.

2 Avoid friendly fire

With large weapons or explosives, players can accidentally kill multiple allies at once

Foxhole Artillery

Foxhole is a game that accurately depicts the horrors of war, including the sad reality of friendly fire deaths. Without this feature, teams could bombard a location with artillery and push their own infantry and take it from the enemy far too easily.


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As such, players must be careful of their allies no matter what they do. When using long rifles or machine guns, and especially sniper rifles, allies can walk into the path of a shot without the shooter realizing it. This is something to keep in mind as a shooter and when going in front of teammates. Players should be especially careful at night when visibility is limited, as they may see bullets fired in the dark, but these could be from allies. When working with tanks or artillery, players should be even more careful. Artillery gunners should have a forward spotter to tell them to stop if allies push into range.

1 Do not stand in the way or block doors

Vehicles are more important and roads and doors must be accessed for logistics

Three tanks and two soldiers positioned on a cobblestone street

Foxhole is a game where players must work together to win the war. Part of this means not getting in the way or letting things get in the way. A prime example is the roads. Supply trucks or tanks heading to the front are far more important than a random foot soldier. If players AFK or walk in the road, these vehicles have the right of way and have the right to run over any infantry in the road.

The same goes for vehicles left in the lane, especially unlocked vehicles that cannot be moved. Also, when equipping items to a base or going AFK for the time being, don't block the base doors. Soldiers have to get to the front line or to their jobs. In the trenches, infantry should also be aware of roadblocks, especially when under fire or if a soldier needs medical attention.

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Microsoft Windows

August 4, 2016

Siege Camp

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