Best Act 1 Bosses In Path Of Exile 2


  • Act 1 in Path of Exile 2 features 15 bosses of varying difficulty, making for memorable and rewarding fights.
  • Bosses like The Rust King and Lachlann of Endless Lament provide challenging battles with unique mechanics.
  • Count Geonor serves as a tough and visually stunning final boss for Act 1, concluding with a plot-relevant transformation.

During Path of Exile 2‘s early access phase, it’s become clear that this is a challenging game. A lot of this challenge comes from the game’s bosses, who experience a step up in mechanical design from the first game. Path of Exile 2 expects players to be much more on point with dodges and attack timings than its predecessor, but it makes for some exciting and challenging boss fights.


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Act 1 is where new players will learn about the game and how their build works, but that doesn’t mean the game is going to go easy on them with tutorial bosses. There are 15 bosses in Act 1, and they range from minor inconveniences to true challenges that can easily one-shot squishy, early-game characters. This topic ranks all Act 1 bosses by their difficulty, how memorable the fight is, and how good the reward is.


The Bloated Miller

The First Gatekeeper

Path of Exile 2 The Bloated Miller

  • Location: The Riverbank
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Uncut skill gem (quest reward)
  • Optional: No

The Bloated Miller is the first boss players will come across, as he’s guarding the way into the Clearfell Encampment, the game’s first hub settlement. He’s a step above a lot of ARPG tutorial bosses and has some hard-hitting attacks, but his highly telegraphed forward rush and ground slam attacks are mostly designed to teach players the basics of dodging more dangerous boss attacks. That means he’s not too hard to get past, or particularly memorable.


Areagne, The Forgotten Witch

The Forgettable Witch

Path of Exile 2 Areagne the forgotten witch

  • Location: The Grelwood
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Uncut support gem
  • Optional: Yes

This is a forgettable fight that’s easily missed. Areagne, The Forgotten Witch will appear if players enter her abandoned hut in the Grelwood, and then die in seconds to even the most ill-equipped player. Avoid her slow-moving projectiles, and she’s no trouble at all. She does drop an uncut support gem though, which at this early stage will be a welcome drop for any player.


Beira of the Rotten Pack

Ice Witch

Path of Exile 2 Beira of the rotten pack

  • Location: Clearfell
  • Weakness: Fire
  • Resistance: Cold
  • Reward: 10% permanent buff to cold resistance
  • Optional: Yes

Biera of the Rotten Pack stands out only because she inhabits a small, incongruous patch of ice in the middle of an otherwise temperate zone. The fight appears close to the start of the game and is relatively easy if players dodge her ice-based attacks, so she doesn’t do much to stick in players’ minds.

However, this is an optional boss that every player should find as the reward she drops grants a permanent 10% bonus to the players’ cold resistance, which is available again in Cruel difficulty.


The Brambleghast

Forest’s Wrath

Path of Exile 2 the brambleghast

  • Location: The Grelwood
  • Weakness: Fire
  • Resistance: Cold
  • Reward: Uncut skill gem
  • Optional: Yes

The Brambleghast is a visually interesting optional boss that players will likely stumble into by accident. Its arena stands out as a distinctive patch of brambles in the Grelwood map, which practically invites players to investigate.


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Once inside, players are trapped in the small arena by brambles and have to fight this living monstrosity of wood, brambles, and thorns. The boss mixes melee attacks, shooting vines through the ground from range, and slow-moving but damaging projectile attacks. The reward is just a humble skill gem, but it’s an interesting optional fight.


The Devourer

Burrowing Menace

Path of Exile 2 the devourer

  • Location: The Mud Burrow
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Uncut skill gem, uncut support gem (quest reward)
  • Optional: Yes

The Devourer is an optional boss with a side quest attached, so it’s worth pursuing for some extra rewards. The Mud Burrow is an optional location that players don’t need to visit unless they’re going after the boss. Clearing it out and defeating the boss will get players some much-needed early-game experience, as well as a skill gem from the boss and a support gem from the side quest.

The boss itself is quite memorable for an early game boss, able to burrow underground and attack with its protruding head as well as its lower body parts in the latter stage of the fight. Its attacks are easily dodged but hard-hitting, and the boss will try to keep up the pressure on the player by summoning weak but numerous insects.


The Rust King

Keep Your Distance

Path of Exile 2 the rust king

  • Location: The Red Vale
  • Weakness: Lightning
  • Resistance: Fire
  • Reward: Uncut skill gem, quest item
  • Optional: No

The Rust King is a story progression boss that will attack when the player attempts to claim the last rune in the Red Vale. He’s the first boss where players will have to learn to dodge his bigger attacks or risk getting one-shot. Fortunately, all these deadly attacks have easily readable telegraphs if players know how to look for them.

When the boss stands still and raises his hands, he’s about to summon lightning bolts, so players need to back up, and then dodge the strikes. When swords appear above his head, move back and dodge as he fires them, keep moving to avoid the barrage. The last quirk to be aware of is that the boss has a lightning aura that can drain the players’ health and shock if they stay near the boss too long. Arguably the first tough boss, players will definitely remember the Rust King.


Ervig, The Rotten Druid

Spore Druid

Path of Exile 2 the rotten druid

  • Location: The Grim Tangle
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Uncut support gem
  • Optional: Yes

The Rotten Druid is one of the more memorable optional fights in Act 1, as his fungal aesthetic helps explain the presence of the Last of Us-style fungal zombies found in the Grim Tangle. He’s also a challenging fight, perfectly capable of one-shotting lower-health builds with his high-damage boulder throw and ability to pull the player into damaging AoE attacks.

Dodging these attacks, avoiding being pulled into the center of the arena, and avoiding at all costs his barrage of explosive spore projectiles are the keys to surviving in this fight.


Asinia, Praetor Consort

Eternal Consort

Path of exile 2 Asinia eternal consort

  • Location: The Tomb of the Consort
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: Cold
  • Reward: Quest item
  • Optional: No

Asinia, Praetor Consort and Draven, Eternal Praetor are two bosses that are linked both in lore and in gameplay, and it’s this connection between the two that makes these fights memorable. Asinia’s fight starts with her spell-casting power on display with large AoE attacks that the player must avoid. As the fight goes on, Asinia will summon Draven for assistance, and start using some nastier attacks.


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She’ll start trying to trap players in a bone prison so she can drain their full health bar with a barrage of flames. The only way to avoid dying here is to get out of the bone prison, though that’s easier since dodging was patched to allow players through smaller gaps. The fight is visually interesting and moderately difficult, but it’s only one-half of this story beat.


Draven, Eternal Praetor

‘Til Death Do They Part

Path of exile 2 Draven eternal praetor

  • Location: Mausoleum of the Praetor
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: Fire
  • Reward: Uncut skill gem, quest item
  • Optional: No

Slaying Draven, Eternal Praetor makes up the other half of the Sorrow Among Stones quest objective, along with his Consort Asinia. As he is summoned for the Asinia fight, Draven will summon Asinia to assist him when he drops below 66% health. This is the dangerous phase of the fight, as players now have to avoid Draven’s ranged flame attacks and shockwave, deal with Asinia’s ranged attacks, and cope with the fight’s other main mechanic.

Ghouls (green spirits) spawn around the arena throughout the fight, and if Draven absorbs them, he becomes empowered. That’s not all. The player can eliminate the spirits by stepping over them, but if it happens while they’re over a grave, an eternal knight will spawn, creating more enemies to deal with. This mechanic is repeated in the Asinia fight, so it’s worth getting used to moving to eliminate these ghouls with the right timing. Together, these fights make up a memorable story beat.


Candlemass, The Living Rite

Fire Starter

Path of Exile 2 candlemass the living rite

  • Location: Ogham Manor
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: Fire, Cold
  • Reward: Plus 20 to maximum life (permanent buff)
  • Optional: Yes

The optional boss in Ogham Manor, Candlemass is one that players should definitely not skip, whether they’re going through the map for the first time, or again on Cruel difficulty. That’s because this boss’s reward is a permanent bonus to maximum life, a flat plus 20 in regular difficulty, and another bonus of plus 8% in Cruel difficulty.

The boss isn’t too hard to take out, but players need to be aware of his high-damage fire-based attacks. A little fire resistance will go a long way in this fight, so if players can find a ruby ring or gear with a small fire resistance buff in Act 1, this can make a big difference.


The King In The Mists

Optional Permanent Spirit Buff

Path of Exile 2 the king in the mists

  • Location: Freythorn (Cleanse all altars)
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Plus 30 Spirit (permanent buff)
  • Optional: Yes

The King in the Mists appears as an optional boss at the end of Finn’s side quest, triggered by cleansing an altar found in the Hunting Grounds. Finn will ask the player to investigate Freythorn, an optional map that forks off the Hunting Grounds. Finding Freythorn and triggering all the altars there initiates the fight against the King in the Mists.

The two-phase fight is distinctive. The boss mixes melee and ranged attacks with a couple of different curses and stacking vulnerability debuffs. This can make the fight difficult to manage if players miss the mechanic and let these debuffs stack up. The reward is worth it for any player, as it’s one of the few sources for a permanent Spirit increase in the game. This resource is essential for maintaining passive skills.


Lachlann Of Endless Lament

A Tragic Soul

Path of Exile 2 Lachlann of endless lament

  • Location: Cemetery of the Eternals
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Uncut skill gem, quest item
  • Optional: No

Players first meet this story boss as an NPC in the Cemetery of the Eternals. Completing his quest by defeating Draven and his Consort “rewards” players with this much tougher boss fight. This lost soul may have a tragic backstory, but there’s no room for mercy in this boss fight.


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Lachlann’s gigantic boss form has several devastating attacks, and maneuvering around the crypt that makes up the centerpiece of the arena can cause visibility and targeting issues. Fortunately, despite his imposing size and damage, Lachlann is slow and readable enough for players to consistently dodge after a few tries. The fight is memorable both for its lore and as an early skill check.


The Executioner

The Headsman’s Axe

Path of Exile 2 the executioner

  • Location: Ogham Village
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: Fire
  • Reward: Uncut support gem, uncut skill gem (quest reward)
  • Optional: No

The firey arena and his brutal introduction make The Executioner a memorable boss in the burning ruins of Ogham Village. The boss deals high physical damage with his axe and has some powerful fire-based moves that can easily one-shot most early-game builds. Players also have to deal with continually spawning adds, and avoid the edge of the arena, where off-screen adds will rain down fire AoE attacks.

Even though it’s tempting for players to keep their distance, keeping the boss in line of sight is the key in this fight. Watching for the telegraphs for moves like his guillotine and fire AoE slams is the only way to reliably avoid taking huge, often instant-kill, hits. Players will remember The Executioner as one of the toughest story bosses leading up to the chapter’s final boss.


The Crowbell

Crow Plus Bell Equals Crowbell

Path of Exile 2 the crowbell

  • Location: The Hunting Grounds
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: None
  • Reward: Book of specialization (2 passive skill points)​​​​​​​
  • Optional: Yes

The Crowbell ticks all the boxes for a good optional boss fight; it’s visually unique, has interesting phase changes that make use of a large map space, and it’s highly rewarding. The two extra passive skill points gained as a reward for killing the boss make this fight worth pursuing by itself. Chasing the Crowbell across the Hunting Grounds for a tough, physical, final fight makes this a unique and memorable boss encounter.

The player encounters the Crowbell in a random part of the Hunting Grounds map, fighting them briefly before they escape the arena. The player chases them to a smaller second arena where they’ll have to work hard to avoid the boss’s leap slam attacks. Getting the boss low enough here means they’ll grab a large bell, break out of the arena, and flee again. Finding the final arena initiates the final phase of the fight, as the large crow-monstrosity fights the player with the giant bell as a weapon. Crowbell is easily the most memorable optional boss in Act 1.


Count Geonor

Curtain Closer

Path of Exile 2 Geonor second phase

  • Location: Ogham Manor
  • Weakness: None
  • Resistance: Cold
  • Reward: Progress to Act 2
  • Optional: No

As the act’s final boss, Count Geonor does not disappoint. The fight is tough as nails, it’s a visual spectacle, and it even fills in players on the boss’s lore with a nice poem to listen to while they fight. The way the phases of the fight evolve in a plot-relevant way, as Geonor is cursed and abandoned while fighting, leading to his monstrous transformation, makes the fight feel special.

The second phase, with its freezing mists and the monstrous Geonor explaining his history and why he fell to darkness in the form of a poem, makes for one of the most unique boss fights in an ARPG. Of course, the second phase is also tough, with the player having to avoid multiple devastating ice-based attacks. Visually and mechanically, Geonor fully deserves his place as the Act 1 curtain-closer.

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Early Access Release

December 6, 2024

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