Best beginner notes in Tales Of Graces F Remastered

Stories about the Graces it was first released for the Wii in 2009, but only for Japan. North America won't be able to play until the HD version, Tales of Graces fcame out for the PS3 in 2012. It's been a bit lost in time since then, but now it's back with another update, Tales of Graces f Remastered.


List of Tales of Series games

With Tales of Arise set to release later this year, fans are looking to revisit older Tales titles, but not all of them have caught on.

One of the coolest things in Tales of Graces f Remastered is the Note Store. At the start of the game, players can decide to apply settings similar to their adventure through Notes, such as speeding up movement or reducing store prices. What grades should beginners apply? Here's a breakdown of the best.


5X experience

Level up faster

5x Experience Score in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Grinding for EXP to level up can be one of the factors that keep more people from jumping into RPGs. Some games make leveling up a repetitive chore, depending on how hard the difficulty level is. 5X Experience is a rank that players can purchase Tales of Graces f Remastered which will increase EXP gained in battle by a value of five.

There are smaller versions as well, and even a way to halve the amount of EXP gained if players want more of a challenge. Players may also want to consider Max HP +1000, which can give them a greater advantage in defensive combat.


Chain Capacity +2

Use multiple moves in battle

Chain ability +2 note in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Chain Capacity +2 does not increase the number of combos players can perform with party members, although there is a chaining system for attacks in Tales of Graces f Remastered. Instead, Capacity refers to a number based on the different sizes of the hero. Every action they take will tick that number to zero.


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When it reaches zero, a hero will be vulnerable because they won't be able to attack or defend as effectively. It's like the cooling system at the beginning Hand games, so the more Capacity players have Tales of Graces f Remasteredthe more actions they can take without needing to rest.


Double damage

A double-edged sword

Double damage rate in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Double Damage is one of the few Notes in the game that hurts the player, as it will double the damage taken by heroes, but the enemies will be even stronger. There is a version that players can purchase that will increase damage by five, like the EXP rank.

Although it is technically better, it can be too difficult for beginners to balance. That's why Double Damage is recommended first, and if even that becomes too much of a burden, players can always disable it. The most important thing in an action RPG is for players to learn the combat system and get comfortable with it before all other distractions.


Double gald

Make sure you always get the best gear

Double Gald Grade in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Double Gald should be self-explanatory since Gald is the currency of this RPG. Gald can buy gear and items, and sometimes getting the right amount in an RPG is just as time consuming as grinding for EXP. That's why Double Gald is handy to reduce grind for money.

Players may also want to invest in the rank called Halved Shop Prices, which will lower prices. With these two classes combined in Tales of Graces f Remasteredplayers can always get the best stuff without worrying about the next level of Gald investment.


Double item drops

Keep item costs low

The dual element drops a notch in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Double item drops will also help with Gald spending as it will allow players to get twice as much loot from enemies. Usually enemies will only drop fusion based recipe materials or healing items like apple gels. It's not that exciting, but it's a practical touch since players won't have to worry about buying light things like healing items.

Players should also get Expand Inventory, which will increase the amount players can carry of a single item. As a metaphorical example, Tales of Graces f Remastered might normally allow players to carry ten Apple Gels, but Expand Inventory could double or even triple that amount.


Triple SP

Expand your skills

Triple SP grade in Tales of Graces f Remastered

There are two major ways to level up Tales of Graces f Remastered. There is the traditional method of raising literal levels, such as going from one to two and beyond. Leveling up this way will increase stats like HP and attack power.


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Then there are SP that can unlock in-game titles. The titles are on a grid-like system, a bit like the Undergraduate Board at Final Fantasy 12 but on a much smaller scale. Triple SP is a rank that can help unlock titles faster to get new stat boosts or abilities for heroes.


Update the Eleth mixer

Make articles like a pro

Eleth Mixer Grade Upgrade in Tales of Graces f Remastered

The Eleth mixer is both an alchemy-like pot that appears in other RPGs along with a cooking system. Players can place ingredients inside and there is an opportunity to get something as a result or automatically apply items to a character. Updating the Eleth Mixer will help produce better items or at least increase your chances of getting better stuff.

Maximum Eleth +500 is another good grade to tag, as it improves capacity, meaning players can throw more things into the Eleth mixer at once. Players may have a hard time distinguishing between the Eleth Mixer and the Dualize merchant in the early hours of the Tales of Graces f Remastered as both setups are similar but given the time they should all fit.

Tales of Graces f Remastered Tag Page Cover Art

Action RPG




January 17, 2025



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