Best Colossal Weapons In Elden Ring

Colossal Weapons have always been a staple of Souls games. Elden Ring is no exception and, with its towering enemies and oversized uppity demigods, some of these ultra-weapons are almost necessary to keep these Elden gods’ egos in check. Wielding these colossal weapons, however, is no simple or easy feat.


Elden Ring: The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

Despite how good Elden Ring is, the game still needs a few more fixes to become the best version of itself.

For one, they’re the slowest weapons in Elden Ring. Their payoff is also back-loaded, assuming the blow does connect. That’s why many Tarnished have laid their ambitions to rest and just opted for bleed katanas or overpowered magic and Sorceries. Those who have stuck with colossal weapons and gritted through their fights deserve not just applause, but also the best, such as those following big boy bonkers.

Updated January 22, 2025 by Erik Petrovich: In Elden Ring, Colossal Weapons come in a variety of forms, from axes to swords to hammers and everything in between. Because of this variety, there’s a lot of disparity in the requirements to equip these best Colossal weapons, and they may be useful or outright unusable depending on your build. This list of the best Elden Ring Colossal Weapons has been updated to include full base stat tables for each of these Colossal Weapons. Elden Ring players can reference these stats to quickly understand whether each Colossal Weapon in Elden Ring is worth hunting down for your build. Additionally, each entry has been updated with more detailed location information to help you find each of these best Colossal Weapons in Elden Ring faster.


Troll’s Golden Sword

Used To Be Wielded By Lesser Giants

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 30

Dex: 29

Str: D

Dex: D

Physical: 155

Smithing Stones

Troll’s Roar

The Troll’s Golden Sword
possesses the best Skill for removing a large crowd of enemies in one single hit. The Troll’s Roar allows players to unleash a powerful roar, pushing back everyone nearby, and can be paired up with a follow-up attack.

Other than the mentioned Skill, leveling up the Troll’s Golden Sword will only increase the Strength from D to an acceptable C. However, thanks to the continuous patch updates from Elden Ring, Troll’s Golden Sword rolling/crouching attacks and the Troll’s Roar Skill attack have increased.

How To Get The Troll’s Golden Sword

To get the Troll’s Golden Sword, Elden Ring players must look for a Carriage to the east of the Lux Ruins in the Altus Plateau.


Watchdog’s Greatsword

Easily Stagger Enemies

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 30

Dex: 10

Str: C

Dex: E

Physical: 142

Smithing Stones

Stamp (Upward Cut)

Unlike most weapons, where players can obtain them via exploring a hidden area or defeating a boss in Elden Ring, the Watchdog’s Greatsword needs to be farmed by defeating the Lesser Watchdog enemies in the snowy region.

Wielding the colossal weapon rewards players with a common Skill that’s great for staggering enemies, especially those on the larger side. As for scaling, upgrading the Watchdog’s Greatsword
won’t change the Dexterity scaling but will transform the Strength’s C into a decent B at +3.

How To Get The Watchdog’s Greatsword

To get the Watchdog’s Greatsword, Elden Ring players must defeat the Watchdog enemies in the Giant’s Mountaintop Catacombs and the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave.


Troll Knight’s Sword

Unleash An Intense Roar

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 20

Dex: 14

Int: 18

Str: D

Dex: D

Int: D

Physical: 124

Magic: 80

Smithing Stones

Troll’s Roar

The Troll Knight’s Sword
is eerily similar to the Troll’s Golden Sword in Edlen Ring. Both possess the same Skill, Troll’s Roar, and both scale with Strength and Dexterity. However, there are some noticeable differences, like how the Troll Knight’s Sword requires an additional stat, which is Intelligence, and the fact that both Strength and Dexterity become C.

Tarnished need to have the minimum requirement of 20 Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 18 Intelligence to be able to wield the Troll Knight’s Sword. By leveling up the required stats and upgrading the weapon using Somber Smithing Stones in Elden Ring, players will certainly enjoy wielding the Troll Knight’s Sword.

How To Get The Troll Knight’s Sword

To get the Troll Knight’s Sword, Elden Ring players must defeat the Troll Knight near the end of Caria Manor, in the northwestern area of Liurnia of the Lakes.


Staff Of The Avatar

Ground Slam Enemies

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 38

Dex: 8

Faith: 24

Str: C

Dex: E

Faith: D

Physical: 113

Smithing Stones

Erdtree Slam

Other than the fact that Staff of the Avatar
will deal heavy damage upon making contact with the target, its unique Skill will surely clear any horde of enemies. The Erdtree Slam is arguably one of the best ground slams in Elden Ring, as it allows players to jump high in the air and crash down heavily on the ground, releasing golden shockwaves that deal holy damage.

Although the Staff of the Avatar can easily help players navigate through bosses and enemies alike with ease, its ground slam becomes quite useless towards the end-game, since most bosses are particularly immune to holy damage. Therefore, Tarnished will have to rely on the staff’s physical damage and hope for the best.

How To Get The Staff Of The Avatar

To get the Staff Of The Avatar, Elden Ring players must defeat the Erdtree Avatar in the Deeproot Depths.


Gazing Finger

Fight With The Head of Metyr, Mother Of Fingers

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 20

Dex: 8

INT: 20


Str: C

Dex: D

Faith: E

Physical: 133

Magic: 86

Smithing Stones

Kowtower’s Resentment

Although there is a 20 Intelligence requirement, the Gazing Finger
will scale with only Strength (20), Dexterity (8), and Faith (14) upon leveling up. The initial scaling of INT stays D, while Strength and Faith become B and E respectively. The stats are not impossible to achieve, meaning everyone can wield the Gazing Finger if desired.



Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree – Metyr, Mother of Fingers Boss Fight

We came face to face (or finger?) with Metyr – here’s how it went.

Upon completing the Cathedral of Manus quest in Elden Ring SOTE, players must head to the final ruins and fight Metyr, Mother of Fingers to get the Remembrance. The Skill equipped with the colossal weapon, Kowtower’s Resentment, allows the user to charge the weapon and bow down to smash it to the ground, causing decent damage, and lifting it sends a shockwave towards unsuspecting enemies.

How To Get The Gazing Finger

To get the Gazing Finger, Elden Ring players must trade for it with Enia after getting the Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers from Metyr.


Envoy’s Greathorn

Terrify Enemies With Bubbles

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 28

Dex: 12

Faith: 24

Str: D


Faith: E

Physical: 121

Smithing Stones

Great Oracular Bubble

The Envoy’s Greathorn
is definitely one of the rarest weapons players will come across in Elden Ring. At 100 Discovery, the chance of getting the weapon from the Giant Oracle Envoy is only 2%. It possesses a unique Skill, the Great Oracular Bubble, which sends one giant bubble toward the enemy upon blowing into the Greathorn. Blowing the bubble toward an unsuspecting group of enemies will also take out most of them, since the bubble explodes upon contact. Moreover, the bubble will deal holy damage that can be increased by wearing the Envoy Crown.

It’s not a secret that defeating enemies and killing bosses with bubbles is a fun and unique build to play in Elden Ring. However, while the Envoy’s Greathorn does good damage, upgrading the weapon won’t increase the stats scaling by much, which means it will always deal somewhat decent damage.

How To Get The Envoy’s Greathorn

To get the Envoy’s Greathorn, Elden Ring players must defeat the Giant Oracle Envoy enemies in Miquella’s Haligtree (the largest of the Oracle Envoy-type enemies).


Axe Of Godfrey

The First Elden Lord’s Weapon

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 42

Dex: 14

Str: D

Dex: D

Physical: 165

Somber Smithing Stones

Regal Roar

Defeating Godfrey, First Elden Lord, players will be able to wield his weapon, the Axe of Godfrey. Although the colossal weapon primarily scales with Strength and Dexterity, the latter doesn’t improve upon leveling up the Axe.

The Axe of Godfrey
has a unique Skill called Regal Roar that boosts Tarnished’s overall damage and sends a huge shockwave that cannot be guarded. The Skill is very useful against a group of enemies but may cause hindrance against single targets, making it a bad choice for PvP. That’s because the war cry leaves players vulnerable, and any attack will cancel the move. Additionally, the Axe doesn’t have much range like other colossal weapons in Elden Ring since it’s required to be up and personal with the enemy to cause decent damage.

How To Get The Axe Of Godfrey

To get the Axe Of Godfrey, Elden Ring players must trade for it with Enia upon receiving the Remembrance of Hoarah Loux by defeating Godfrey



Crush Anyone In Your Path

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 60

Str: C

Physical: 155

Smithing Stones


actually deals more damage at maximum upgrades and the same prefix when compared to the popular Greatsword. It’s just that it has a worse range and looks like a cinderblock attached to a pipe. However, if the damage is all that matters to a Strength-based build, then this excels better.

Now that the colossal weapon swing speed and recovery time are reduced, the Giant-Crusher is even more powerful. It was already good before the 1.04 patch, but now it’s a lot better. Paired with Ashes of War such as Lion’s Claw or Royal Knights Resolve, this will flatten any enemy into a pancake.

How To Get The Giant-Crusher

To get the Giant-Crusher, Elden Ring players must look for a chest just to the south of the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace in the Altus Plateau.


Fallingstar Beast Jaw

Stun Enemies With An Electrified Horn

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 34


INT: 20

Str: D

Dex: D


Physical: 131

Magic: 85

Somber Smithing Stones

Gravity Bolt

Locking horns with the Fallingstar Beast in Mt. Gelmir is one of the toughest challenges in Elden Ring in the game, but the reward is well worth it. That’s because the Fallingstar Beast Jaw
might as well be a cheese tactic thanks to its weapon skill.


Elden Ring: Every Legacy Dungeon, Ranked

The Legacy Dungeons in Elden Ring are well-designed challenges players can take on to prove their characters worth.

The weapon skill unleashes a gravity lightning bolt down a target, and it will stagger them, eventually poise-breaking them. This weapon skill can be spammed repeatedly and from a safe distance. Players can thus use it to deal with bosses that are easily stun-locked, such as a certain Blade of Miquella that has never known defeat.

How To Get The Fallingstar Beast Jaw

To get the Fallingstar Beast Jaw, Elden Ring players must defeat the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast at the top of Mt. Gelmir


Royal Greatsword

Obtained At The End Of Ranni’s Quest

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 26

Dex: 18

INT: 22

Str: D

Dex: E


Physical: 112

Magic: 134

Somber Smithing Stones

Wolf’s Assault

Before update 1.04, the Royal Greatsword
was just a slower and generally worse version of the Darkmoon Greatsword. The scalings are also odd for a colossal weapon and a lot of people didn’t know what to do with it or just didn’t like it.

Now, thanks to the increased damage and decreased recovery time for colossal weapons, the Royal Greatsword is more than viable. The weapon skill’s damage has also been significantly improved and can deal massive damage while causing Frostbite. Players can also expect to see it more often in PvP.

How To Get The Royal Greatsword

To get the Royal Greatsword, Elden Ring players must defeat Blaidd at the end of his questline.


Grafted Blade Greatsword

A Legendary Armament That Could Reference GoT

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 40

Dex: 14

Str: C

Dex: E

Physical: 162

Somber Smithing Stones

Oath of Vengeance

The Grafted Blade Greatsword
was just an embarrassing pile of swords glued together to resemble the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. But thanks to update 1.04, it’s now a weapon worthy of its appearance. The damage has gone stellar on this weapon.


Elden Ring: 8 Underrated Sorceries

With all the Sorceries available in Elden Ring, some great ones get overlooked. Consider adding these spells to the Tarnished’s repertoire.

It now hits about as hard as the Guts Greatsword with jump attacks that go as high as 1,200 points of damage. With the reduction in swing and recovery speed, it’s also now fun to use as the safety risks are lower. The weapon skill is also pretty much a mini version of Godrick’s Great Rune
, which is always useful.

How To Get The Grafted Blade Greatsword

To get the Grafted Blade Greatsword, Elden Ring players must defeat the Leonine Misbegotten boss at the end of Castle Morne in the southeastern Weeping Peninsula.



A Classic Choice

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 19

Dex: 11

Str: D

Dex: D

Physical: 141

Smithing Stones

Stamp (Upward Cut)

Souls veterans might as well call this one ol’ reliable by now, since it has carried many of them through several games. The Zweihander
is back, and it’s as mean as ever, complete with wide, sweeping arcs for its normal attacks and tremendous overhead swings.

The weapon’s length helps a lot in keeping a safe distance, while its original weapon, art or Ashes of War allows players to poise through damage for an all-or-nothing attack. The scaling also helps a lot of players to keep secondary weapons on hand since this weapon favors Quality builds.

How To Get The Zweihander

To get the Zweihander, Elden Ring players must purchase it from the Isolated Merchant on the western beach of the Weeping Peninsula



A Berserk-Inspired Weapon

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 31

Dex: 12

Str: C

Dex: E

Physical: 164

Smithing Stones

Stampo (Upward Cut)

Then again, some players might prefer the slow and raging testosterone associated with a pure Strength weapon such as the Greatsword
. Despite the name, it falls in the Colossal Weapon class. It’s also a homage to Guts’ Dragonslayer weapon from Berserk.


15 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Elden Ring

Elden Ring has many secret quests that stray from the main path. Here are the best side quests hidden in the game.

Like its primary inspiration, the Greatsword looks more like a raw heaping hunk of iron. Oh, it cleaves enemies, for sure, but due to its size, it can also act as a shield, since it blocks more than half of the enemies’ physical damage and half of everything else.

How To Get The Greatsword

To get the Greatsword, Elden Ring players must look for a chest in the back of a ruined carriage within the transition area to Caelid from northeastern Limgrave/Stormhill, which is surrounded by Giant Dog enemies.


Ruins Greatsword

Requires A Whopping 50 Strength

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 50

Int: 16

Str: B

Int: E

Physical: 124

Magic: 37

Somber Smithing Stones

Wave of Destruction

The Ruins Greatsword
is actually just a piece of rubble that fell from the sky but some awesome chad of a blacksmith thought to turn it into a weapon since it was hit by a meteorite. It somehow harnessed the said meteorite’s power. That’s well-reflected in the weapon’s Ashes of War.

Apart from physical damage, it also unleashes magical gravity attacks and these are included for free with every heavy or charged attack. Meanwhile, the weapon’s skill lets its wielder unleash a heap of otherworldly pain in a single direction and around them, making the weapon still viable against ranged enemies.

How To Get The Ruins Greatsword

To get the Ruins Greatsword, Elden Ring players must complete the Misbegotten Warrior & Crucible Knight duo boss fight in Redmane Castle Plaza, Caelid (before beginning the Radahn Festival).


Devonia’s Hammer

One Of The Many Crucible Knights’ Weapons

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 30

Dex: 13

Faith: 19

Str: C

Dex: E

Faith: D

Physical: 147

Holy: 44

Somber Smithing Stones

Devonia’s Vortex

Devonia’s Hammer calls for 30 Strength, 13 Dexterity, and 19 Faith. Upon using the unique skill, Devonia’s Vortex, players will hold the hammer above their head and spin it quickly before bringing it down in a powerful attack.

The weapon requires Somber Smithing Stone to level up, and upon reaching the final upgrade, all the initial scaling changes. Strength becomes a decent B, while Dexterity and Faith become D and C, respectively.

How To Get Devonia’s Hammer

To get Devonia’s Hammer, Elden Ring players must defeat Devonia herself in a secret area of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh that can only be accessed via a portal in the Scadu Altus region.


Prelate’s Inferno Crozier

Smash Enemies To The Ground

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 45

Dex: 8

Str: C

Dex: E

Physical: 156

Somber Smithing Stones

Prelate’s Charge

Want to consistently flip human-sized enemies like pancakes? Then the Prelate’s Inferno Crozier
is the best weapon for that joyous endeavor. It’s a huge hammer that resembles Executioner Smough’s weapon in Dark Souls. The difference is that this one has fire included in the weapon skill.


15 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In Elden Ring

There are all kinds of great things players can do in Elden Ring. Some of them, however, aren’t always immediately obvious.

The skill, or Ashes of War, is a charge attack that turns the whole hammer into a train, burning everything in its path until it reaches a target. Anyone that gets hit will be flipped and burned, turning them into a full meal to be chewed by the hammer’s wielder.

How To Get The Prelate’s Inferno Crozier

To get the Prelate’s Inferno Crozier, Elden Ring players must defeat the Fire Prelate that wields it near the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace below Mt. Gelmir.


Shadow Sunflower Blossom

Headbutt Enemies To The Ground With An Oversize Flower

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 24

Dex: 8

Faith: 25

Str: D

Dex: E

Faith: D

Physical: 144

Holy: 144

Smithing Stones

Shadow Sunflower Headbutt

Head to the deepest parts of the Church District in the Shadow Keep to find the Scadutree Base. There, you need to defeat the Scadutree Avatar
to get the Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower
. Now, Tarnished can start using the Shadow Sunflower Blossom Colossal Weapon if they meet the requirements; 24 Strength, 8 Dexterity, 25 Faith.

When players use the special skill, Shadow Sunflower Headbutt, the Shadow Sunflower Blossom
is raised up and then slammed to the ground, creating a shockwave as well as dealing massive damage. The weapon primarily scales with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith. Upgrading it fully will transform the Faith scaling from a D to a B.

How To Get The Shadow Sunflower Blossom

To get the Shadow Sunflower Blossom, Elden Ring players must trade for it with Enia after receiving the Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower from the Scadutree Avatar.


Ghiza’s Wheel

The Infamous Pizza Cutter

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 28

Dex: 18

Str: D

Dex: D

Physical: 156, builds Bleed

Somber Smithing Stones

Spinning Wheel

Straight out of Bloodborne is a colossal weapon that comes with one of Elden Ring‘s most devastating damage conditions: Bleed or Hemorrhage. Ghiza’s Wheel
is practically a giant buzz saw blade attached to a pole; it can also otherwise be referred to as a pizza slicer, except the pizzas are demigods and other players. It’s also the same weapon used by those nightmarish Iron Virgin enemies.

In any case, Ghiza’s Wheel is a notoriously effective bleed weapon, since its weapon skill allows the wielder to peel the flesh of their targets with a continuous spinning of the weapon’s end.

How To Get Ghiza’s Wheel

To get Ghiza’s Wheel, Elden Ring players must defeat the invader Inquisitor Ghiza, in the second floor of the main lobby for the Volcano Manor. Head up the stairs from Tanith’s room to trigger the invasion.


Godslayer’s Greatsword

The Fastest Colossal Weapon

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 20

Dex: 22

Faith: 20

Str: D

Dex: D

Faith: D

Physical: 119

Fire: 77

Somber Smithing Stones

The Queen’s Black Flame

Despite the Colossal Weapon tag, the Godslayer Greatsword apparently has shorter animation delays compared to the other ultra-Greatsword weapons, making it automatically better since it still hits like a truck thanks to the Faith scaling. To that end, it’s also perfect for Paladin builds.


10 Similarities Between Dark Souls And Elden Ring

From the seamless interconnected environments to the multiplayer mechanics, here are some important inspirations Elden Ring is taking from Dark Souls.

It also comes with an astonishing weapon skill called the Queen’s Black Flame, which allows the wielder to unleash some diagonal slashes imbued with black flames that significantly increase the weapon’s range. Any Strength/Dex-based pyromancers will have fun with Godslayer’s Greatsword

How To Get The Godslayer’s Greatsword

To get the Godslayer’s Greatsword, Elden Ring players must loot the chest after beating the Godskin Apostle boss deep beneath the Divine Tower of Caelid.


Maliketh’s Black Blade

Wield The Power Of Destined Death

Stat Requirements


Base Damage

Upgrade Material

Unique Effect or Weapon Skill

Str: 34

Dex: 12

Faith: 20

Str: D

Dex: E

Faith: D

Physical: 127

Holy: 82

Somber mithing Stones

Destined Death

For an even better Strength/Faith weapon, look no further than Maliketh’s Black Blade
which is a lovely reward for defeating Maliketh and trading his soul for this sword at the Roundtable Hold. One thing that gives it so much edge compared to the other colossal weapons is its weapon skill.

The Destined Death skill unleashes a flurry of strikes on an area that has incredible range and an obscene amount of poise damage. Some players even had an easy time with Malenia using this weapon as it allowed them to stun-lock that ridiculously powerful boss.

How To Get Maliketh’s Black Blade

To get Maliketh’s Black Blade, Elden Ring players must give Enia the Remembrance of the Black Blade, which drops after the Maliketh boss fight.

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