- Cell’s iconic villain status is due in part to his incredibly powerful abilities and interesting character arc.
- Cell’s witty and confident verbiage sets him apart as a memorable character in Dragon Ball Z.
- Cell’s best lines in the series showcase his joy in achieving perfection, his intimidating nature, and his thirst for battle.
In Dragon Ball Z, Cell had the difficult task of succeeding Frieza as the main villain of the series. Whether Dr. Gero’s creation reaches the heights of the Emperor is debatable. However, Cell is an iconic villain in his own right. Along with being incredibly powerful and having an interesting arc, what makes the character stand out is his verbiage.

Dragon Ball: Every Main Villain, Ranked By How Close They Almost Won
One of the earliest lessons Goku learns in Dragon Ball is that martial arts isn’t about winning, but there are some fights he can’t afford to lose.
Cell might’ve debuted as a bug-like creature, but his vocabulary has always been great. He’s also incredibly confident and surprisingly witty. So, considering all of these traits, it’s no shock that he got some of the best lines in Dragon Ball Z history.
Updated on December 23, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Cell is one of the most diabolical villains in Dragon Ball history. While the Androids were terrifying enough as is, nothing came close to the immense threat posed by this bio-android that could absorb Android 17 & 18 to unlock more powerful forms that eventually turned him into the strongest warrior on Earth (at the time, of course). From the very moment he was introduced, Cell positioned himself as a sinister being who would stop at nothing to achieve perfection. This can be seen in the best Cell quotes in Dragon Ball that did a great job of establishing this character as the central villain of this arc.
“I Am The Single Greatest Achievement Of My Creator, Dr. Gero.”
Episode 143: His Name Is Cell
- A chilling introduction for this villain
After the Z Warriors see a city where everyone has seemingly disappeared, Cell eventually reveals himself as the bug-like villain who is pretty weak and needs to absorb as much energy as possible to become strong. From the very moment he reveals himself, Cell wasted no time in establishing how he came to be, crediting Dr. Gero for his existence.
While these words may have sounded cocky given how this character resorted to fleeing instead of facing off against Earth’s strongest warriors, it took no time at all for Cell to become powerful enough to stand toe-to-toe with a superpowered Piccolo in battle. This is precisely why this Cell quote has aged like a fine wine, since he could back his words with his actions in no time.
“You Should Consider It An Honor To Be Part Of Me. I Am The Strongest In The Universe.”
Episode 155: Super Vegeta
- Trash-talking Vegeta before getting served
Semi-Perfect Cell was already full of himself, with his stolen DNA enhancing his pride as he talked down to Vegeta. The villain believed that he was powerful enough to take on anyone in combat, no matter how strong they were, only for Vegeta to give him a lesson in humility, as he used his Super Saiyan Second Grade form to wreak havoc.
With his pride overflowing, the villain couldn’t help but highlight the cells that led to his creation, complimenting Vegeta for giving him the edge he needed to be as strong as possible. While he had to eat these words after being schooled by Vegeta, he eventually managed to acquire his Perfect form and get the revenge he desired by beating Vegeta to a pulp.
“By Traveling Back In Time, You Thought You Could Change The Events Of The Future, Didn’t You?”
Episode 164: Ghosts From Tomorrow
- Cementing Trunks’ despair by revealing that his time-traveling shenanigans allowed Cell to come into existence
After his father is defeated, Trunks tries desperately to take out Perfect Cell with his Super Saiyan Third Grade form. However, it was made abundantly clear that the lack of agility in this form meant that Trunks couldn’t make the most of his strength and was handily defeated by Cell. The villain could’ve ended things for Vegeta’s son there and then, but he chose to humiliate him and declared the onset of the Cell Games.
However, the most sinister Perfect Cell quote that came from this interaction was the revelation that Future Trunks’ time-traveling escapades are the sole reason why Cell got the time he needed to evolve and reach this stage. Without the time machine, he wouldn’t have had the time he needed to hatch, thanking a shocked Trunks for sowing the seeds that led to his eventual rise as the main villain of the arc.
“At Last. All That I Have Ever Imagined Is Now Mine. I Have Become What No Other Could Ever Achieve. I Am Perfect.”
Episode 160: Cell Is Complete
- An expression of joy after finally achieving his perfect form
Cell’s hunger to reach his perfect form is what drove him to insane heights over and over again. After realizing that Vegeta outclassed his Semi-Perfect form in every way, it was clear that the bio-android needed to absorb Android 17 to attain a new level of power.

5 Ways Perfect Cell Is Dragon Ball’s Best Villain
A Bio-Android created by Dr. Gero to become the ultimate warrior, Perfect Cell is one of Dragon Ball’s most complex antagonists.
After goading Vegeta by appealing to his ego, Cell was permitted by the Saiyan Prince to reach his perfect form. After finally absorbing Android 17, Cell reached his perfect form and celebrated this achievement by decimating Vegeta.
“If You Value What’s Left Of Your Head I Suggest You Stay Where You Are.”
Episode 162: Trunks Ascends
- A warning to Android 16 who tries to land a sneak attack on Cell
After Vegeta was completely and utterly defeated by Cell, it was clear that there was no equal for this immensely powerful warrior. Instead of attempting a full-frontal assault, Android 16 decided to employ a sneaky route in a desperate attempt to take out this villain.
However, Cell is so powerful that he can sense this sneak attack coming. His chilling warning to Android 16 stops the machine in its tracks, and Trunks is forced to reveal what he believes to be an Ascended Super Saiyan form in a bid to try and take out this powerful villain once and for all.
“I Want You To Bring Me Goku. This Tournament Is Sure To Be A Guaranteed Hit. Everyone Will Be Watching Me. I Just Can’t Wait To See That Look Of Panic And Fear.”
Episode 165: The Cell Games
- Telling Trunks about his desire to participate in a tournament with the fate of Earth in the balance
After achieving his perfect form, Cell leaned heavily into the thirst for battle that his Saiyan cells had invoked in him. Wanting to show off his power to the world, Cell proposed the idea of a tournament where he would fight Goku in an all-out battle for the ages.
He declares his intention to Trunks that he wants to participate in a tournament for the ages, where the main event would be the battle between him and Goku. It’s a bold and chilling declaration that sets the stage for the Cell Games, which is considered by many to be the best Sagas in Dragon Ball Z.
“My Dear Android, When Will You Understand That You Belong To Me?”
Episode 152: Say Goodbye, 17
- When Semi-Perfect Cell is on the verge of absorbing Android 18
Cell’s menacing nature is one of the key reasons he’s among the best villains in all of Dragon Ball. That aspect of his personality comes out when he tries to absorb Android 18.

Dragon Ball: Estimating Vegeta’s Power Level In Every Major Saga
Vegeta has come a long way since he was first introduced. Here’s a rough estimation of how strong he really was in each arc.
Instead of just beating her up, he tries to convince her to join her brother inside the villain’s body. At one point, he even claims that she belongs to him. It’s a very creepy line of dialog that makes the bio-android a scarier and more hateable villain.
“I Was Hoping You’d Stay. Destroying You Would Be A Decent Warm-Up.”
Episode 161: Vegeta Must Pay
- Trash-taking Vegeta before laying on him a beatdown for the ages
When the two first square off, Super Vegeta easily dominates second form Cell. The bio-android can barely land a blow on the powerful Saiyan. However, everything changes when the villain reaches his perfect form.
He goes from being brutalized by Vegeta to claiming that the Saiyan is a mere warm-up for his new body. When he delivers the confident and insulting remark, he hasn’t even used his new power yet. Ironically, that outrageous arrogance comes from the Vegeta cells within his body.
“That’s Quite A Move. I Must Find Out How He Does That.”
Episode 153: Sacrifice
- When Goku shows the Instant Transmission technique to Cell for the first time
The first meeting between Goku and Cell occurs when the former teleports onto the battlefield to get his friends to safety. As the villain has always been excited by the prospect of facing the iconic Saiyan, he wants to fight straight away. Goku has other ideas as he wishes to wait until he’s had his time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which is smart because this is a fight he would’ve lost. So, the protagonist uses instant transmission to get out of there before the battle can begin.
Cell then admires Goku’s teleportation technique. While the villain has praised others before, the sound of amazement in his voice makes this line feel different. It’s a surprisingly light-hearted moment.
“Look! He’s Been Driven Insane By His Own Fear.”
Episode 190: The Horror Won’t End
- Taunting Gohan, who was speaking to his father telepathically at the time
Arguably Gohan’s best-ever fight comes against the bio-android. In the latter stages of said battle, the young Saiyan speaks to his recently deceased father, who’s using King Kai’s powers to communicate. Gohan receives some inspirational words from Goku, which helps him stomach up the courage to unleash one last Kamehameha.
However, nobody else can hear Goku’s side of the conversation, so from their perspective, it looks like Gohan is just talking to himself. Cell humorously claims that Gohan has lost his mind because he’s so scared of the villain.
“I Love The Nameks. An Amazing Race.”
Episode 151: Silent Warrior
- Praising Piccolo’s power that allowed him to regenerate his tail
Cell is such a powerful warrior because he was given the abilities of various other fighters. For instance, after his tail is ripped off by Android 16, his Piccolo cells come in handy as he’s able to re-grow the body part almost immediately.

Dragon Ball: The 10 Most Powerful Namekians, Ranked According To Strength
Throughout the Dragon Ball series, Namekians proved to be a powerful race of beings. But which ones were the strongest in terms of sheer strength?
Of course, this ability isn’t a Piccolo-only thing as seemingly every Namekian can do it. And Cell gives the people of Namek some credit after his tail comes back. It seems like a wholesome piece of dialog, but there’s a good chance that his declaration of love isn’t 100 percent genuine.
“You Are As Headstrong As Vegeta, But Soon You’ll Be Wishing Your Head Was Stronger When I’m Crushing It.”
Episode 163: Saving Throw
- When Perfect Cell shows just how powerful he is to Trunks
After Perfect Cell downs Vegeta, Trunks tries his hand at taking down the villain. Partway through the skirmish, the bio-android says that the father and son duo share some similarities. The main comparison he makes is that the two Saiyans are both headstrong.
It’s a reasonable assessment to make, even though Trunks doesn’t mess up as much as his father does. Yet, the greatness of the line comes right afterward when Cell smoothly transitions from familial comparisons to threats. It’s a clever line from the witty warrior.
“That Was Almost Too Easy. Then Again, It Always Is.”
Episode 181: Faith In A Boy
- After believing that his attacks had taken out a pacifist Gohan
In the early part of the iconic Cell and Gohan battle, the Saiyan is a little outmatched. He hasn’t yet tapped into his true power, so the villain puts a beating on the young boy. The ever-confident Cell even believes he’s killed Gohan at one point after firing him into some mountains.
The bio-android comments on how easy the fight was and how it’s always that simple. Of course, he ends up being wrong, and Gohan later reemerges. Still, the outright arrogance of the line makes it a good one.
“Your Resistance Is The Cause Of Your Pain.”
Episode 151: Silent Warrior
- After beating Android 17 into submission
Absorbing Android 17 and 18 proves to be a difficult task for the bio-android as neither accepts their fate easily. In 17’s case, Cell has to fight his fellow Dr. Gero creation first. It’s not among the best Android battles in the anime because it’s very one-sided. Cell ruthlessly pummels 17, hoping to beat him into submission.

Dragon Ball: 30 Strongest Transformations, Ranked
Several characters transform in the Dragon Ball series but these ones stand out among the rest.
He also talks a lot while he’s doing it, with his best line being “Your resistance is the cause of your pain.” The quote is brilliant because it’s both accurate and beautifully delivered.
“You Said You’d Show Me True Saiyan Power, But All That You’ve Done Is Pump Up Your Little Muscles.”
Episode 165: The Cell Games
- After Trunks reveals an imperfect Saiyan form that trades speed for power
Trunks gets credit for being one of the first Super Saiyans to appear in the show, but he’s also credited for using one of the worst Saiyan forms ever. In his fight with Cell, he bulks up his frame to look like the most impressive bodybuilder of all time.
While the transformation heavily increases the Saiyan’s power, it also makes him super slow. Of course, the villain manages to take advantage of the boy’s weakness. However, his criticism of the form might be even more painful than the beating Cell delivers.
“I Don’t Understand Why Creatures So Defective Are Ever Allowed To Live. Oh Well. It Will Soon Be Corrected.”
Episode 144: Piccolo’s Folly
- An inner monologue that berates Trunks
The Cell featured prominently in the show comes from a timeline where he killed Trunks. So, when the two cross paths in the main time, the villain reminds the viewers of their alternate history with his inner dialog.
He then gives his brutal assessment of the Saiyan, claiming that “defective” creatures like him shouldn’t be allowed to live. It’s a creative burn that turns sinister when the bio-android adds that Trunks won’t be alive for long. Cell does live up to his promise as he kills the Saiyan later in the arc, making the statement even darker in hindsight.

Dragon Ball Z
- Release Date
April 26, 1989
- Creator
Akira Toriyama
- Studio
Toei Animation