Best Stardew Valley modes for beginners


  • The Strudew Valley Mods helps players to learn the basics more easily.

  • The modes extend the depth of the dialogue with the subtle villagers.

  • Modes simplify the game tasks for easier experience.

Even with what many fans would say is a perfect design, Stardew Valley It also has a very robust modding community, which is constantly working to develop ways that change how people can experience the game. These can help players learn the basic elements of the game that are not as well explained as they could or offer players some new cosmetics to look at when they build their farm. However, for those who are just starting to play, some modes can make the initial phase a completely different experience.


Strudew Valley: All Qi challenges ranked from the lightest to the hardest

Qi challenges are important and provide great rewards in Stardew Valley. Here is a look at everyone, ranked from the easiest to the hardest.

The start of the game is also the hardest part to pass. Obtaining a farm and operational, then the efficiency of these processes, is a long process that comes with a lot of confusion for anyone who just comes into play. This is why players might want to take a look at ways that can help with that beginning section. This topic has some of the best of those friendly ways for beginners that fans can install right now.


Look for anything

A better explanator

Strudew Valley - Looking for everything

  • Help players learn the basic elements of the game much easier

  • Author Mod: Phatoschild

  • Can be downloaded here

By far one of the most difficult parts of Stardew Valley It's just to know what everything is and how they interact between them. This includes everything, from the different NPCs living in the Pelican city to the minerals that can be found in the caves. To figure out how to interact with these things can be difficult for the first timings.

Therefore, this way is so great: it allows players to look for important information for everything in the game. It can even give players a perspective on the growth time of many cultures they will work on. Generally, it gives players a better feeling of everyone around them.


Expanding friendly dialogue with canon

A more expansive conversation

Strudew Valley - Expander dialog

  • Provides a more robust dialog when we talk to the villagers

  • Author Mod: Ben and Witchweed

  • Can be downloaded here

There is true joy in knowing the various villagers and characters who will be the neighbors of each player in the game, and this way helps to expand on this. It will take the already excellent dialogue and give it even more depth. It is a pretty subtle change that will not mix the basic game, but it helps the world to become alive.


Stardew Valley: 14 villagers should befriend you early

The Strudew Valley allows players to become friendly with the Denisans of the Pelican city, and here are the best villagers to become friends earlier.

Being able to have this connection with all characters is a huge benefit. Stardew Valley It has only a lot so rich to enter, and this way helps to improve this.


Dear Journal

Write that

Strudew Valley - Dear Journal

  • Incredibly useful to write notes when a player needs

  • Author Mod: Misscoriell

  • Can be downloaded here

Being able to keep a concentrated record of all can be a huge element when you play through the game. There is a lot of information coming to a person almost every row. It can be difficult to follow everything and continue to go forward to build the farm.

This mode will allow the players to keep their heads directly by adding a journal to write. This is related to the F5 key, and players can write whatever they need to refer later.


NPC map locations

Find it faster

Strudew Valley - NPC map icons

  • Tracks in which a NPC is on the map permanently

  • Author Mod: Bouhm and Phioschild

  • Can be downloaded here

When a person has to watch a specific character in the game, it may be annoying to find out where they are. Each character has different locations in which they can be found according to the time of day and this season. It can feel overwhelming at first to keep it all together.

This mode will solve this by adding icons on the game map to show where each character is at that time. This means that it no longer keeps the wiki or keeping detailed notes on character models; Players can only look at their map and see where to go.


Royal list

Follow everything

Strudew Valley - the list of interruptions

  • Make an organized way to know what a person has to do

  • Author Mod: Jamie Taylor

  • Can be downloaded here

Every day in the game, a player will have to know what to do. It could be the harvesting of certain cultures and planting new or delivering certain articles to characters around the map. However, the game does not provide players with information about it; It usually depends on them to determine what they do and when they do.

To help this, players can use this way to make a list every day of what they want to do. Makes the whole experience easier for everyone to keep things organized.


Harvesting with Scythe

Harvesting was lighter

Strudew Valley - Scythe harvesting

  • Helps harvest everything with bark

  • Author Mod: BCPINC

  • Can be downloaded here

Harvesting in the game can be slightly complicated. There are some things that need to be harvested in a way and other materials that require another method. It can be a love when a player is trying to take an action, but to mix it with another and get overwhelmed and confused.


Strudew Valley: Best Spring Cultures

These are the best spring crops for a flowering farm in the Stardew Valley.

This mode is here to help players make the whole process more efficient, allowing to harvest all crops with Scythe. Do not have to worry about which tool to bring a ton of burden in the game and make the experience easier and easier to digest when you first start.


Simple Teleport at NPC

Cut the trip

Strudew Valley - Simple Teleport

  • Allows players to climb any NPC on the map whenever they want

  • Author Mod: Daotsuku

  • Can be downloaded here

Sometimes, busy work to have to go through a map to reach a specific NPC is a slogan. They are spread and can be found in so many different locations that it is just annoying. Reducing that time in the game can be an excellent way to progress the game at a much faster rate.

This way only does this by giving players the chance to teleport to any NPC they want, whenever they want. The use of the mode brings a list of all NPCs and players can simply select who they want to go to see. It is easy and makes everything much weaker.


Strudew Valley has expanded

A better farm for beginners

Strudew Valley has expanded

  • Adds a new farm that is easier to manage than other options

  • Author Mod: Flashshifter

  • Can be downloaded here

There is a specific reason why this mode makes this list and this is due to the grandfather's farm he adds. This farm is much easier to manage than other agricultural options in the game, due to its smaller size. This is fantastic for the new players who want to learn the ropes to build a farm.

While he has a lot of other things he adds to the game, this smaller farm is the cream of culture for it. Being able to track a farm more easily is a huge help for any new player who comes to the Pelican city.



February 26, 2016

Developer (s)


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