Pokemon TCG Pocket has all sorts of missions to keep you entertained for weeks if not months at a time. Some missions will have you collecting cards of a certain type, while others might have you winning a certain number of battles.

Pokemon Pocket: Every Supporter Ranked
The perfect supporter cards can change the way your deck plays. We rank every supporter card in the game.
Hidden deep within the game, however, are missions that the game won’t tell you about. These secret missions revolve around collecting specific cards from the game and are among the hardest to achieve in the game. We gathered them all in one place for you to reference while you’re on your Pokemon card-collecting journey.
Complete The Kanto Pokedex
Set: Genetic Apex
This one is pretty straightforward, all you have to do is collect at least one card of each Pokemon found in the original Kanto Pokedex. That’s everything from Bulbasaur to Mewtwo. If you have an ex version of a card, you don’t need the regular one, or vice versa, so keep that in mind while hunting cards.
Your reward for collecting all the original Kanto Pokemon is a special Mew card, an immersive card with artwork by Amelicart that doesn’t do much but is great for collectors to show off.
Genetic Apex Museum – Charizard
Set: Genetic Apex
The first of three Genetic Apex Museum secret missions requires you to collect cards from the Charizard-themed packs in order to complete the mission. You can’t just get any old cards though, you’ll need the full art versions of these Pokemon:
- Gloom
- Pinsir
- Charmander
- Rapidash
- Lapras
- Alakazam
- Slowpoke
- Meowth
Like all secret missions, they won’t show up in the mission section of the game, so you’ll have to reference this list to make sure you aren’t missing any of these full art cards.
Reward: x36 Wonder Hourglass, x12 Pack Hourglass, and x10 Shop Tickets
Genetic Apex Museum – Mewtwo
Set: Genetic Apex
The next Genetic Apex Museum mission focuses on the cards of the Mewtwo packs. This mission has you collecting full art cards from the Mewtwo packs, with some very cool full art cards among them including the adorable Bulbasaur and the powerful Dragonite. Completing this mission will require you to collect:
- Bulbasaur
- Cubone
- Golbat
- Weezing
- Dragonite
- Pidgeot
- Ditto
- Porygon

Pokemon Pocket: All ex Cards From Mythical Island, Ranked
Ex Pokemon are some of the strongest in Pokemon Pocket, and these cards from Mythical Island are all quite good.
You can craft these cards if you are having difficulties trying to pull them from packs, but it’ll set you back a lot of resources. Each of these full art cards will set you back 400 points, which is 80 packs worth of points, no matter the rarity of the regular card.
Reward: x36 Wonder Hourglass, x12 Pack Hourglass, and x10 Shop Tickets
Genetic Apex Museum – Pikachu
Set: Genetic Apex
The last of the Genetic Apex Museum secret missions revolves around the Pikachu packs and is the last of the Museum missions for the set. This one has you hunting down:
- Squirtle
- Gyarados
- Electrode
- Diglett
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoking
- Eevee
- Snorlax
The one sort of nice thing about these missions is that you don’t always have to pull the cards from packs. You can also collect any of these cards from Wonder Picks, though it can be just as rare to do so.
Reward: x36 Wonder Hourglass, x12 Pack Hourglass, and x10 Shop Tickets
The Legendary Flight Continues
Set: Genetic Apex
Collecting full art cards can be a very long process, given their low pull rates from packs and the large number of full art cards in the Genetic Apex set. Split across all three packs, The Legendary Flight Continues mission requires you to collect:
- 1 Full art Articuno ex
- 1 Full art Moltres ex
- 1 Full art Zapdos ex
Once you’ve gone through the trouble of collecting them all, you’ll not only have yourself some very pretty upgrades to your decks and collection, but some nice perks to keep opening more packs with.
Reward: x48 Wonder Hourglass + x12 Pack Hourglass + x20 Shop Tickets
The Gym Leaders Of The Kanto Region
Set: Genetic Apex
Seeing how much players love the Pokemon TCG Pocket’s full-art cards, it should come as no surprise that many of the missions revolve around collecting those full-art cards. In the Genetic Apex set, each of the original eight Gym Leaders got their own card, both as a regular version and a very fancy full-art one. Completing this mission requires getting:
- 1 Full art Brock
- 1 Full art Misty
- 1 Full art Lt. Surge
- 1 Full art Erika
- 1 Full art Koga
- 1 Full art Sabrina
- 1 Full art Blaine
- 1 Full art Giovanni

Pokemon Pocket: 10 Best Stage Two Cards
Stage Two Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket are extremely powerful. But which cards are the best of the bunch?
Reward: x48 Wonder Hourglass + x12 Pack Hourglass + x12 Shop Tickets
Collect All 226 Genetic Apex Cards
Set: Genetic Apex
Perhaps the last Genetic Apex secret mission you will complete, this mission requires you to get at least one copy of every single card from the set. It is similar to the Complete The Kanto Pokedex mission but requires you to get at least one copy of every card instead of just all the Pokemon cards.
- Collect at least one of each card across all rarities
The easiest way to complete this mission is by collecting all of the diamond rare cards, the ones with anywhere between one to four ◊ icons on the bottom left-hand corner of the cards.
Reward: 1 Charizard icon, 1 Mewtwo icon, 1 Pikachu icon
Mythical Island Museum 1
Set: Mythical Island
The Mythical Island expansion comes with its own set of secret missions, starting off with a few museum missions. The first one has you collect more full art cards of some of the most valuable cards in the set. To complete this mission you’ll need:
- 1 Full art Exeggutor
- 1 Full art Serperior
- 1 Full art Salandit
- 1 Full art Vaporeon
- 1 Full art Dedenne
- 1 Full art Marshadow
Thanks to a smaller card pool to pull from in the Mythical Island set this mission is easier to complete than the Genetic Apex variants.
Reward: x36 Wonder Hourglass + x12 Pack Hourglass + x10 Shop Tickets
Mythical Museum 2
Set: Mythical Island
The second of the Mythical Museum secret missions requires you to collect just two cards, but it is going to be exceptionally difficult to achieve. This mission requires you to get:
- 1 Two-star Mew ex
- 1 Two-star Aerodactyl ex
These two cards are special cards featuring the rainbow border that helps these cards stand out from the rest. These cards range between a 0.05% to a 0.2% drop rate, depending on which slot you look at in a pack. You can also craft them for a huge 1,250 Pack Points a piece.
Reward: x36 Wonder Hourglass + x12 Pack Hourglass + x10 Shop Tickets
Mew ex Museum
Set: Mythical Island
Did you know that there are four different Mew ex cards in the Mythical Island expansion? This elusive Pokemon card is highlighted in this mission, with it being completed if you can collect at least one copy of each rarity.
- 1 Double rare Mew ex
- 1 Illustration Rare Mew ex
- 1 Special Illustration Rare Mew ex
- 1 Hyper Rare Mew ex
These rarities include the regular four diamond rare Mew ex, the fancy rainbow border Mew ex, the adorable double rare version, and then the incredibly rare Gold version of Mew ex.
Reward: x36 Wonder Hourglass + x12 Pack Hourglass + x10 Shop Tickets
Mythical Island Tale Of Adventure
Set: Mythical Island
One of the few secret missions to tell a story, the Mythical Island Tale of Adventure mission has you collect several cards that follow the legend of the long-lost Pokemon, Mew. In order to complete this mission you’ll need:
- 1 Mythical Slab
- 1 Budding Adventurer
- 1 Special illustration rare Mew ex with the rainbow border
- 1 Immersive rare Celebi ex

Pokemon Pocket: Every Pokemon ex Ranked
Here are the best Pokemon ex cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Even if you collect a different version of the Mew ex or Celebi ex cards, you’ll have to make sure you get these specific versions of the card, making it a particularly tough mission to complete.
The Immersive 4
Set: Mythical Island
Immersive cards are among the hardest to collect in Pokemon TCG Pocket given their incredibly low drop rate. Each one has a pull rate of 1.115% in their respective Genetic Apex Packs, either Charizard, Mewtwo, or Pikachu. To complete this mission you’ll need:
- 1 Immersive rare Charizard ex
- 1 Immersive rare Mewtwo ex
- 1 Immersive rare Pikachu ex
- 1 Immersive rare Mew ex
Given the rarity of these cards, The Immersive 4 mission is likely to be one of the last ones you will complete in the game.
Reward: x48 Wonder Hourglass + x12Pack Hourglass + x20 Shop Tickets