Everything from the Secret Sanctuary Kit


  • The Secret Sanctuary Pack offers classic and versatile wardrobe options for Sims, perfect for lounging around or going out.

  • The pack includes stylish trousers, whole sets for different occasions and accessories to complement any style of outfit.

  • With wall decor, vanities, chairs, a record player and a tea set, this pack brings a cozy Victorian aesthetic to the Sims' secret hideouts.

The Secret Sanctuary Pack for The Sims 4 is truly for introverts. The concept of a secret hideaway that you can escape to at a moment's notice is an enticing one, and it's even better when it's a luxurious lounge hidden behind a bookcase. There are fourteen new wardrobe items and twelve new furniture pieces that are perfect for spending a night alone.


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The pack's wardrobe combinations will make your Sim look and feel stylish and relaxed in their own living space, and the hidden bookcase room could host any number of possibilities. You can turn it into anything you want!


Class tops

These tops are the start of a great outfit and each one has so many color customization options and designs to choose from. Whether your Sim is going out for the night or going to a business meeting, these tops have you covered.

Some of the color customizations have the ability to completely change the vibe of the outfit depending on what you choose, so whatever your Sim's path in life, this pack has an outfit to match.

The halter top and blazer have both patterned and solid options, while the long sleeve top only has solid colors. However, that doesn't mean it's more limited, as dual color options make it possible to add your own personality to the look.


Elegant trousers

This pack has a different style of pants or skirts for everyone looking for a formal or business casual look. These bows are detailed enough to provide a realistic version of that professional aesthetic for Sims. Like the tops, color customization is versatile, although there are limited designs available compared to the tops in this pack.

These pants are reminiscent of what you'd wear to any job interview, but shorts are definitely more casual. There are numerous solid colors and all are able to blend seamlessly into outfits while still making a statement on their own.


Full body sets

These sets are for several categories of outfits from Formal to Exercise to Sleep. The dress is long, off the shoulder with a long slit, best suited for any party and some formal events. The exercise set comes in many solid colors, some with leggings and some with shorts, perfect for a hidden gym. The fluffy robe is the star of the stash, especially since it looks best for lounging in any solid color.


The Sims 4: 13 Best Create-A-Sim Packs

Expansion, game, stuff, kit, oh!

If your Sim wants to get away from any stress in their life, these sets are perfect for them to kick back and relax. When you imagine relaxing, it doesn't get much easier than when presented with such stylish outfits.


Accessories and shoes

No outfit is complete without accessories and no outfit can be truly enhanced without shoes to go with it. There are high heels suitable for everything from a wedding to a night out, high heel boots that would pair nicely with a summer outfit and a small gemstone bracelet and flower earrings that go well with the other alone. You'd think the accessories in this bundle were in a set purchased to begin with.

These pieces really make an outfit and this pack definitely proves that. With shoes alone, there are tons of different Sim wardrobes you can create. The earrings and necklace also give your sim a more stylish look, even before considering the outfit that goes with it.


Wall decor

Without framed paintings and photographs on your walls, your room would feel much emptier. The Secret Sanctuary package has a few arrangements, and the library is undoubtedly the star of the show. It works like a door in the Build tab and you can use it to hide entire wings of the house or individual rooms as you see fit.

There is also a black and white rose painting and a set of nature paintings that come in a set that you can hang on the other walls.

If you're creating any secret room with a touch of modern luxury, the wall decorations in this pack will help emphasize that aesthetic. It also helps boost your Sim's mood, which is always a plus.


Vanities and mirrors

Adding to the vintage dressing room vibe of this pack's wardrobe, there's a stylish dressing table and full-length mirror, which by default come in red and white respectively. However, they can be changed to a number of different colors and the two mirrors are accompanied by a beautiful, elaborate jewelery box.

Both mirrors work just like any other mirror in the game and can even be used for pep talks.

If your Sim needs to feel fancy and glamorous, all they need is one of these items in their room and they'll be able to cheer themselves up, no problem. It's ideal for a midday escape from reality, which may be just what your Sim needs.


Seats and heating

Of course, the vanity wouldn't be complete without a soft toilet seat. It comes in the same colors as the dressing table itself, so you can match the set. There's also a chaise longue that has a color customizable blanket, perfect for lounging in any of the outfits in this pack. This package does the Victorian aesthetic justice, with the height of luxury reflected even in the seating options.

Both seating options can be positioned in front of the carved wood fireplace, which can be turned on and off like any other fireplace in the game, giving your secret room a cozy and warm feel. It will make your Sim feel right at home in their space.


Record Player and Tea Set

These two items are each staple pieces in their own right. The recorder is the picture of traditionalism and the tea set is polished to perfection, no matter what color or pattern you decide to make. All tea lovers know that one of the best ways to relax is with a cup of tea and some music. The recorder works just like any radio in the game, but there's nothing that makes you feel richer than smooth jazz.

You can arrange your room any way you like, but there's something beautifully gothic about the record player and tea table combination. Plus, the camera doesn't just have to be for your Sim. You could host any number of parties in your hidden room!

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