Ubisoft launches a 60 FPS update for Far Cry New Dawn on PS5 and Xbox Series X/s.
The 60 FPS patch caused the temporary deactivation of the FPS Xbox impulse to prepare for update.
Ubisoft has previously updated other old games such as Assassin's Creed Syndicate for better experience.
In a surprise announcement, Ubisoft revealed that Far Cry New Dawn It is set to implement a 60 FPS patch on PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Launched in 2019, Far Cry New Dawn is a spin-off game that takes place for a long time after the events Far Cry 5.
Developed by the Ubisoft Montreal Veteran Studio, Far Cry New Dawn It revolves around a group of survivors fighting rival factions for the last bit of resources left in a post-apocalyptic world. At the launch, he received general average reviews, decreasing from the positive critical reception that his predecessor enjoys. While most players have probably passed from New Dawn In the years since his arrival, Ubisoft recently shared some news that could attract some of those who have not yet played the game to try at some point.

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On Twitter, the official account of Ubisoft Support has unexpectedly shared the imminent launch of an update of 60 FPS for Far Cry New Dawn on PS5 and Xbox Series X/s. Apparently, the news broke out suddenly due to the need to currently deactivate the FPS impulse on the Xbox series consoles to prepare the performance update. It was revealed that this temporary change will begin on January 31, 2025, at 4:00 pst or 7:00 pm and would allow “smooth running [sic]”For the future update. Tweet has also clarified that change will only affect Xbox users, PlayStation users would have to jump by any circle before the 60 FPS patch. While there is no explicit chronology for patch launch. to the so far, fans had speculated that Ubisoft will bring an improved frame rate Far cry Spin-off when landing on the Xbox Game Pass on February 4, 2025.
Far Cry New Dawn is still an old Ubisoft game to get a patch performance
Ubisoft bringing the young man for almost six years Far Cry New Dawn Until speed with current current consoles is not a rarity, as it has previously sent upgrades for other old games. In November 2024, the French game editor delivered a 60 FPS patch for 2015 Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Ubisoft's works on his past launches are not limited to performance improvements, because most recently, the DEVS added achievements to Far Cry 5 and Far Cry 6 on steam.
Meanwhile, Ubisoft is experiencing a difficult time, while the rumors of an increasingly powerful third -party take over every passing day. To worsen things, assassin's creed Also, the creator recently fired a series of employees at the beginning of 2025. In view of such a serious condition, the giant for games would hope that his future major launch, Assassin's Creed Shadowsperforms well and gives an impulse to the organization's morale.