Holy Knights can have a larger command chain

This article contains spoilers for the Elbaf Arc of One Piece.


  • Figerland Shamrock is introduced as a commander of the Holy Knights in a single piece.

  • Holy Knights can have a complex control structure beyond Shamrock's position.

  • The role of Shamrock indicates the possible struggles of power and promotions within the group.

Although they may seem convoluted and complex sometimes the structures of different groups of One piece They are quite important for the construction of the world of the story. Between the command structure of the navy, the finer details of the reward system and the many different groups that are thrown throughout the series, the structure One piece Seems to be too complicated for his good sometimes. However, these elements are one of the parties that make the series so unique, which do it apart from any other anime launched so far.

As many fans have already read, One piece introduced another group of characters during the final saga of the series. This group, the Holy Knights, for many, feels as one of the greatest “final” forces which One piece must offer. Although it was not known too little about world government forces before, the Elbaf Arc One piece introduced a small detail that can share a lot of information about the interior structure of this group.


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Chapter 1137 of One Piece reveals a new type of holy knight

Shamrock is the commander of the Holy Knights

Holy Knights or Knights of God One pieceThey are the incredibly powerful characters who defend the holy country of the World Government of Marie Geoise. This group has the task of protecting any world nobleman who requires assistance, although, at the same time, they can punish any nobleman he considers to behave inappropriately. In many ways this group is the last line of defense for A piece The world government and the nobles, acting as the strongest strength at their disposal.

Commander of the Holy Knights, Figerland Shamrock. – Shamrock's title book

This group, although few details were shared A piece The final saga so far is made up of nine people at least. So far, only three characters have been confirmed to be part of the group, Supreme Commander Figerland Garling, Figerland Shamrock and Garko. Apart from this, the silhouettes of other two unconfirmed digits were shown. However, by the end of Egghead's island, Figerland Garling left the post as a holy knight and joined the rows of A piece Five old people.

Shamrock's position as commander reveals group command potential

Holy Knights can still be under Figerland or a new individual

A piece: All you need to know about Shamrock Figandland

  • Shamrock was introduced as commander of the Holy Knights

  • This may involve the fact that there are more positions in the Holy Knights

In chapter 1137 of One pieceAlthough the character has been shown several times in the previous chapters, fans are finally formally introduced in Figerland Shamrock, Shanks's mysterious Doppelgänger. In this chapter, he is introduced as commander of the Holy Knights, a noble of the world and the son The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Theman One piece Old, Figerland Garling. Although this is the first disclosure of the character, his position as commander of the Holy Knights reveals some information about the group's internal works.


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First of all, this title of commander reveals that either a new leader to replace Garling Figerland has not yet been chosen, or the old man still commands the forces of the Holy Knights. However, it could also mean that another character, which has not been revealed so far, has been made the new supreme commander of the Holy Knights. If this is true then raises a lot of questions about inner work and politics A piece Holy knights as a whole.

There may be many commanders of the Holy Knights of a Piece

The command chain for this group could be longer than expected

A Holy Knights-1 piece

Assuming there is only one supreme commander of the group, there is no way to say how many commanders could have the group. For example, while Shamrock may be a group commander, another commander could have been promoted over him. Although, at the same time, the previous commander may have been promoted to the supreme commander, while Shanks's mysterious twins, was the next for the commander's position. However, being the son of the former supreme commander, he seems unlikely that Shamrock is not promoted on another character.

I hope we could have settled so much cleaner … – Shamrock

Until the disclosure of more information, however, fans are left with only these assumptions about the inner functioning of A piece Holy Knights, which includes the fruit user arrow Guko. So far, a hierarchy of a supreme commander and a commander is known. However, the little detail according to which Shamrock was only a commander and not a supreme commander reveals the potential of a massive command chain within this new One piece group.


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