How To Complete All Lost Petal Posters In Love And Deepspace

With the unveiling of Love And Deepspace’s most recent character branch updates and a host of main story events and four-character banners, it has been a while since we saw a photoshoot event with any of the guys. As the season comes to an end and our hearts and wallets recover from the most recent banners, Lost Petals serves as a welcome reprieve.


Love And Deepspace: All Event Types And How To Complete Them

Your go-to guide for every event type in Love And Deepspace.

Lost Petals is a photoshoot event in which you must create dynamic Snapshot and Glint Photobooth photoshoots to create promotional posters for OTTO-PHO and Twinkle Studios. During the event, use your collected poses, backgrounds, and photo items to complete each day’s poster prompt.

Lost Petals runs from 5:00, December 18, 2024, to 4:59 December 28, 2024. Once the event is over, you cannot obtain any event rewards.

Updated on December 23, 2024, by Eva Csaki: We revisited this guide to add information on the sixth event poster.

Lost Petals Photoshoots

Love And Deepspace: An image of the main event menu.

Over Love and Deepspace’s stellar debut year, OTTO-PHO has approached the MC with several Photoshoot events to complete, from Zayne’s adorable Cuteness Crush Photoshoot to Sylus’s Waking Reverie shoot and many more.

This time, OTTO-PHO has approached you and Xavier with a garden-themed couples photoshoot. As always, you’ll be creating promotional posters for Twinkle Studio using the prompts that OTTO-PHO provides you each day of the event period.

There are seven posters to complete over the event period, each unlocking on a new day. The event runs for ten days, but all posters will be unlocked for all players by the seventh day of the event.

Missing an event day or logging in late will not delay the time the posters unlock. You could technically complete every poster on the very last day of the event and not be penalized for it.

As you complete posters and hit rating milestones, you will unlock special event rewards and event story stages to play through.

How To Complete Photoshoots

Love And Deepspace An image of Xavier talking to MC in one of the story stages.

Each day, once you log into the event screen, OTTO-PHO will assign you a new poster prompt. Each of the posters has a different prompt.

Select the poster you would like to complete to enter the photoshoot menu. OTTO-PHO’s prompt will appear at the top of the photoshoot screen.

You can complete all posters with solo poses, but duo poses perform better over all.

Some photoshoots are Snapshots, while others are Glint Photobooth shoots. Snapshots require you to take four photos but only select one as your final poster. Glint Photobooth shoots are more complex.

In a Glint Photobooth shoot you can take more than four photos, but may still only select one as your final poster. Once you’ve selected a photo, you can get it rated. You will receive a star rating out of three stars depending on how well you met the prompt.

The goal is to earn three stars on every poster, but you only need 16 stars to earn every event reward.

After selecting a photo and presenting it for a rating, you cannot return to any non-selected photos you took during that shoot. You must start over if you don’t like the projected rating.

You can reprint your photoshoots at any time, but there is a 20-print-per-day limit on all event posters cumulatively. That means that you only have twenty total print attempts per day, not per poster.

How To Complete Every Lost Petals Poster Photoshoot

Love And Deepspace: An image of Xavier in the dress up screen.

Since every poster has a different prompt, you can’t use the same pose and items for each of the posters and earn three stars on all of them.

You should try experimenting with items and compositions, but if you’re still looking for guidance, we’ve compiled lists of all the items we used in our three-star shoots.

If you’re still struggling to get three stars on your photos or don’t have the items we listed, you can always use stickers on your photos to boost your star rating. Stickers are a great way to earn points easily.

Poster One

The prompt for the first poster is: ‘Add pink elements into the frame and capture sweet moments with him in a sea of flowers.’ This shoot is a Snapshot photoshoot.

Luckily, this prompt is fairly straightforward. You will receive higher star ratings for including more pink elements, outfits, items, backgrounds, and even stickers in your final poster.

Here are the items and elements we used to earn three stars on our poster:

  • Any pink background works great for this, but the Background: Cherry Blossom Trail is the best for the theme.
  • Xavier: Starry Day — Xavier’s daily outfit.
  • Starry Dream — Player outfit.
  • Dreamy Pink Bow — Bought in the Lunar Exchange shop for 20 Lunar Crystals. Can be used by both Xavier and the player character.
  • Cute Glasses — Cute pink heart-shaped glasses that can be used by both the player and Xavier.
  • Lush Flutter — Dangling earrings earned at Find Tobias, reward level 5.
  • Xavier: Standard Heart To Heart — A Xavier-specific duo pose earned after reaching Affinity level 39, Darling, with Xavier.
  • Xavier: Candy Monster — This is an alternative pose that also works for the prompt. Youc an buy this pose in the Chocolate Exchange shop.

Poster Two

Love And Deepspace: An image of the second event poster.

The prompt for the second poster is: ‘To capture the moment as you wait for the blossom, a photo shoot is a perfect choice!’ This is a Snapshot photoshoot.

This prompt doesn’t give much to go off of in terms of hints about what to include in your photos, but we found success sticking to the pink floral theme.

Here are the items we used to get three stars on our second poster photoshoot:

  • Background: Cherry Blossom Trail — Achievement reward for completing photoshoot achievements.
  • Xavier: Knit Sweater — Xavier’s basic casual outfit.
  • Player: Dark Sugary Impressions — Earned as a reward for completing Main Story [Under Deepspace] 4-1 Family.
  • Glistening Tears — Facial accessory earned as a pull reward for completing pulls in Silver Polyphony event pool.
  • Dreamy Pink Bow — Bought in the Lunar Exchange shop for 20 Lunar Crystals. Can be used for both Xavier and the player character.
  • Pearl Earrings — Player earrings earned as a reward for completing Find Tobias Reward Level 5.

After completing this poster, if you have scored four stars cumulatively, you will unlock the first event reward. You will also unlock the second Story Stage.

Poster Three

Love And Deepspace: An image of the player and Xavier in the third poster.

The prompt for the third poster is: ‘Bring along flowers for a photo shoot and capture those beautiful moments with him.’

This photoshoot is a Glint Photobooth shoot. Unfortunately, Glint Photobooth does not have the same cherry blossom background as Snapshot. So, to fulfill this prompt, you’ll need to think outside of the box.

We found success by using pink elements and flowery accessories, like the flower glasses and head accessories that have flowers in them.

Here is a list of items and elements we used to get three stars on our third poster:

  • Xavier: Starry Day — Xavier’s daily outfit.
  • White and Blue — Player dress and overalls. Earned by completing the Hunter Onboarding event.
  • Dreamy Pink Bow — Bought in the Lunar Exchange shop for 20 Lunar Crystals. Can be used for both Xavier and the player character.
  • Special Rewards — Red flower-shaped sunglasses.
  • Pearl Earrings — Player earrings earned as a reward for completing Find Tobias Reward Level 5.
  • Floral News Player headband bought in the ACC. Exchange or earned during the Mountain Journey and Wander In Wonder events.
  • Background: Light Brown A light brown background. Because the backgrounds in Glint Photobooth don’t have much variation, it’s unclear if different backgrounds affect your score much here.
  • Xavier: On The Job —- Special Xavier pose earned after reaching Affinity level 48, Darling, with Xavier.

If you have completed all three posters with three stars, the third poster shoot is the earliest point at which you can earn the second event reward.

Remember that if you are struggling to complete posters with three stars or do not have any elements that fit the prompt, you can always boost your scores by pasting stickers to the final poster product.

Poster Four

Love And Deepspace: An image of the player and Xavier in the fourth event poster.

The prompt for the fourth poster is: ‘Cuddling up with him and drifting off to sleep under a blossoming tree could be captured beautifully in a poster.’

Unfortunately, you can’t use the sleep mask accessory reward until after passing this stage with three stars, but Xavier does have a few sleepy poses you can access in Glint Photobooth.

We tried many different poses for this one, but the one that worked the best for us was Xavier: Right.

Here is a list of the items we used to get three stars on our fourth poster:

  • Xavier: Right — A sleepy Xavier pose.
  • Starry Night Dance — Xavier’s birthday outfit, earned by participating in his birthday event.
  • Starry Dream — Player outfit.
  • Dreamy Pink Bow — Bought in the Lunar Exchange shop for 20 Lunar Crystals. Can be used for both Xavier and the player character. (This bow has been the real MVP of this event, so we highly recommend investing in it!)
  • Earside Sparkle — Earned as a reward for completing Find Tobias reward level 30.
  • Glistening Tears — Facial accessory earned as a pull reward from the Silvery Polyphony pool.

If you complete this poster with three stars, you will earn the third event reward. Additionally, completing the poster with any star rating will trigger the third story stage.

Poster Five

Love And Deepspace: An image of the player and Xavier in the fifth poster.

The prompt for the fifth poster is: ‘Add heart elements to your photos to create a unique poster sprinkled with petals of love!’

This prompt is a Snapshot photoshoot.

Remember, if you’re running out of poses to use, you can use the same pose more than once, or buy more poses from the exchange shops.

Here is a list of items we used to get three stars on the fifth poster:

  • Cute Glasses — Cute pink heart-shaped glasses that can be used by both the player and Xavier.
  • Dreamy Pink Bow — Bought in the Lunar Exchange shop for 20 Lunar Crystals. Can be used for both Xavier and the player character.
  • Pearl Earrings — Player earrings earned as a reward for completing Find Tobias Reward Level 5.
  • Xavier: Standard Heart To Heart — A Xavier-specific duo pose earned after reaching Affinity level 39, Darling, with Xavier.
  • Background: Cherry Blossom Trail — Achievement reward for completing photoshoot achievements.
  • Xavier: Night’s Remnants — Xavier’s navy blue Hunter outfit, earned as a reward for completing Directional Orbit: Light, Stage 20.
  • Player: Dark Sugary Impressions — Earned as a reward for completing Main Story [Under Deepspace] 4-1 Family.

Poster Six

The prompt for the sixth poster is: ‘Add stars to embellish your garden photo and show how you hold each other dear in your hearts.’ This is a Glint Photobooth shoot.

The best element to use, regardless of poses and accessories, is Background: Dazzling Starry Sky. You can purchase it for 3,000 Chocolate in the Chocolate Exchange shop.

Here is a list of items we used to get three stars on poster six:

  • Background: Dazzling Starry Sky — background purchased in the Chocolate Shop.
  • Xavier: Starry Night Dance — Xavier’s birthday outfit.
  • Xavier: Starry Day — Xavier’s casual outfit from the Distant Youth set.
  • Jade Glasses — Fashionable glasses.
  • Pearl Earrings — Player earrings earned as a reward for completing Find Tobias Reward Level 5.
  • Sunset Return — Obtained from Wander In Wonder, Wondrous Blessing.
  • Laurel Crown — Obtained from Radiant Brilliance: Fervent Blessing.
  • Starry Dream — Player outfit.
  • Xavier: On The Job —- Special Xavier pose earned after reaching Affinity level 48, Darling, with Xavier.
  • Xavier: Partner — A partner pose with Xavier that can be used in Glint Photobooth and Snapshot photos.

After completing this poster, you will earn the final event reward.

Story Stages

Love And Deepspace: An image of the Story Stage menu for Lost Petals.

There are four story stages to Lost Petals.

You can play any unlocked story stages from the Floral Mark journal icon in the Lost Petals event UI.

The following table contains the schedule for when each story stage is opened.


Unlocked By

1. Unexpected Invitation

Prologue. Unlocked upon entering the event for the first time.

2. Wintry Blossom

Unlocked after completing two posters.

3. TBD

Unlocked after completing four posters.

4. TBD

Unlocked after completing all posters.

Lost Petals Rewards

Love And Deepspace: An image of the main event screen with the third set of event rewards highlighted at the bottom of the menu.

There are four reward tiers in Lost Petals. The following table breaks down each reward and its unlock requirements:

Star Rating


4 Stars

  • When Flowers Bloom photo frame
  • 200 Chocolate

8 Stars

  • 3 Energy Capsule: Powerful
  • 300 Chocolate

12 Stars

  • Peaceful Slumber – facial accessory, sleep mask.
  • 400 Chocolate

16 Stars

  • 5 Energy Capsule: Powerful
  • 500 Chocolate

Current And Upcoming Events

Love And Deepspace: An image of the current events running alongside Lost Petals.

During the Lost Petals Event period, a few other events are running.

Heartfelt Gift is a log-in event that runs from 5:00 December 18, 2024, to 4:59 January 01, 2025. On the seventh log-in day, you will earn the five-star memory, Zayne: Engraved Affection for free. You can earn thousands of Diamonds and other rewards during this event.

The limited-time event Wish Pool, Silvery Polyphony runs from 5:00 December 18, 2024, to 4:59 December 27, 2024. During the event period, use Deepspace Wish: Limited for an increased chance to pull the five-star memory, Xavier: Silvery Polyphony.

You can use the pull reward pose and photo item from Silvery Polyphony in the Lost Petals event.

Finally, a passive event is also running during Lost Petals’ event window. From 5:00 December 16 to 4:59 December 22, 2024 the passive event Hunting Season offers a double drop rate for the first ten Core Hunt stages you complete.


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