How to complete the blood trial in Hades 2

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Melinoë has her hands full Hades 2: along with his missions to the House of Hades and Olympus, the Chaos god also decided to take an interest in her and the conflict. The Pitch-Black Stone lies ominously in Melinoë's training grounds.


Hades 2: Complete Black Stone Guide

We show you how to unlock Pitch Black Stone and Chaos Trials.

The Trial of Blood is one of Chaos' most difficult trials, dealing with five out of five… eyes? He challenges Melinoë with the task of crossing the Rift of Thessaly and defeating the Goddess of War, Eris, with Sora Blades, White Antler, and a cat. The initial load for Trial of Blood can get a little tricky and you still have some work to do.

What is Loadout?

Artemis makes a random appearance, holding her bow over her shoulders. She comments that "the old one [Chronos] they are seldom wise and often weak."

For Trial of Blood, the most important features you start with are the weapon, its appearance, and the Keepsake. These are Sister Blades in Aspect of Artemis and the White Horn. You won't be able to attempt the Trial of Blood until you unlock all three of these things.

Sister Blades are fast and mobile. Aspect of Artemis gives you parry and parry: When you channel your Omega attack, you have a chance to parry, preventing damage from most types of direct attacksthen Riposte, making yourself Impervable to pme Sec and giving the next nine hits a +50% Critical Chance.

Artemis's memento, White Antler, also increases Critical Chance, starting at +20% and increasing as you upgrade the memento. It also sets your maximum life to 30. When it's possible to start a run with 100 Life, 30 is quite the downgrade.

While the trials of Chaos dictate what weapon, aspect, memory, Boons, Arcana, and familiars you start with, any upgrades you make to Melinoë and her gear and companions will be transported to Blackstone. Similarly, encounters in Pitch-Black Stone apply to improve your souvenirs.

Some trials also give you a certain Familiar, Arcana, and Boons to start with. Here, you have the cat, Toula! While she has a nice attack, for this attempt she only brings one Death Defiance to the table. When you only have 30 Life, it's a valuable one.

your spread The Arcana created by Chaos consists of only two cards: Lovers and power. The Lovers give you an example of damage resistance in Guardian Encounters. In the Rift of Thessaly, this will probably only be Eris, although there is a chance to encounter Charybdis as well.

The heavy lifter here is the Force. This card gives you a damage reduction and +25% damage dealt as long as you have no Death Defiance effects. In theory, you could crack your Death Defiance early and deliberately to get that damage boost, but since Toula's Defiance only restores 10 Life, you're more likely to put yourself at a disadvantage. Better to save the Force for when that Death Defiance comes natural.

What are the advantages of the process?

Aphrodite holds a spear and shield. She says this "He boasts to Poseidon" about you would already give a good to Melinoë.

You start with a handful of boons from Artemis, Aphrodite, and Poseidon, which means you'll likely only see Aphrodite and Poseidon throughout the Rift of Thessaly.

Flutter Strikefrom Aphrodite, gives your attacks an additional +120% damage against nearby enemies. I gain charm inflicts her special status, Weak, on nearby enemies and allows you to gradually restore Magick when any nearby enemies are Weak. finally, Broken solution makes your weak effects stronger.

Weak enemies take less damage.

Poseidon's Heroic Boon, Flood controlreduces any damage taken by five, but Primes 30 Magick. The Sister Blades are not a super Magick dependent weaponso this probably won't cause too much trouble, especially with Aphrodite's Glamor Gain.

Finally, your Boon from Artemis is First Blood. Any enemy with at least 80% Health or Armor can take critical damage, increasing the chance by 30%.

In Rift

In the Rift of Thessaly, Melinoë encounters a trial for Aphrodite and Poseidon. Their symbols float in the middle of some island ruins. complained Melinoë "Can't form an orderly queue?"

The blood process is easy if you think about it. Just don't hit yourself. Simple.

Really though: damage reduction can only do so much. Especially once you get to Eris, whose attacks get stronger the more she's hurt, one attack could mean the end of a run. Trial of Blood forces you to pay attention to every detail on the screen and be in front of everyone.

Artemis is here to help you destroy anyone in your path: everything she provides for this Trial increases your Critical Chance, with some damage prevention thrown in for good measure. It's very easy to kill most enemies in a hit or three. It just becomes a matter of making sure you hit first.

Boons In The Rift

You'll probably only see Poseidon and Aphrodite in the Rift of Thessaly, but there's also a chance Hermes will appear. A lot of what you choose will come down to finding what works best for you.

For example, you could favor Poseidon's Boons, keeping distance between you and enemies that might hit you; or you could lean on Aphrodite's proximity features and ditch those retreat abilities to keep your enemies close and benefit from Flutter Strike and Glamor Gain. You can try Trials as many times as you likeso there's no harm in some trial and error to find what works best for you. In the meantime, though, some will almost always be easy pickings.

Almost anything from Hermes is great. Most tend to make your attacks faster or enemies slower.

  • Sharp mind: Makes Omega move faster, minimizing the time you're most vulnerable (Channeling). Especially when Aspect of Artemis is focused around your Omega attack, the acceleration gives enemies less time to hit you when you're slowed.
  • Hard target: Makes most enemies' ranged shots slower and therefore easier to see coming and avoid. It's an underrated one, but many enemies in Rift of Thessaly have projectiles. It probably doesn't work on Eris, but those pesky Sticklers and Blaskets pack a punch that you'd do well to avoid.
  • Nitro Boost: Makes your Sprint 15% faster and gives you a barrier that ignores damage instances, the amount of hits blocked based on the rarity of the Boon. That increased speed does wonders for dodging Eris's fires and this damage barrier works in every encounter, not just Guardian ones like the Lovers card.

Aphrodite's assets mostly focus on dealing more damage and taking less damage. They tend to be a little less flashy, but are almost always a good option. Just watch out for Life Affirmation – do anything Maximum life stronger rewards, which won't help you here.

  • Shameless attitude: Gives you a general damage bonus, but doubles the bonus if you have at least 80 percent Health. Anything that helps you kill enemies before they kill you will go a long way, and if you can keep your health up, all the better.
  • Healthy recovery: Heals you to 100 percent health whenever you exit a location, provided you haven't lost too much health — you need at least 80 percent for this to happen.
  • Sweet Teaching: Low hit enemies take more damage. This one requires either Rapture Ring, Passion Rush, or Glamor Gain, but luckily you start with Glamor Gain. Rapture Ring or Passion Rush will help spread the weak around more, so they're still good.

Poseidon has a lot of knockback abilities that give you breathing room when you're surrounded by enemies.

  • Wave Flourish or Tidal Ring: A ranged knockback special from Wave Flourish pushes targets further away, and Tidal Ring adds additional damage to the cast. Tidal Ring could later be combined with Geyser Spout to add recoil.
  • Escape to the island: Poseidon's duo with Aphrodite gives you 15% damage resistance from nearby enemiesand makes him so treatable with the Boons of Aphrodite all enemies as nearby – which pairs incredibly with Flutter Strike and Glamor Gain. You already have Flutter Strike from Aphrodite for Island Getaway's prerequisites, and from Poseidon you need one of Wave Strike, Wave Flourish, Tidal Ring, Breaker Sprint, or Fluid Gain. It might be a little more difficult to get, but if possible, it's absolutely worth it.

Daedalus hammers

Since your initial perks are geared towards close combat, if you come across a Daedalus hammer, it's best to stick with ones that buff your attacks, although there are a few exceptions.

  • Explosive Ambush: Your Omega attack deals 400% damage in a wider area, but uses +20 magic. This goes well with Artemis' Aspect, but keep an eye on your Magick cap.
  • Skulking Onslaughtt: Your attacks deal +150% damage when hitting enemies from behind. This will promote good habits: getting behind enemies will both increase damage and decrease your chance of being hit, as enemies usually need to be in front of you.
  • Smelting sickle: Your special destroys 50 percent of any armor, based on the total. This is the exception! If you can cut through an enemy's armor from a distance, finishing them off is much easier.

How to defeat Eris

Eris, Strife Incarnate, holds her pistol over one shoulder. She warns Melinoë that "the path to the mountain is closed."

The strategy is simple: hit others before they hit you. Execution, somewhat more difficult.

Eris is trouble. She's got a gun, she's having a blast, and you only have 30 lives.

  • Hold behind her: Many of her attacks point their way before she fires, and if you're quick enough, you can get behind her or take cover. Goods can help, but so much is possible without divine intervention. Melee works well against Eris as it makes it much easier to slip behind her. She can only shoot in one direction. Don't be in that direction.
  • Kill the minions: She will call out guys throughout the fight to help her. They're annoying and get in your way, and if you focus on Eris and ignore them, you're much more likely to get hit. With Artemis' crits, they should die easily – get them out of the way.
  • Hit her!: Approach the Goddess Strife! Use Artemis's Omega attack skin and get those critical hits.

It's okay if it takes practice. After all, you're just killing some time.


Hades 2: Sister Blades Battle Guide

Sister Blades are very fast weapons that Melinoe can unlock in Hades 2. Here's everything you need to know.

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