How to complete the golden path trial puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

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As you would expect, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is full of puzzles to complete with Gina by your side. There will be doors to open, weird looking levers to pull and pressure plates to worry about starting.


10 games inspired by Indiana Jones

From deadly expeditions to dangerous traps, Indiana Jones has influenced more video games than you can fit in a museum.

Towards the end of the Vatican section of the game, you will need to complete two trials to obtain two keys, one of which is the Golden Path Trial. The puzzle involved is tricky, requiring you to figure out how to open a door by moving some towers around a room. Once you've been pointed in the right direction, it's not too difficult.

Gold Path Trial puzzle solution

Indy pulling a lever in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Once you enter the gold trial room, you'll see a lever at the far end. You can walk up to it, but interacting with it won't do anything like the door remains locked until you solve the puzzle.

You can walk over any part of the arena that is not actively on fire. The steam and sparks won't hurt you, so don't worry about it.

Indy pulling a chain in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

From the lever, go left and go behind the bars where you'll find some chains you can pull. Pull those chains up to the moving towers in the main room go over the fire sections and fire hard.

How to move hidden chains

A whip battle point above a gate in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Once you've completed the two towers, return to the process entrance and you'll notice a whip battle point right next to the main area. Get to it and climb the nearest tower, which you lit earlier.

Indy will then ask Gina for help to move the tower to where it needs to be to continue climbing. This will allow you to head to another battle point and pull yourself into a broken entrance above the other side of the climber.

A hole in the floor in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Go down there through the hole and you'll be behind the bars you couldn't reach before because of a locked door. Pull the chains there too to light the floor below them, then return to the other side after opening the door with the chain.

You'll need to go back to the chains you moved first to move the tower Gina moved back to where it needs to be.

With all towers now lit, you will be able to open the main door using the lever. In the next room, pull the chain to rotate the statues and activate the forge.

After leaving that room, you can use the whip pull ability to solidify the metal and grab the key to open the door that ends both attempts. You can either put the key in the door now or wait until you've completed both attempts.


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