How to Complete the Nomad Challenge

The weekend is finally here and it's time for a new week Bitlife challenge. This time, players are against the Nomad challenge. Go live January 25 and will take four days.

In this challenge, fans will travel around the world, starting from the US and will move to different countries as their character ages. It is similar to Challenge Boomer, but with an emphasis on travel. Let's break it up step by step to help you complete it.


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How to Complete the Nomad Challenge of Bitlife

Nomad Challenge Bitlife

Below is a list of tasks you will have to complete for this challenge:

  • To be born in the United States

  • Emigrates to Germany

  • Emigrates to Spain

  • Emigrates to France

  • Emigrates to Brazil.

As you can see, this challenge involves a lot of travelers, players will need a lot of money to cover all the emigration costs. Make sure you save either by a well-paid job or married someone rich. In addition, you will need to keep your criminal case clean. This is due to the fact that countries are less likely to leave you if you have a shaded past.

How to give birth to you in the United States in Bitlife

To start the challenge, Bitizens will need an American character. Fortunately, it doesn't matter if your character is a man or woman. If you already have a character born in the United States, you can use them. If not, access the main menu, start a new life and choose the United States as a country. The city or state does not matter.

How to emigrate to Germany, Spain, France and Brazil to Bitlife

How to emigrate bitlife

Here's where things get difficult. Bitlife Players will now have to move into four different countries. First of all, it is Germany. To emigrate, go to The “Activities” menu and look for the “emigrate” option. After clicking on it, you will see a list of countries. Choose Germany and click on “Application request”.

After successfully emigrating to Germany, repeat the same process to move to other countries. Sometimes your app might be rejected. If this happens, the Bitians can try to move illegally, but there is always the risk of being caught. You have four days to complete the challenge, so it is better to stay with legal methods.

If you have a golden passport, it can do things much easier, because you will be able to travel in any country without restrictions. And If a country does not appear on the list, close the menu and reopen it until it appears.

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September 30, 2018

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Groom Lake Development, LLC

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Groom Lake Development, LLC

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