How to complete the Savage Predicament fieldwork quest in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Helping Professor Savage and saving Sidney in the Vatican was dangerous enough Indiana Jones and the Great Circlebut the hapless British scholars do not seem to stay out of trouble. Towards the end of your adventures in Giza, you'll start hearing rumors of an English gentleman in need of help, which quickly becomes a familiar refrain.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: A Wild Discovery

Professor Savage needs Indy's help in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Of course you can't leave poor Sidney to his fate. Rescuing the lad is much more dangerous this time as you will face more guards who are much better armed and trigger happy. Here's how to make sure you both come out unscathed.

How to start the Savage Predicament fieldwork mission

wild teacher in the village of Giza in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

This quest doesn't become available until you do it they infiltrated and escaped the Nazi compound in Giza and returned safely to Nawal's tent afterwards. You must also have completed A Savage Discovery in the Vatican.

You can return to the Vatican using Travel tab in your journal and selecting Review option.

When Nawal mentions that there's an Englishman in the village asking for help, that's your cue that the quest is available. Journey to the village of Giza in the eastern part of the map; It is wild in the village square, near the merchant you bought the Lighter from earlier. You will hear him calling for help as you approach.

Talk to Savage to trigger a scene and start the mission.

If you haven't already, go north of the village at the checkpoint east of the Nazi compound where you exited after the collapsed tunnel sequence. Go behind the guard tower and use your whip to climb up. Go around the ledge ahead and enter through the open window.

Beat the guard inside, then take his uniform from the table below. Wearing it will make infiltrating the compound much easier the second time around only officers will question your presence.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Boxing Champion Location Guide

There are nine boxing champions to find in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle, and their locations are pretty hidden.

Return to the Detention Center

There is no need to enter the complex through the tunnels at the Great Pyramid dig site as you did for the story mission, although that is an option. You got this far, you can now enter through the west entrance, opposite the excavation site. Doing this is much faster, and the tunnels don't take you much further, so the direct route is best now that it is available.

The detention center is wooden building on the southern edge of the complex where you met Voss and Gantz. This time, you can enter the front doorbut it is recommended that instead enter through the side window as before. The entrance door and entrance room have multiple guards, and it is easier to get the drop on them approaching from a side room rather than trying to storm the front building.

Once you're in, enter the room to the left of the main entrance, then turn right to enter the holding cells. Lift note from Gantz on the table to find that Sidney was moved to the Khafre excavation site. You can also enter the cell on the right to get home a letter Sidney wrote.

Once you have both letters, drop the compound and head to the southwest excavation site.

How to save Sidney at the excavation site

When you reach the Khafre excavation site, the map in your Journal it will change to a magnified minimap of the area. Start by going to the building in the center of the site. The north entrance will allow you easily steal a bottle of medicine and a radio frequency. Once you have them, take the page from Gantz's diary on the dining table in the main room.

The note says that Sidney was assigned to the A1 tunnel. The entrance is southeast of the building you are in and up the wooden ramp from the entrance to the A2. Make sure you make your way there, even if you're in Wehrmacht uniform; Is there a officer right outside between the mess tent and the tunnels, and if he pulls the alarm, then you'll have to fight this area. unusually large number of heavy.

Follow the A1 tunnel to the end, then use your whip to go down the hole in Sydney. After the cutscene, you'll be standing in front of a breakable wall with a metal rod conveniently at your feet to break it with. before you do, take a picture of the mural on the wall to your left.

How to get out of the tunnels with Sidney

Smash the wall and follow the tunnels until you reach a fork. Is there a table with some bread if you need a quick health boost but sit down; the path straight ahead is guarded by two heavies, which isn't an ideal fight at the best of times.

The left and center paths will both get you where the heavies will notice you. Is there a the harder to spot path to the right that lets you sneak up on them. Taking out one with a sledgehammer or other weapon before it can react will make it much easier for you to fight the second one.

Once you get through the rough, follow the minecart tracks up until you reach a collapsed support beam; pick it up to escape At this point, Sidney will make his own way back to the village. Visit him in the same place where you talked to Professor Savage earlier to get one of the ten hidden stars for the Cairo Museum and complete the quest.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Achievement Guide

There are 45 achievements to unlock in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle, some of which require you to do unexpected things.

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