How to get an Extended Mag for the Integral-A Vector SMG

Vector Integral-A SMGs are some of the most fun weapons to use Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl due to their extremely high rate of fire. They are easier to maneuver and can destroy almost every enemy you will encounter in the area. However, the fast fire rate means you'll run out of ammo in that 21-round mag pretty quickly. A great solution for this is to find the extended mag for the Integral-A Vector SMG so you can keep shooting longer and increase sustained DPS.



Stalker 2: How to find the security code of the military warehouse in Rostok

There is a military warehouse located in the Rostok region of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl that has a locked vault that requires a six-digit code.

How to get an Extended Mag for the Integral-A Vector SMG in Stalker 2

To get the extended mag for the Integral-A Vector SMG, you will need to a random NPC encounter quest from Vitya Shepherd. To find Vitya, you'll need to head to the Lisovyi location, east of the Yaniv Station base in Stalker 2. After arriving at the location, you'll hear Vitya calling Skif for help from inside his house in Lisovyi .

Walking into the house, you'll find a wounded Vitya Shepherd telling Skif how he was betrayed by his friend. With his dying breath, he will share the coordinates with his warehouse so that his “friend” does not steal for him. Once you have the coordinates for Vitya Shepherd's Stash, you'll need to head to the location to confront Vetal and grab the stash for yourself.

Reaching Vitya Shepherd's Stash

Now you need to head to Vitya Shepherd's secret location marked on your map. Once you approach the complex, the main door on the left will be locked, so you will have to enter from the right side.

After entering the building, you'll find Vetal rummaging through Vitya's belongings on the floor. You can quickly take him out here without setting off the explosive wires behind him. From here, it will have to proceed cautiously to the hideout of the shepherd Vitya.

  1. Walk while crouching under the pull wire to avoid triggering the explosive pipe on the right.

  2. Disarm the trigger cable to the left before entering the door.

  3. Just before you get to the shelter, there is another wire between the wall and the bed. Disarm him and get to Vitya Shepherd's warehouse.

Opening the warehouse will allow you to obtain the High Capacity Integral-A Magazine, which will expand the weapon's capacity from 21 to 31 rounds. This magazine is also compatible with the variant called the Integral-A Reimann.

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