How to get the solar shovel in Dig it

Solar shovel is one of the best shovels in Dig it That you can buy after a certain sacrifice on the tropical island. However, not everyone will be able to get this incredible tool, because it is not only expensive, but also available for purchase after reaching the level 80.


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Here is a list of all the supports in the Dig it and instructions on how to unlock them.

However, the solar shovel is proud of excellent statistics that are better than even the shovel of wealth, except for the maximum weight, which is the same 50,000 kilograms. So, if you wonder what sacrifices you need to make to unlock this shovel, head to the trunk island and discover the secrets of this shovel.

How to get solar shovel

The player's character shows the pyramid in the middle of the forest island in Dig it.

Solar shovel can be Bought for $ 500,000provided you have reached the 80 level. You can find it and buy on the tropica island at the top of the pyramid. But before you have access to buy the shovel, you will need to make a decent sacrifice. So, let's talk about what and how you should do to unlock the solar shovel.

First of all, you have to arrive Tropic island. The islands in Dig it are quite easy to see. So enter your boat and navigate to the green mark of the tropica in the sky. When you reach the island, enter the thickness of the forest right in the center.

There, you will find a pyramid and a staircase leading to its tip. Once you climb the top, you will see a star -shaped hole on the ground and an interactive labeled offer button. Requirements are quite simple – Donate 20 fallen starsand you will unlock the solar shovel.

If you do not know how to get fallen stars, don't worry, because it's easy enough. All you have to do is Wait for Falling Stars eventWhich, like other events, can occur at random on the island.

You will know that it starts when the yellow stars fall from the sky directly on the ground, and on the left side of your screen, you will notice a message that says – current event: Falling Stars. Thus, you will have to wait for the event every time to collect and donate a few stars.

If you have a strong enough shovel you can get About five stars during a single event.

In addition, you can also Trade Stars fallen with other playersFor example, for a mole or other useful elements. Finally, after sacrificing 20 fallen stars and spent $ 500,000, you will buy solar shovel. If you are still on the fence about the time spending the stars and money decent money, take a look at its statistics below:



Loss of resistance










Maximum weight

50,000 kilograms


Roblox: Dig it – all secret items and how to get them

Maximize -the chances of purchasing secret items in Roblox: Dig it!

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