It is no secret that DC fell quite a lot behind Marvel when it comes to video games. Rivali Marvel It is only the latest game that has reiterated this and, even if Marvel and DC should not be blocked perpetually in a competition between the other, it would be great if DC could obtain Marvel's earnings as inspiration to produce his his own. If this had been manifested in a transparent and constant way, DC would climb the Bandwagon of error 6V6 earlier than later and would have presented its own takeover Rivali Marvel.
Batman and Superman could have a great variety in a DC Rivali Marvel Between all Batman's gadgets and vehicles or the Kyrptonian skills powered by Superman. Also, characters like Martian Manhunter or Green Lantern could have ridiculous and creative kits. That being said, it would be almost impossible to design kits for Aquaman or Green Arrow and not to mirror them by Namor and Hawkeye.

Spider-Man from Marvel Rivals deserves a kit that changes the game
Spider-Man from Marvel Rivals is on his knees by having a web localities that refill and, although it is unlikely, an important Buff Kit could remedy this.
Aquaman from DC would never get rid of the aqueous shadow of the Marvel rival rivals
Rivali Marvel“Namor has proven to be quite big in season 1. It is not the most dynamic duelist character players can choose from the list, but its unpretending strongly strongly make up its kit, while it mainly throws its trident and rises in The air with a bubble in a peak. Rivali Marvel He ever went out and had an aquaman on the list, it would be difficult not to have his own skills just to imitate Namor.
Also, if Aquaman could sink on the map and swim quickly with a movement pulse, which then bend too much on Rivali Marvel'Jeff the terrestrial shark. As a result, there are not many things that DC could do to distinguish Aquaman very much, which is unhappy, because its popularity and ubiquity would suggest that they should play a role in a set of heroes, If DC would ever decide to develop one.
DC's green arrow could have a trick or two in the sleeve, which Hawkeye Rivals' Rivals is missing
Rivali Marvel“Hawkeye was not terribly broken in season 1, but as Namor, he is quite high in many lists of community level. On paper, Green Arrow having a kit designed for a heroic shooter would have trouble avoiding Hawkeye inspiration; However, while both characters share expertise with an arrow and arrow as a weapon of your choice, Green Arrow could triple on another trick Rivali Marvel“Hawkeye does not delegate much.
Hawkeye has only an explosion arrows as a type of trick arrow and, instead, has more utility with a katana and a wakizashi in its Slash and Ronin Slash skills. In this case, a DC Rivali Marvel The game would be able to eclipse Hawkeye, giving it the green arrow a few arrows of different tricks that improve their game.
Whatever could be on the table between the arrows that propel the green arrow in the air for better crossing and arrows that require a large recoil, but creates an AOE with a fun status. Anyway, without DC Rivali Marvel Even the rumor, Rivali Marvel should not share the spotlight with anyone else but Overwatch 2 at this time.