Infinity Nikki promises a major change in outfit slots


  • Infinity Nikki will add more outfit slots in the near future, a feature extremely requested by players worldwide.

  • May require diamonds or blocks to unlock slots.

  • Future plans for 2025 include completing the housing function and a new region for Nikki to explore.

Infinity Nikki He confirmed that a future update will finally add one of the most requested features by the community: more outfit slots. With update 1.2 in progress Infinity NikkiIt is clear that the latest installment in the Nikki franchise targets the stars. Combining the dressed elements of his predecessor with a vibrant open world, Infinity Nikki He managed to capture a wide release at launch, and the game continues to maintain his impulse with ambitious content updates.

Update 1.2 for Infinity Nikki In particular, he added a completely new area in Wishfield, allowing players to explore the islands and engage with stronger enemies, solve new puzzles and expand their skills with a skill of fireworks. He also put Marques Jr. in a leading role, Nikki helping him to reconcile his childhood trauma, as he started in an adventure to respond to one of the oldest mysteries of the island. . While Infinity Nikki Continue to grow up as a game, many players feel that developers from Infold have wrongly judged a game feature.


Infinity Nikki teases the back of the popular character

For the emotion of his community, Irmold reveals that an extremely popular character in Infinity Nikki returns to a future update.

Despite the fact that it is a game that puts a great emphasis on dressing in a wide variety of outfits, there are only four slots of outfits for Infinity Nikki players to work with. Needless to say, the audience from all over the globe and in China have both requested several slots of outfits since the launch of the game and Infinity Nikki Finally, he gave a reply to Weibo, shared by Gggary1230 on Reddit. While the developers did not give an exact date, Infold confirmed that more slots will come Infinity Nikki. Given the banner's program for Infinity NikkiAs well as the pure amount of free outfits obtained through the gameplay, this feature is certainly needed sooner than later.

Infinity Nikki will add more outfit slots to a future update

While Infinity Nikki It will have several slots of outfits in the near future, Infold has not provided details on how this change will be implemented. There is a chance that players will be forced to use diamonds or blocks to unlock new outfit slots, but considering the determination of Irmold to add more quality features to life to Infinity NikkiIt is quite likely that the kept slots will be added retroactively to the user interface.

Update 1.3 will be launched at the end of February, and the recent data points to the dwelling function in Infinity Nikki It is almost complete. Assuming Infold remains faithful to his travel sheets for 2025, players can expect to see Nikki in a completely new region by the end of 2025. We hope that, until then, he will have several slots of outfits with to work.

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