Infinity Nikki: Where to find Aromalily

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There are many materials that players can obtain Infinity Nikki which can be used to create new outfits or individual pieces of clothing. However, when you need specific materials and can't find them anywhere, it can be difficult and frustrating, especially since the map is so large.

Aromalilies in particular can be a difficult find at first, but there are a few different places you can get the crafting item. If you are looking for easy locations to pick up some Aromalilies Infinity Nikkihere are the best places to add the item to your inventory.


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Where to find Aromalily in Infinity Nikki

Picture of Infinity Nikki Scented Lily Pads

If you're currently looking for Aromalilies but can't track them down in your collections because you haven't found one yet, there's a certain place that's best for growing them quickly and easily without having to complete a lot of main missions.

Shores of Florawish

The easiest place to get some Aromalilies early in the game is on the shores of Florawish. In particular, you can find a few east of Florawish Lane Warp Spireshown in the map image above. Jump on the lilies that are in the water here and grab the purple flowers on the water lilies.

Aromalia can
can only be obtained during the day
. At night, the flower will be closed and you won't be able to grab it.

Now that you have about 4 Aromalilies in your inventory, you can now track the flower. Go to the maps screen and navigate to the bottom left and click the middle button to access your collections. On the first page, scroll down until you reach Aromalily. From here, choose “follow', and you will be able to find additional locations where Aromalilies are. For example, you can find something to the west of your current location in the water where you can also fish, as shown in the fourth image above.


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Where to buy Aromalily in Infinity Nikki

If you don't feel like looking for Aromalilies, luckily you can buy the flower too. However, this will require you to spend a Rising Reflux, which is a relatively difficult item to find. Here's how to purchase an Aromalily:

  • Start by opening your Pear-Pal.
  • Click the Store tab.
  • Navigate to Resonance tab.
  • Scroll down to find Aromalily, which costs 1 Rising reflux.

If you don't currently have any Surging Ebbs, they can be obtained from fetch duplicates of a 5-star itemwhen rolling in Resonance. If you're the type who prefers a free-to-play version of Infinity Nikkihowever, we highly recommend saving your Rising Refluxes for other items such as Revelation Crystals.

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