Jo Togame's raw power and tactical fighting style make him a tough opponent.
Compared to his leader, Jo is calm, calculating and fights for honor.
Jo's fighting spirit, resilience, and loyalty make him a formidable leader in Breaker Wind.
Second in command of the criminal gang known as the Shishitori, Jo Togame is recognized for his fierce loyalty and tactical fighting skills. As the right-hand man of Choji Tomiyama, the leader of the Shishitori, Jo is the powerhouse and a key character in the series.
His raw strength and overwhelming power combined with his fighting style make him a tough opponent to beat. It is also capable of taking on multiple opponents at once with ease. A bully at heart, Jo is one of the characters who embodies the fighting spirit of Windbreaker The series, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.

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The delinquent rebel who is always ready for a fight, just who is Haruka Sakura?
The iron fighter of the shishitori
The calm but strong leader with an iron fist
Compared to his enigmatic leader, Jo is seen to be calmer and more in control of his emotions. He approaches fights with more of a tactical mindset rather than clean. He is able to calculate his opponents movements and strike accurately. While most members of the Shishitoren fight for glory and fame, Jo fights to uphold her gang's honor and protect her fellows. However, as powerful as he is, he is quick to anger if he notices that Shishitoren members are seen to be weak when losing battles. As second in command, Jo's strength and power surpasses the average criminal and is seen to be on par with the protagonist Windbreaker Series – Haruka Sakura.
It serves as a principle for those entering the city. Only the strong are free to do as they please!
Jo's true strength and charisma comes out when she feels challenged during a fight, this is seen during her fight with Sakura as the two are able to go at each other with brute strength and powerful blows to each other. He also does not choose to unleash his true power first until he believes his opponent is worthy of facing his true wrath. Sakura managed to bring this out in this part of Jo during their battle. Jo's fighting spirit is as strong as his warrior mentality; He refuses to turn during a fight and always turns.
The fight is strong in this one
Just like the other fighters in the WindbreakerJo's fighting style can be considered – Street Brawler mixed with martial arts. His punts and shots are tough, and he switches between offense and defense with ease. Jo is also able to see openings in an opponent's attack and capitalizes on this by delivering pinpoint strikes in retaliation. As an experienced fighter, he also has large amounts of stamina and endurance to keep up with opponents for long periods of time without showing fatigue. His calm attitude towards an intense fight is also one of his traits, and he doesn't go all out during a fight.

Wind Breaker: What to expect from Season 2 (according to the manga)
With Wind Breaker Season 1 aired, what can you expect from Season 2 in 2025? Here's what's next in the manga.
As a fighter and leader, Jo carries this aura with him wherever he goes, and his presence is quite intimidating. He doesn't waste his energy on unnecessary moves and every attack he unleashes has a purpose. Even when hit, Jo is able to reverse the action by using his arms to keep his balance, this is seen when Sakura hits Jo's back, causing him to fall forward, but Jo is able to use his hand to to spring back into balance without striking the ground face first. Even after dealing with constant blows from Sakura, Jo is still able to turn around and continue the fight, showing his character and fighting spirit. Jo's secret weapon is his unlimited stamina, as a former Kendo practitioner, Jo has gained a lot of physical strength and discipline, making him the second strongest person in Shishitori. Aside from his fighting spirit, Jo's unwavering loyalty to the Shishitori knows no bounds as he is willing to go out of his way to uphold the name of the gang he is a part of.