Bot Lane diversity in League of Legends has expanded to include marksmen, mages, and fighters, providing more strategic options.
The best Bot Laners are subject to frequent meta changes due to bi-weekly patches, requiring adaptation and experimentation.
Key Bot Lane champions like Caitlyn, Ezreal, and Miss Fortune offer unique strengths and playstyles, appealing to a range of player preferences.
The Bot Lane in league of legends it will always be one of the most fun and chaotic due to the double number of champions. While in the past Support protected and fought alongside ADCs or shooters primarily, alternate Bot Laners such as Mages are much more common than before.

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Despite the age of League of Legends and its competitive scene, it remains one of the best competitive games on the market right now.
Because the tide is always changing because of the biweekly patches, the current the best Bot Laners from League they might not be on the charts for long, so now is the best time to play them. Some champions manage to stay strong in the meta for long periods of time, especially if they are considered healthy.
Updated January 18, 2025, by Joe Grantham: This list has been updated for Patch 25.S1.1.
Win Rate: 52.8% – Pick Rate: 1.7%
Nilah falls somewhat into the fighter category in league of legendsbut that doesn't stop players from bot lane with her. The main reason players can snowball Nilah is related to her passive Jubilant Veil, which gives Nilah some of the benefits her allies get from shields and healing.
In fact, pairing her with the tank support beast Taric is an exceptionally powerful combination. Another strong ability in Bot Lane is her W, which can block auto attacks for a short period of time, which is often the opposing ADC's main way of dealing damage.
Win Rate: 51.9% – Pick Rate: 4.9%
Twitch has some of the highest damage potential for teamfights, especially if the enemy is standing in a nice and orderly line for him to attack. However, he must first acquire a number of items to become powerful. He also benefits from having Sorcerer Supports by his side to keep him safe and boost his damage. Lulu is traditionally a great choice for him.
While it's possible to farm and farm for the late game, the best Twitch players use their stealth to get ahead with stealth kills and big roams at Mid Lane and the like.
Win Rate: 49.8% – Pick Rate: 16.5%
With the longest range of all ADCs in LeagueCaitlyn is a bot lane bully looking to get ahead and stay ahead, all from relative safety. While she attacks slowly compared to most other ADCs, each machine deals a lot of damage, especially if she has charged a headshot or an enemy is caught in traps or netting.
While some of Caitlyn's combos and relentless push playstyle are best utilized by specialists who have mastered her, she is also easy to pick up and anyone can use her ult to finish off kills.
Win Rate: 49.8% – Pick Rate: 18.8%
Almost every ability being a long-range projectile to throw at enemies, Ezreal it's easily one of the most fun Bot Laners out there, but if players can't hit their skill shots, it does virtually no damage. For those who can, however, Ezreal becomes a powerful threat at every stage of the game, from laning to late-game teamfights.

League Of Legends: Weird Combos You Should Try
In League Of Legends, these unlikely combinations can wreak havoc when played as bots, amplifying each other's strengths and covering each other's weaknesses.
Another strength of Ezreal compared to typical League ADCs, it's his ability to get out of danger instantly by pressing E. This keeps him safe from annoying Blitzcrank hooks in lane and other powerful abilities. Later and through hit abilities, the cooldown of his escape tool is reduced, allowing for constant repositioning.
Win Rate: 53.4% - Pick Rate: 2.3%
Kog'maw he's one of the most immobile shooters in the game, but he's also capable of destroying health bars with his lightning attacks and percentage health damage. Therefore, players must walk the line between safety and danger with top kiting to get the most out of it.
He usually only needs one item to get online and performs much better with supports that can increase his damage or give him more movement speed. Kog'maw also has a few skill shots, most notably ult, which can take out enemies from a distance.
Win Rate: 52.7% – Pick Rate: 4.8%
while Wayne it is definitely among the hardest League pilot champions, those who are able to use their mobility, often take over the game, especially once it has a few items. Her short range can make the early stages of the game difficult when facing longer range Bot Lane combos, but the narrow lane also gives her plenty of opportunities to stun enemies into walls with E.
If Vayne can make it out of the early game relatively unscathed, then she can start taking over fights by weaving in and out, especially with her ult, which makes her invisible every time she crashes with Q. Vayne also excels at taking down tanks. , thanks to her silver bolts, which deal damage based on HP every third attack.
Win Rate: 51.3% – Pick Rate: 11%
For years after its repetition, Corky has been largely absent from Bot Lane, finding a new home in Mid Lane as a cross between a Marksman and a Mage. However, Daring Bombardier is now back in the Bot and maybe here to stay. Like many of the best ADCs in the LeagueCorki has good scale and can take out a planeload of damage.
His early game is far from weak and in fact one of the strongest phases of the game, even if this may come as a surprise to veterans. He is able to push enemies from a safe distance, and against engaging or ganking, he always has the W flying. Alternatively, he can use Valkyrie to follow up his own hires, and with Sheen or Trinity Force, his damage in this stage is some of the best.
Win Rate: 51.3% – Pick Rate: 18.2%
Jinx will always be one of the most popular ADCs, a fact in which her main role lasso consolidated. She is known as one of the most important supercars, able to take over teamfights with increasing power and speed after each kill, thanks to her passive – Get Excited!

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Switching to her AOE missiles, Jinx has increased range and can damage multiple enemies at once, or alternatively, her minigun can destroy tanks, turrets and epic monsters. If that's not enough, her long-range ult can always finish the job. While one of Jinx's weaknesses is her lack of mobility, she can slow down pursuers with her W or stop them completely with her Chomper traps.
Miss Fortune
Win Rate: 53% – Pick Rate: 16.9%
Miss Fortune is often among the best Bot Laners in League due to his strong presence in lane and team fighting potential. Using Q – Love Tap on minions with low health, she is able to destroy enemy laners while slowing them down with E. Each of her machines also packs a punch, especially if she alternates targets to deal her damage passive.
However, her most infamous ability is her ultimate, which fires bullets for several seconds in a large cone, annihilating any enemies that were caught by her support or other allies. The best MF players always find the perfect angle for this with great positioning.

October 27, 2009