Success and Failure in Searches in Kingdom Come: Liberation 2 Often, rely on -only on your ability to choose the correct dialog options. If you fail to convince NPCs, you will not get all the information you have after and this may have an impact on future searches.


When Kingdom comes: Liberation takes place?

Have you ever asked exactly when and where the kingdom takes place? Here's what you want to know.

In Trosky, von Bergow will ask you to interrogate a prisoner to find out everything you need to know about bandits who continue to attack people in the region. You have to find out four information and the only way to do this is to choose the correct dialog options to drive the prisoner to pour everything.

All the interrogation of the correct prisoners of dialogical choices

Henry talking to a prisoner from the Kingdom of Come: Liberation 2.

For the most part, Henry and Hans do not want to torture the prisoner. It is not nice for someone, but they need the information that the prisoner has. I have to balances him torture him with all the information you need.

If you torture the prisoner too much, you will kill him. Also, not to torture at all will see you left without all the necessary information.

  1. First of all, ask him where his crew is hiding.

  2. After he refused to say, he says “We already know!”

  3. He will say “You don't know shit!”

  4. Now, hit him to start the threats.

  5. It will still fight back so it hit him louder.

  6. Then, when Capon asks you, take a hammer to threaten the prisoner.

  7. Will break a little and I tell you the nest is in Nebakovthat you have already suspected.

  8. Now ask who his leader is.

  9. When he says he doesn't know, he strikes him again.

  10. Then he tells you he called Jan.
  11. Now, ask -if Istvan Toth is with them.

  12. When he doesn't say, take an instrument and torture him.

  13. He will admit that Istvan is with him and the crew.
  14. Don't bother to ask him about the sword Istvan stole it, he knows nothing.

  15. Now ask more about his leader.

  16. Reply “Say it and save -you” after refusing.

  17. He doesn't know, so he doesn't torture him.

  18. Ask him if someone in the region helps him.

  19. Catch an instrument to threaten him.

  20. Try to change the subject and Hans will intervene. Will be more direct and ask for names.

  21. The prisoner will recognize that Olda Semine helps.
  22. Ask him why he ambushed to the pond at the beginning of the match.

  23. Tell him you are not on von Bergow's side.

  24. Pay it then torture it.

  25. The interrogation ends.

The quest goal will then be completed, but you will lose a lot of reputation. However, you have obtained the four information points you need and do not kill the prisoner, so von Bergow will be satisfied with you.


19 games to play if you liked Kingdom Come: Liberation

Kingdom Come: Delivery is a fun game. Here are some other titles that are similar if you are looking for something else to play.

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