O Pie: Marini prisoners with potential at amral level

This article contains spoilers from the Elbaf Arc of One Piece.


  • Koby, Prince Grus, Gion and Chaton have all the potential at the admiral level among the navy.

  • These individuals have the necessary power, the haki skills and the future promotion potential at the admiral.

  • With their abilities and history as candidates for position, they could rise to the degree of admiral in the future.

When it comes to the world One pieceFans know that there are certain people with a very high level of power. Among the pirates, they are Yonko, and among the marine prisons, are the admirals and the amuses of the fleet. Of course, the admirals usually consist of three powerful people, with strong skills, which can essentially change the face of a nation by itself.


One piece: 23 The most powerful conqueror haki users, ranked

Conqueror's haki is used by the most powerful people in the One Piece Universe. These users have shown the most potential.

Admirals are strong enough to keep the ground even on Yonko, although they are not as strong as they are. Whatever they are some of the most impressive individuals in One pieceAnd in the rank of the navy, we have always appeared. In the future One pieceCertainly, fans will see new admirals, which means that there are certainly some individuals who could be promoted to this rank. Even now, among the ranks of the Navy, there are a few people with potential at the admiral level.



  • Fruit devil: n/a

  • Haki: Armament and observation

Fans already know Koby's incredible potential. After being trained by Garp, Koby already has extraordinary power. His powers truly woke up in the Egghead arch, where he gave to all those who could really do it.

However, Koby is far from the finished product and you will have to train his skills even more. In the future of a piece, the fans will see Koby earn even greater powers and eventually fulfill their dream of becoming an admiral of the Navy. He will even hire Luffy in battle at one point, which would certainly be very interesting to see.


Prince Grus

Prince Grus from a piece


  • Haki: Armament and observation

Prince Grus is one of Koby's friendly rivals, and fans know he has an extraordinary potential. He has the power of Gunyo Gunyo No Mi, which is a parameter skill that allows him to manipulate clay as he wishes. In many ways, his powers are similar to those of Doflamingo.

Prince Grus is a rear admiral of the marine kids and at this time, it is worth 500 million berries, or five stars, according to The Cross Guild. It is a talent comparable to Koby and, at the same time, fans also know that Prince Grus was called the future of the Navy of Garp, along with a few others. We hope that he will continue to shine in the future and could even rise to the degree of an admiral.



Gion Momousagi a piece

  • Fruit devil: n/a

  • Haki: Armament and observation

Gion is a vice -miral in the navy. He certainly has admiral potential, given that he was one of the candidates because he reached this position. This must mean that Gion has a greater ability than an average vice and has higher resistance sleeves.


One piece: 27 the most exaggerated devils, ranked

The devil's fruit users are some of the most powerful people in the world of One Piece. These devil's fruit skills are absolutely survived.

By virtue of holding the position of a vice -miral, it has access to both weapons and Haki observation. In the future, Gion could get opportunities to show what she is really, and fans could see a look at her haking. Regardless, in the future, if there is a vacant post among the admirals, Gion will be considered again.



Vice admiral chaton grinning from a single piece

  • Fruit devil: n/a

  • Haki: Armament and observation

Like Gion, Chaton, also known as Tokikage, has been a candidate for the position over time, which implies that his level of force is higher than vice -the average amiral in One piece.

Chaton is very powerful because it is vice -amoral with Haki observation and armament, which it probably uses with great precision. Whether or not he has a skill of the devil's fruit or does not remain to be seen. Whatever, is very well respected in the future One pieceIf there is ever a vacant post for the position of admiral, it will be considered again. Its status continues to confirm that it has an admiral potential, otherwise it would never be in office.



  • Fruit devil: moku moku not mi

  • Haki: Armament and observation

The smoker is also one of the vice -admirals, famous on the great line like Chase White. Fans know that it is a very powerful navy, with the power of Moku Moku No Mi, a Logia type devil and, at the same time, two types of haki, those that are observations and weapons. The smoker is a very powerful individual and, although Oda has given up the ball in terms of this little character, he will receive his time to shine sooner or later.

The smoker being one of the most powerful vice -amoral in the series, simply continues to confirm that if the Navy ever needs a new admiral, he will certainly be for it. We hope that he receives more brilliance in the future arches of a piece, then continues to claim the position of the admiral and, possibly, even the float admiral.


One piece

release date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takiro Imamura, Takiro, Takiro Hate, Thoyiiki, Yûji Endô, Nosomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou


Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inouue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Shouji Yonemura, Yoshiyuki Suga, Atsuhiro Tomioka, Hirohiko Uesaka, Michiru Shimada, Isao Muyama, Takuya Masumoto, Yoichi Takahashi, Momoka Toyoda


  • The image of the places in the distribution

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

  • The image of the places in the distribution

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (voice)

  • The image of the places in the distribution

    Akemi Okamura

    Nami (voice)

  • The image of the places in the distribution

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