Overwatch 2 The updating of the season of season of season 14 has revealed a variety of new features. Many fans are already looking forward to Overwatch 2The major update of February 12, which promises to provide the latest changes of the PVP experience of the game. Meanwhile, it's worth looking at the newest feature of the store.
Nicknamed Maximilien's vault, Overwatch 2The most recent update of the store is similar to your “shop” in league of legends and the “night market” in Valuable. While the opportunity to buy skins (selected based on the player's hero's preferences) at low rates is interesting, Lore fans can be even more intrigued by the figure behind these relationships. As an omnic with talon ties, Maximilien is an incredibly convincing figure, especially when she is juxtaposed with characters such as Ramattra and Zenyatta.

Overwatch 2: Maximilien's Vault controversy explained
With the launch of the season 14 season of season 14, fans noticed that the new store, Maximilien's Vault, has a very significant defect.
Who is Maximilien in Overwatch 2?
Maximilien's origins in “The Pocket King”
Blizzard recently released a YouTube video, with Maximilien's vocal actor, telling the story “The Pocket King”. Although the story was published a few months ago, some believe that the video synchronization suggests Overwatch 2 It is Teaching Hero 43. While this came with some critics, because some fans do not want Maximilien to become a character play, others are delighted by the idea of a third player who comes to The Hero-Shooter.
“The Pocket King” offers fans a look of 14 pages in Maximilien's inner thoughts, his early partnership with Doomphist and his talon connections. As a wicked money laundering, readers learn how he went from a simple accountant and financial counselor to the leader of his empire. The story really explores deeper themes of distrust of omnic and what it means for a omnic to hold a position of power. This reason is not new to OverwatchHis universe, but has a special significance after the omnic crisis and the subsequent works of Ramattra with the null sector.
As the short story progresses, it becomes obvious that, although Maximilien remains part of Talon's inner's circle, his confidence in Doomphist and Talon begins to handle. A passage emphasizes its increasing disocort, demonstrating how its once formidable influence diminishes in front of its eyes:
“From the moment their agreement began, Talon had full access to Maximilien's Cofor. There was a period when that meant that Maximilien could indicate the organization as he saw in shape. But now new variables have appeared, and the inner circle of Talon had expanded slowly.
Maximilien's role in the Overwatch Archives event
Long-term fans of the franchise can remember Maximilien from OverwatchThe third Archives event, Storm Rising, which was launched in 2019. In special game mode, Sojourn implements a strike team with Mercy, Genji, Tracer and Winston, with Maximilien's appearance. She hopes that I can negotiate with him to give them key information on Doomfist's location. This betrayal leads to Doomphist's incarceration in a high quality prison. However, in the end, he escapes and resumes his plans to instigate the war, no wiser that Maximilien betrayed.
The Storm Rising event offered fans, also their first look at Ramattra before becoming a hero plays, as Doomphist is seen meeting him in the final.
Most of this archive event takes place OverwаtchHavana map. It is worth noting that Maximilien holds both Don Rumbotico distillery and the Royale circuit casino. It remains to be determined whether these details will have a greater impact in the future. However, the significant influence of the omnic Kingpin suggests that it could become a key figure in the continuous narrative of the game.