After the conservative step before that was Orcs must die 3The cultured-favorite franchise returned with Orcs must die! Trap of deatha more inventive and derived continuation than its predecessors. Trap of deathThe biggest deviation from the series Convention is its Roguelike gameplay, while the meat and potatoes are left more or less untouched. This can be a mixed bag. On the one hand, why fix what is not broken? But at the same time, some of the wider structural elements of the game may feel glued and weak.
Orcs must die! Trap of death adhere to the satisfactory real -time strategy mixture and carefully worked strategy that has won its fans since 2011. The premise is simple: the orcs will attack the player's base, an object called Rift, in waves, and the player must use a variety of traps. and skills of a fraction of seconds to determine the supremacy on the battlefield. It is a brutal, fast and deadly sandbox, which will certainly thank the tower's defense fans, but those looking for a more meat game can be disappointed.
Trap of death Removes a lot of previous game clothes, including a traditional narrative and alternative ways such as ORC must die 3His war scenarios, instead focus on the design pillars mentioned above that make the game work. The result is a weak, malicious machinery, to kill the orcs of a game – something that is unlikely to win many bright prizes, but more than likely to bring you a diabolical face due to its sadistic cartoon action.
Orcs must die! Deathtrap provides unrestrained fun in cooperation
After a brief cinematographic scene, Orcs must die! Trap of death He puts his books on the table: the players can embark on missions from their base, playing as one of the seven war magic, each with a distinct suite of skills that distinguish each other. Magi of war all feel great to play despite their relative mechanical simplicity. Players will not succeed Overwatch-the sits of killing at the level or acts of amazing destruction, but the diverse list of the characters does what to do.
Secret Sauce Al Trap of deathjust like Orcii The games before him is the collection of traps that the players have available. Before each wave of orcs enter, the players will be informed about the ways that these monsters will follow to reach Rift, which is surprisingly delicate. There is no need for many orcs to exhaust the rift points, which leads to a loss. You can reduce the substantial horde of orcs by learning these paths and channeling creatures to strategic suffocation points loaded with deadly traps. The drops of floor, the showers with acidified on the ceiling and the automatic towers with crossbars are just a few of the lethal cars in the player's arsenal, which can be expanded and improved by spending the resources back in the Fortrest Center area.
As always, creating the perfect configuration for killing the orcs is extremely fierce. Nothing resembles the feeling of carefully directing the orcs on a hall full of wall traps, floor and ceiling, watching with joy as the eager monsters are slowly meeting their fate on your way to your threshold. Trap of death It offers a lot of large and complex maps properly, and learning their appearance facilitates subsequent running. You will acquire priceless knowledge both from the successes and your failures, eventually mastering the geography of each arena and using it to your advantage. This makes the game intrinsically full of satisfaction, which is a good thing, because material rewards and progress systems are little lacking.
ARCS has to die! Trap of death It works beautifully. I played a PC with an AMD Ryzen 7 and an RTX 4060, at maximum settings, and the FPS has never dropped below 70, even with dozens of orcs on the screen simultaneously.
Orcs must die! Deathtrap is a great DIY fighting box but a weak Roguelike
Trap of death It is by no means a traditional Roguelike, but it does not shy away from what they borrow from gender. After each enemy wave, players will be able to choose from a selection of upgrades that will remain with them until the end of that round. These can affect both the performance of the trap and the struggle, but they are a little overwhelming and feel tense. The best RogueLike progression systems have upgrades that combine with each other in interesting or unexpected ways, claiming that “there are no identical races” design philosophy, but Trap of deathThe short-term upgrades lack the weight and creativity that make such a system full of satisfaction. Rather, the game upgrades are both disappointing and non-creative, too many of them granting light, incremental advantages, such as 10% increase in damage for a certain type of trap or trap. It is better than nothing, but it is rare to feel that feeling of continuous power that makes the RogueLike progression so captivating.
Cross-cross progression is just as boring, with a permanent skills tree whose most expensive articles include upgrades such as a 10% health increase after the rebirth and a 3% increase in critical hit. Gathered together, these upgrades can certainly increase the effectiveness of a player, but each war mag Instead of being just static, non -exciting statistics.
Once again, the strong heart of the game turns out to be the trap system. Unlocking new traps is what deepens the experience over time, because each new tool is practically a new toy to play with, ensuring that the strategy and forecast remain fresh and exciting long after the fight War Mage stagnates. However, the Action War Mage game is presented as half of the experience – as important as the settlement of traps – so it is a little disappointing that it is not as dynamic and deep as its tower defense counter.
Orcs must die! Deathtrap is better with friends
Apart from the RogueLike Progress System, Orcs must die! Trap of deathThe biggest change compared to the convention of the series is the increase of the maximum size of the team from two to four. The game Maybe It would be played solo, but it comes to life during the game in cooperation, which raises all the aspects of the game loop. Planning is much more enjoyable with one partner or three, because players can respond to ideas from each other and discover new angles of attack through collaboration. The relatively gentle fight of each war magic is also less a problem, because different magicians support different archetypes and can make synergy between them. For example, while a player might fight to play as the Kalos fighter nearby in solo, he can become an invaluable support tool when associated with a long distance attack character like Vaan or Wren .
More than other games in the series, Orcs must die! Trap of death It feels designed for the cooperative game first. Each playable character has weaknesses, such as low DPS or lack of special offensive skills, and they can be compensated by associating with another character with strong points and weaknesses. Trap of death He has a very complementary design in this regard, making his cooperative game much more interesting and complex than his options for a single player.
Orcs must die! Trap of death It is a Game Pass launch for the first day, which will help the number of players simultaneously and support the powerful cooperative multiplayer game.
Orcs must die! Trap of death It is good, but in a very working way. Although not the most surprising or inventive multiplayer game on the market, it maintains the strong balance of strategy and gameplay in real time that made the franchise so loved first. Fans of previous entrances can be somewhat divided on things such as RogueLike progression and greater emphasis on multiplayer with the price of solo game, but the strengths of the series are still there and, in some respects, are better regulated than ever.

Revised on PC
- platform
PC, Xbox Series X/s
- Developer (i)
Robot entertainment
- Editor (i)
Robot entertainment
- The number of players
- An excellent strategic game of tower defense
- Cooperative well -developed
- Good level design
- Unique, memorable traps
- Poor progression
- Roguelike systems with fists
- Fight from time to time that can grow old quickly
Orcs must die! Trap of death will launch on PC and Xbox Series X | S on January 28, 2024. Game Rant received a Steam code for this review.