Ziggy Switkowski review of big four accounting firm PwC’s tax leaks scandal

Consulting giant PwC has been savaged in an independent review that exposed the firm’s “shadow” culture contributing to its infamous tax leaks scandal. The review, run by former Telstra boss Ziggy Switkowski, was tasked with investigating revelations earlier this year that the firm’s former tax partner Peter Collins shared confidential information within the firm regarding … Read more

Great Aussie Debate: Have you ever experienced sexual harassment in the workplace?

New research has shed light on an “insidious” office act that women continue to face at disproportionate rates to their male counterparts. More than 50,000 Australians recently participated in news.com.au’s Great Aussie Debate survey. Participants answered 50 questions, revealing their opinions on everything from work and politics to whether it’s ever appropriate to wear shorts … Read more

Chicken workers vote up new deal with Inghams

Union workers who shut down chicken plants across Australia over a pay dispute with a major poultry supplier are back at work after voting up a new labour contract. The United Workers Union and Inghams, a major supplier to brands such as Woolworths and McDonald’s, reached an in-principle agreement on a new enterprise agreement after … Read more