Rivals Marvel players sleep on a duelist, especially

An inherent part of the constantly evolving nature of a constantly evolving game is that the meta is always changing. New balancing updates, relieves of characters and new additions to the list changes continuously, which is considered the most viable in the competitive scene. Rivali Marvel is no exception to this rule.

Rivali Marvel“The competitive meta has gone through some quite significant changes from the beginning of season 0. The storm is now considered a large scale to be a hero S, with the rocket that rises on levels next to it, Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman has joined the list. And you become heavy hits, and Hawkeye's nerifo has thrown it on a few levels. But there is one overlooked Rivali Marvel Duelist whose place in Meta remained largely unchanged since the game was launched and it was time to change.


Spider-Man from Marvel Rivals deserves a kit that changes the game

Spider-Man from Marvel Rivals is on his knees by having a web localities that refill and, although it is unlikely, an important Buff Kit could remedy this.

Marvel Rivals' Namor is sleeping

Marvel Rivals' Namor has an interesting Pick-Câstig Report

According to the Netlease official Rivali Marvel Hero Hot List (last update on January 6), Namor could be an underestimated hero in the current Meta. When it comes to choosing the rate, Namor is found toward the bottom of Rivali Marvel'list. On the PC, Namor has a take -up rate of only 4.34%, which means it is 11th in 18 duelists, and on 26th place in 33 heroes in general (without including Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman, who hadn't come to the game yet).

But while Namor may have a low lifting rate, his winning rate is surprisingly high. According to the latest statistics, Namor has a winning rate of 51.25%, ranking it in 5th place in duelists and 12th in all heroes. This means that Namor has a higher gain rate than heroes such as Captain America, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Magneto and even Moon Snow, who currently has the highest selection rate of any hero at 20.66%.

The statistics of the Namor console tell a similar story. Although its rate of taking over the console is slightly higher at 4.89%, it was even lower, being the 13 -a especially duelist, and the one of the 28 -the especially hero in general. Namor's winning rate on the console is slightly lower, but coming to 50.95%. But this still ranks 5th among the duelists and the 13th in general.

Although these official statistics could be a little outdated now, given the Meta 1 changes, it is likely that Namor's choice and win rates have not changed too much in recent weeks and is likely to be a pretty hero underestimated.

The way players can make the most of Namor's skill kit

Namor is not as popular as heroes greater than life, such as Iron Man, Hulk and Spider-Man, and is not as niche as Jeff the Land Shark and Squirrel Girl. Namor's abilities in Rivali Marvel They are not particularly special, at least on the surface. It cannot be sinking, and its primary damages on fire are not massive. But, while it is possible not to be lightning or extremely powerful, Namor's abilities can be incredibly useful in almost any way of play and in almost any composition of the team.

Everything revolves around Namor's Monsro Spawn, a duo of the caller -like laps that can be attached to any surface. The location of these tours is essential for any Namor players who want to reach higher competitive rows. Like Peni Paker's nest, Namor players should try to hide their monster behind the coverage and in places outside the day, but leave enough space, so that they still have a line on most enemies.

Namor players should also make sure they use the “blessing of the deep bubble” to get rid of fights when they are overcome or overwhelmed, as Namor works much better as a long -term attacker.

Namor players must also ensure that they use the ability “the anger of the seven seas” (click on the right mouse) as often as possible, using it to direct all Monsro Spawn to attack a specific target. This ability also gives the monster a temporary speed of attack, allowing it to be transmitted through strategies and duelists in seconds.

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