Sega is considering a Netflix-like game subscription service for its titles.
Sega is also releasing games across platforms, possibly to consolidate under one service.
Sega Recently appointed COO and president Shuji Utsumi said the publisher is considering a Netflix-like game subscription service for its games. The gaming industry has made the transition to a streaming service, and Sega seems to be considering the same. Many gaming companies have also moved to providing games via a subscription service, as seen with Microsoft and Sony's own services.
Microsoft has Xbox Game Pass, while Sony offers PlayStation Plus. Subscribers must pay a monthly or annual fee for access to a series of titles, rather than simply owning them. Other companies such as Nintendo, EA and Ubisoft have also offered their own subscription plans, Nintendo Switch Online in particular, giving fans access to more classic games from Nintendo's library, including the Sega Genesis platform at a higher level. Based on recent comments made by Sega's president, the publisher is strongly considering opening its own subscription service.

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In a statement provided to, Shuji Utsumi said that subscription productions like Netflix are interesting and that Sega is evaluating some opportunities that this would provide. This move to a Sega-based game streaming service is still very early days, so it's likely that this idea is only in the planning stages. “We're thinking about something — and we're discussing something — we can't reveal right now,” Utsumi said.
Sega's possible subscription service and recent delistings
Sega has recently removed several classic games on various platforms including PC, Xbox and PlayStation. Some of these removed games include Sega Genesis Classics collection, Sonic the Fighters, Virtua Fighter 2and many others. It's possible that Sega will remove all of these games through various services so that they can consolidate their library under one service. As such, it's not implausible that Sega would want to put their games under one service and make a more direct profit from it.
While it could be a beneficial service for those who are big Sega fans, there are already a lot of different subscription services available that gamers will need to pay for in order to keep up with their library. Various insiders who spoke to expressed similar concerns, saying that Sega believes its own rival subscription service will lead to its games being removed from other services.
Shuji Utsumi also spoke to about his own confidence in the revival Sega with not only with Sonic franchise, but several other legacy IPs as seen with future reboots of properties such as Crazy taxi and Radio Jet Set. As such, it appears that the publisher is transitioning to a more modern global strategy, such as opening its own game subscription service.

- Date of establishment
June 3, 1960
Shinagawa City, Tokyo, Japan
Hajime Satomi