Simon tomb says the Easter egg guide

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Simon says Code zombies Easter eggs of all time with Black ops Map, Moon. It seems that the fun game has come back Black Ops 6where the players can go to the zombie map of the tomb to play a quick round of Simon.


Black Ops 6 Zombies: How to fill in the main Easter egg in the tomb

Here is a Black ops 6's the Tomb Zombies, the main Easter egg of those who want to help themselves.

The reward may seem minor, but given that brain rot is a perfect way of ammo to cope To save a rescue and enjoy a fast brainstase.

How to find and fill in the Simon Easter egg in the grave

The statue fallen in the grave

To find Simon Says the Easter egg in the tomb, the players must venture into the map tombs, which is located to the left of the breeding area (DIG site). Through graves, look to the south wall, where a lot of identical statues will be placed in groups of five, starting from the upper layer and ending on the ground floor.

To activate Simon Says Easter Ogul, players must first use any weapon (Pack-A-Punk or a Munition Mode) to draw the head of the statue on the left area of ​​the southern wall. By doing this, it will immediately generate a WISP that will teleport on the ends of the different statues on the south wall, with an audio hint. Players will have to memorize the identical model of these 9 statues and continue to shoot their heads in the order that was initially presented. Players will know if they have filmed the correct statue, because WISP will remain on each completed statue.

If the players confuse the step by shooting the wrong head, then they will only have to shoot at the head of the fallen statue to reset it, but the order will remain the same.

After filming all the 9 heads of statue in the correct order, a purple light will come out of the ground to the southern wall, and the munition mode of the brain rot will spit for players to collect, which happens to be the weakness of mimicry. shock.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

Forced to go dishonestly. Hunting from the inside. This is Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Developed by Treyarch and Raven, Black Ops 6 is a spy action thriller, established in the early 90's, a transitional period and disorders in the global politics, characterized by the end of the Cold War and the Ascension of the United States as a single superpower. With a narrative that bends the mind and ungrateful by the rules of involvement, this is OPS Black Signature.

The Black Ops 6 campaign offers a dynamic moment-time game, which includes a variety of playing spaces with blockbuster sets and full-time moments, high stakes and spy activity with cloak and dagger.

In a multiplayer experience the best in the class, players will test their skills on 16 new maps, including 12 Core 6V6 maps and 4 strike maps that can be played 2V2 or 6V6.

Black Ops 6 also marks the epic return of round-based zombies, the favorite way of fans, where players will eliminate the hordes in two new maps when launching. Post-launch, players can look forward to making even more interesting maps and innovative experiences that fall into both multiplayer and zombies.


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October 25, 2024

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