Starfield's REV-8 shouldn't be a one-and-done thing

from Bethesda Starfield has cemented its place as one of the best and biggest RPGs of the modern era over the past year. The AAA title features an expansive universe full of numerous planets, breathtaking space vistas and a galaxy-spanning adventure. while Starfield Perhaps racking up all the plaudits, it took Bethesda a long road full of updates and patches to get there, as there were a lot of complaints about its maps and navigation mechanics at launch.

One such upgrade brought the revolutionary REV-8 vehicle to Starfieldsparking a new avenue of planetary exploration possibilities. Given the excitement that REV-8 brought, it's a no-brainer for Bethesda to consider expanding the concept. Adding more vehicle types and customization options could increase the planetary exploration experience even more, making ground travel an engaging aspect of the game.



Starfield's “highly requested” feature could be a long time coming

Players have been asking Bethesda to fix a long-standing issue with Starfield, but unfortunately, it may already be beyond resolution.

The REV-8 appeal is an argument for future vehicle additions to the Starfield

Adding REV-8 to Starfield tackled one of the game's biggest challenges: traversing the vast and often barren landscapes of its planets. Bethesda executive producer Todd Howard initially stated that the reason for not including land travel options in the game was because of how the vehicles would affect the pacing. However, after a wave of complaints from the online community, Bethesda changed its mind and announced REV-8 for Starfield at Gamescom 2024.

Adding it fixed an engagement issue that affected Starfield since its release in 2023. Ships are the primary mode of interplanetary travel, but are not useful once players have landed on a planet of interest. So, before the introduction of REV-8, players had to venture on foot through the vast landscapes of the many planets. This hindrance, combined with the monotonous scenery of some planets, made it difficult for platinum trophy hunters to stay engaged in the game rather than going through the motions.

REV-8 filled this gap, providing a quick and practical way to get around planets. Its sleek design and utility made it an instant hit among Starfieldits player base as a shiny new toy in the quality of life section. However, like anything, its initial novelty is bound to wear off at some point and there needs to be some diversification. With no other vehicle options available and no way to customize the REV-8 aside from upgrades, ground travel risks slipping back into sub-optimal territory.

More vehicle types are essential if Bethesda aims to keep ground travel fresh and interesting

Encouraging player creativity and experimentation are the main building blocks of the game Starfield experience, but the developer has not yet taken advantage of the full potential of the opportunity presented by REV-8. Since Starfield introduced the vehicle, modders stepped in to create some of the best mods for Starfield REV-8. From the X-34 Landspeeder representing Star Wars Thomas The Tank Engine franchise and NASA's Lunar Rover, many great REV-8 mods have been brought to life, which should inspire Bethesda to tap into their creative juices.

Every planet in Starfield offer unique environmental challenges, and vehicles suited to those challenges could enrich exploration, making each world feel distinct and engaging. In the interest of variety, Bethesda has an opportunity to widen the terrain, pushing the limits of the average four-wheeled vehicle. They could look at new planetary designs like the Mars Rover, or even touch others like Cyberpunk 2077the futuristic model of his motorcycle to speed across the planets.

StarfieldHis ship customization system can also be extended to the REV-8 and any other vehicle Bethesda plans to include in the game. Players should be given the ability to modify speed, durability, and load capacity to suit their tastes. Those who prioritize resource gathering might opt ​​for a bulkier vehicle with large storage space, while those who prefer maneuverability can streamline their vehicle design.

In addition, visual customization options – such as paint jobs, decals and cosmetic add-ons – could allow players to express their style just as they do with their ships. In a game as expansive as StarfieldREV-8 should be just a small step towards making planetary exploration more dynamic.

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