Tales of Xillia and its sequel most deserve a remaster due to its narrative depth and innovative combat systems.
Yuki Ishikawa wants to remaster Tales of the Abyss, a beloved title in need of visual and performance updates.
Tales of Legendia could use either a remaster or a complete remake due to its dated gameplay and potential to reach modern audiences.
When it comes to RPGs, Stories of The series holds a very special place in the industry, recognized for its storytelling, memorable characters and innovative gameplay mechanics. From its humble beginnings in 1995 with Tales of Phantasiathe series has continued to capture and hold the attention of its fans and those of the JRPG genre in general with its often emotional narratives, unique art style, and ever-evolving combat systems. Now that Stories of The series is nearly 30 years old, however, which means some of its older titles are due for remasters.
Fortunately, Bandai Namco initiated “Stories of Series Remaster Project,” in which he aims to revive many of the series' most beloved titles for modern audiences. While there are more than a handful of Stories of games that could use a remaster, a few stand out more than others as worthy of the treatment.
Tales of Graces f Remastered reveals a list of changes
Following the announcement of Tales of Graces f Remastered, Bandai Namco reveals the full list of changes and improvements for the updated re-release.
Stories about games that deserve a remaster
Tales of Xillia and its sequel are most worthy of a remaster
Of all Tell games that have not yet been remastered, Tales of Xillia and its sequels are undoubtedly the two most worthy. These two titles aren't necessarily the best in the series, but they're still two of the most important entries in the franchise for what they put into it. For example, unlike many other games in the series, Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 both explore darker, more mature themes – an approach that has become even more popular in modern games. Furthermore, they introduced the Dual Raid linear movement combat system, which allows characters to link attacks during combat, adding more strategy to combat.
Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 it also features a branching narrative that is heavily influenced by player choice, thus giving their narratives a degree of flexibility that many others Tell games don't have. This is further emphasized in Tales of Xillia 2which explores moral ambiguity more than its predecessor and therefore presents players with more difficult choices throughout its story. needless to say, Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 both are slated for a remaster, so fingers crossed they're at the top of Bandai Namco's priority list.
Yuki Ishikawa wants to remaster Tales of the Abyss
Another great title that deserves more than a remaster is Tales of the Abysswhich is a project that Yuki Ishikawa, the producer of the future Tales of Graces f Remasteredexpressed personal interest in moving up. Just in light of that, it's probably only a matter of time before Tales of the Abyss is getting a remaster, and since it's one of the most beloved entries in the series, there's little reason why it shouldn't be remastered very soon.
Tales of the Abyss introduced the Free Run system, which allows players to move freely in battle. This feature then became a staple for the series, if that says anything about Tales of the Abyss' impact. From a narrative point of view, Tales of the Abyssthemes of identity, destiny, and redemption, as well as its various character arcs, such as that of protagonist Luke von Fabre, all work together to make this one of the best stories in the entire series. Tales of the Abyss also has one of the best villains in Stories of series. The only problem is that its visuals and performances are now significantly dated, meaning a remaster is very much in order.
Tales of Legendia could actually do with a remake
Tales of Legendia is a bit of an outlier when it comes to Tell games that deserve a remaster, as they could do with not only a remaster, but a complete remake. While a remaster could certainly improve its visuals, potentially its sound, and increase its accessibility for modern audiences, a full remake might be better for it in the long run, as its gameplay has always needed of serious revision. Tales of LegendiaThe unique Character Quest system is one of its better features, giving additional story arcs to the game's characters after the main story, but its 2D Linear Motion battle system was already dated at the time of its release and would therefore be a major point of contention if it wasn't significantly reworked in a remake.
However, even without getting a full remake, a Tales of Legendia The remaster would benefit the game immensely as it is one of the lesser known versions of the Tell series, despite the fact that it is one of the best in terms of the protagonist and the emotional story. As such, remastering Tales of Legendia it would help introduce the game to modern audiences, especially now that the original game is nearly 20 years old.