Although there is a large number of nice friends to enter Palworldthat's not what the game is about and you can choose to face some powerful Alpha bosses to bring more excitement and challenge to your game. They are not as powerful as some raid bosses, but underestimating them will bring you defeat.
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From Jormuntide to Jetdragon, there are a large number of Alpha bosses to conquer in Palworld. A few of the earlier bosses are easier to defeat, but the ones you encounter in the late game cannot be defeated unless you are fully prepared. There are some that you will find in the coldest of countries, and some like to live inside volcanoes.
Jormuntide is a water-type Alpha boss, which is pretty formidable, and you shouldn't tackle him before you've grabbed a few ground buddies. Defeating it can be a challenge since it's found in lakes, so Ground Friends might not be that useful if their attacks aren't long range.
To make the fight easier, you can bring Jormuntide to the ground by attracting his attention. Once he becomes your ally, you'll have a powerful friend who can use some really good water-type attacks. Jormuntide's design is interesting as it appears as a hybrid between a water snake and a dragon.
Anubis is one of the strongest Alpha bosses you'll encounter during Palworld, given that he knows some good Ground moves. If you somehow get to the Twilight Dunes in the early part of the game, you should not try to engage him in battle, as you will definitely lose.
It will be hard for you to counter if you don't have some good Grass Friends in your team, and even then you need at least one Legendary Orb to catch it without problems. Anubis has the same name and design as his inspiration in Egyptian mythology.
Blazamut is one of the most intimidating friends, appearing almost devilish due to the presence of his horns. You will have a hard time dodging his attacks due to his tendency to constantly use powerful fire moves against you. After surviving the torment, you have little chance of capturing him with orbs weaker than a legendary orb.
His counterpart Blazamut Ryu, who is a Raid Boss, is even more powerful to defeat.
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Blazamut has a powerful moveset and capturing it will allow you to control all those powerful moves that Blazamut uses against you. It can also be useful for your base given its excellent ignition and mining stats.
Astegon is among the strongest Dragon friends in the game, especially when the element is rarely seen as a dual type with Dark. The Mighty Black Dragon, with its origins in the Abyss, is rarely found. Its location is also well hidden and you will find it in one of the caves inside the Ruined Mining Pit.
However, Wildlife Sanctuary No.3 seems to have gained interest in him, so you may find him there as well.
Astegon also has impressive mining skills and can quickly crack nodes, especially stronger ones that are hard to crack. He can learn Dark Laser and Dragon Meteor, and both moves deal massive damage.
Palladius and Necromus
Paladius and Necromus are twin alpha bosses, and to defeat them you have to face them both at the same time, making this battle one of the hardest in Palworld. To emerge victorious, you need the best equipment and weapons and your best friends to deal damage at once.
Although they may be twins, they are not the same type of friends, so make sure you have friends to work around both of their weaknesses. Palladius is a Normal type and his counterpart is a Dark type. They have slight differences in their boss designs, but both look like a knight combined with a horse.
Frostallion has one of the prettiest boss designs in Palworld, but it's just as dangerous as it looks. As Pal finds himself in the coldest area of Palworld, it becomes much harder to defeat him. This fight brings out the best survival skills you've learned throughout the game.
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Likewise, Depresso. Same.
Frostallion looks like a white horse with wings on it and is as aggressive as a wild stallion, so to defeat it you need to be on your toes, ready to dodge its long-range attacks. When you befriend him, Frostallion will become one of the most powerful ice friends in your team.
Jetdragon is hard to catch even on the lightest settings because it's hard to catch even when using a legendary orb. It is a powerful and fast Dragon Pal in the game and its moves, especially Dragon Meteor and Comet Beam, can wipe out your Pal team in moments. It has a lot of HP that can only be depleted by powerful weapons and friend moves.
When you catch the Jetdragon, you can ride it around the Palpagos Islands. It certainly makes exploring a lot easier as you can move faster near land and water as well. Jetdragon has a cool design and looks like a combined plane and dragon.