The best greatsword build for high damage

With all weapons available in Monster Hunter Nowfew are quite like Great Sword. This large chopper can deal a lot of damage to an unsuspecting monster with each swing, although it can be a somewhat difficult tool to use due to its size.

To get a decent Monster Hunter Now Great sword build, you'll have to slow down the enemy somehow. Thanks to post-release updates, some monster material parts now allow you to craft sleep-based weapons. However, you'll also need the proper skills to trigger sleep often, so here's all the gear you need to make the best build.


Monster Hunter Now: Hammer Build for high damage

Each option for the best hammer in Monster Hunter Now, along with armor with relevant perks and skills through Driftstones to create.

Best monster hunter now, excellent sword build

Monster Hunter Now Great Sword build: A hunter about to strike with a Great Sword.

While the best Monster Hunter Now The Longsword build focuses on poison attacks, the Greatsword works best with another element: Sleep. You'll need to encounter a relatively rare monster to fully craft this build, but you'll also be able to fight more common monsters for most gear.

Full Monster Hunter Now a great sword build




Ruffle blade

  • Element: Sleep

  • Escape Extender I (8th grade)


Paolumu Nightshade helmet

  • Kindred Awakener I (5th grade)

  • Rude Awakener II (8th grade)

  • Driftstone Slot (Grade 8)


Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Mail

  • Status Sneak Attack (Rank 2)

  • Artful Dodger (4th grade)

  • Driftstone Slot (Grade 5)


Tzitzi-Ya-Ku arms

  • Sneak Attack I (Grade 2)

  • Status Sneak Attack II (Rank 4)

  • Driftstone Slot (Grade 5)


The Tzitzi-Ya-Ku coil

  • Evade Extender (Grade 2)

  • Status Sneak Attack (Rank 4)

  • Driftstone Slot (Grade 5)


Nuambra Paolumu Greaves

  • Kindred Awakener (5th grade)

  • Status Sneak Attack (Rank 6)

  • Driftstone Slot (Grade 5)


There aren't many options for Great Swords based on decent sleep Monster Hunter Nowbut the one you have to go is Ruffle blade. This gives you more useful Escape Extender ability, which you can use to gain some distance after dodging an attack. This isn't one of the essential skills you need to complete the build, but it can make defensive maneuvers much easier with the Greatsword. You'll want to hunt Somnacanth to get the materials for this weapon.

Monster Hunter Now Great Sword build: A Nightshade Paolumu, who has black fur with red spots with green rings around it, is about to attack.

Helmet and Chirps

Most of this build comes from a monster introduced in the first paid event: Nightmare Paolumu. This will give you some of the best weapon parts and skills you need, including all three tiers Rude wake up callwhich increases the damage you deal by 100% for the first attack on a sleeping monster. Paolumu's Nightmare is a little more common these days, but it can take a while for them to appear in events or as rare appearances in seasons after you beat them in the main story quest.

Mail, gloves and coils

The rest of the build mainly focuses on giving you points in Status sneak attack ability, which, due to increasing it to the maximum, allows us to increase it to guarantee the accumulation of sleep whenever you attack from behind. You will also get a point Escape Extenderas well as Clever Dodger to help avoid attacks. Tzitzi-Ya-Ku is the target for most of these pieces, and luckily it's much more common thanks to the paintball tracker.

Best Monster Hunter Now Slots Great Sword Driftsmelt

Monster Hunter Now Great Sword build: A Driftstone smelter combined with ore and armor to make new tools.

This build has the small advantage of a relatively low requirement to unlock all of its Driftstone slots. Ideally, five slots Sleep attack is the best. However, you can also use them to increase your dodging capabilities Clever Dodger and Escape Extender or increase the damage you deal to monsters whenever you attack from behind Sneak attack.

  • Sleep attack – increases the sleep accumulation value of the weapon. 50 for 1st place and 150 for 5th place. (Azure only)
  • Sneak attack – increases the damage done to a monster when attacked from behind. 10% at rank 1 and 30% at rank 5. (just pale)
  • Clever Dodger – makes the escape easier to perform. Slightly easier at rank 1 and significantly at rank 5. (Azure only)
  • Escape Extender – extends the evasion distance. Very light on 1st and massive on 5th. (just pale)
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September 14, 2023

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