The longest Dungeons & Dragons games


  • D&D games have varying completion times, and Chronicles of Mystara takes 19 hours.
  • Eye of the Beholder offers a 20 hour completion time with a classic dungeon master feel.
  • Dark Alliance and Heroes lasts approximately 28 hours, providing unique experiences for D&D fans.

There are a lot of video games that use it Dungeons & Dragons IP and, like the campaigns they are based on, the time required to complete them can vary from a few minutes to a few hours. It's not just how much fun a game is that indicates quality, but how much content there is to experience.


D&D campaigns for Veilguard fans

Veilguard fans will love these D&D campaigns if they want to get into TTRPGs.

The website HowLongToBeat rates games in three ways; the main story, the main story and some extras, and the completist. The following selections for longest D&D games are accounted for using Completionist play times. Main Stories run about half that on average, with the Main Story and Extras estimate varying depending on additional patches or DLC.

Only games with '
Dungeons & Dragons
' in the title have been taken into account, so this will not include games that only use
set of rules.

7 Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara

Finalist: 19 hours

Iron Galaxy Studios, Capcom

August 22, 2013

Chronicles of Mystra is a compilation of two D&D games; Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara and Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doomand were originally arcade games before being released on computers and consoles. Both were originally released in the 1990s and retain the vintage look with the advantages of modern graphics to give the 2D view some interest and depth.

Both games are side-scrolling and include traditional D&D elements related to choosing and building a character. Players begin by choosing a Fighter, Cleric, Elf, or Dwarf. The Goblin is the casting and thieving class, and the Dwarf is ideal for melee combat. In the first game, the group must save the land of Mystra from monsters and evil magic, and in the second, they continue to the Tower of Doom to seek out and destroy the final boss.

6 The eye of the beholder

Finalist: 20 hours

  • Developer: Westwood Associates
  • Publishers: Strategic Simulations, Inc.
  • Release date: 1991

The eye of the beholderIts initial release was in DOS on the Amiga computer, but by 1994 it was also published for Windows 98, Sega and Super Nintendo. Players who are familiar with the classic Dungeon Master will recognize the first-person dungeon view and panels that make this game different from other CRPGs that use isometric angles.


Tips for great homebrew setups in D&D

These tips allow you to create a thriving homebrew world for your experience. Tabletop RPG.

The setting of the game is Waterdeep, and the adventurers have been hired to search for a magical force that radiates evil from beneath the city. The plot is simple, focusing on the core adventure, which includes dungeon crawlers, mini-quests, and gifts or rewards of gear and loot until the party finds and destroys Xanathar, the titular Watcher.

5 Dungeons & Dragons: The Dark Alliance

Finalist: 28 hours

Wizards of the Coast

June 22, 2021

Not to be confused with Baldur's Gate games that also use the title “Dark Alliance”, this game is meant to allude to those older titles that take place in everyone's favorite Faerunian city, but are completely independent of the story and take place elsewhere. Icewind Dale is the setting for The Dark Allianceand the frozen climate adds the element of survival to the usual adventure mode.

The Legend of Drizzt The novel series is also based in this region, which is why the game features several characters from the story, including the famous Drow himself. Players can go solo into the cold wasteland and swap available characters or take part in a co-op adventure with up to 3 friends.

4 Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes

Finalist: 28.5 hours

  • Developer: Atari Interactive Hunt Valley Studio
  • Editor: Atari Interactive
  • Release date: September 16, 2003

Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes it's only found on Xbox, which has somewhat limited its impact on the gaming world. Although it is a D&DThe game based on is more of a hack-and-slash with RPG elements as opposed to an adaptation of a traditional tabletop campaign.

A player can fight the wizard Kaedin alone or recruit three friends to join their party. Character choices are based on pre-rolled options consisting of a Dwarven Cleric, an Elf Wizard, a Rogue Halfling, and a Human Fighter. Each has a backstory that makes the story personal on some level, and has a unique, ancestral weapon that helps them destroy the evil sorcerer.

3 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance

Finalist: 42 hours

  • Developer: Strategic simulations
  • Editor: Strategic simulations
  • Release date: June 1988

Glow pool was originally released as an MS-DOS game, and although it was also on the Mac and Amiga until 1990, the only console that ever had a version of it was one for the NES that was released in 1992. A novel about Forgotten Realms with the same setting and plot was released in 1989 as part of the franchise's publicity.


Dungeons & Dragons: The Best Settings for Low Magic Campaigns

Players looking to try out some low-magic settings in their next D&D campaign should check out the following examples.

There is a higher level of character customization in this title than in others of the same time, often giving players a selection of characters with already decided races and classes. Six races are offered along with four classes, but only non-humans are allowed to multiclass, and choosing a moral alignment is mandatory.

2 Lords of Waterdeep

Finalist: 58 hours

  • Developer: Playdeck
  • Editor: Wizards of the Coast
  • Release date: November 21, 2013

Lords of Waterdeep recreates the tabletop module of the same name in digital form and has both an offline version for solo play and an online version for traditional play with friends. It was originally an Apple game, but is now available on Android and Windows, and is a popular digital version of a D&D board game on each platform.

The plot of this game is not defined by a series of quests or an overarching evil to be defeated, but by which character can best take on the role of a Masked Lord. This is Waterdeep's secret ruling class, the merchants and politicians who control the port city, and victory is more about planning than fighting.

1 Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics

Finalist: 59.5 hours

  • Developer: Kuju Entertainment
  • Editor: Atari
  • Release date: August 14, 2007

Two dragons fighting for the prize of divinity are at the core of this D&D game, a tactical role-playing game limited to only one platform, the PlayStation Portable. The rules are firmly based on Edition 3.5 and it is a single-player game where the main character can choose different companions to join them.

The game allows the player to choose from the usual 11 classes with two additions unique to this module, Psion and Psychic Warrior. Those who prefer to get straight to the game can browse the library of pre-rolled options that cover virtually every possible combination.

Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

Year of Creation

Created by
E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

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