Hundreds of people die every season of Crown gameHowever, some of these deaths are much more tragic than others. Whether they are due to the circumstances that lead to the characters who compete in games or the moments that have led to their premature disappearance, the death of certain characters can truly shoot the hearts of the viewer.

The worst squid players, ranked
Some people are made for squid games. Others, like the players listed here, are simply not suitable for the challenge.
The saddest deaths of Crown game I usually belong to the favorite characters of fans, but there are one or two minor characters whose dead manage to hit almost as hard. Some are betrayed by people close to them, while others put their lives so that others can survive a little more. As a result, many tears were shed as a result of their passage.
Player 069
Player 069 (33 Crown Game)
Almost all the saddest Crown game Deaths involve characters that have been strongly developed, however, there is a great exception to it in the first season. Viewers never get to learn the name of player 069 and do not really find out too much about him, except that he and his wife compete together in trying to delete his debt.
The pair is successfully able to sail in the first three games working together, but it is their decision to do this again in the fourth game that leads to both dead. Player 069 beats his wife during the marble, however, doing this, loses his will to live. Consumed by the guilt and the pain of his loss, the player 069 ends to take his own life, thus contributing to the emphasis of the devastating emotional tax that a game can have players.
Player 240 (33 Crown game)
Like player's wife 069 and so many others, player 240 met his end while playing marble, even rather than competing and losing, Ji-Yeong has chosen to sacrifice so that Sae-Bbyeok could be able to survive. Although, the latter's death, a few episodes later causes this sacrifice to be somewhat useless, it does not make it less tragic.
The most popular Crown game The characters tend to be developed during several episodes, but almost all the development of Ji-Yeong's characters can be found in the episode of season 1. Her conversation with Sae-Bbyeok does a lot to explain her personality and she almost feels like a dying confession. As a result, when he thanks Sae-Bbyeok for playing with her, it may be hard not to pour a tear.
Oh mal-son
Gi-Hun's mother
Most of the saddest deaths in Crown game takes place at the titular games. However, there are one or two deaths that hit hard in the outside world, one of which belongs to the elderly of Gi-Hun, Oh Mal-Soon. The viewers do not get to see her dying, although her death that happens outside the screen makes her more impact.
Mal-Soon worked his fingers to survive and support an ungrateful son who stole money on a regular basis, causing constant heart pain and worries. When, in the end, he became ill due to complications from diabetes, Gi-Hun was not found anywhere, resulting that Oh Mal-Soon dying alone, without idea what happened to her son.
Kim Jeong-Rae
Gi-Hun's loan shark
In addition to the injury of those who are closest to him, the addiction of Gi-Hun to gambling sees him borrowing large amounts of money from a loan shark called Mr. Kim and, finally, this debt leads to his participation in games. Being a loan shark, the public is led to assume that Mr. Kim is a terrible person, but while this can be true to a certain extent, he is far from beyond redemption.
In season 2 of Crown gameIt turns out that Gi-Hun works with Mr. Kim hoping to follow the recruiter. The latter is finally successful, although he is soon captured by the Ddakji-playing psychopath and forced to participate in a deadly play with two players, with one of his underline, Choi Woo-Seok. After panicked, Woo-Seok arrives in a lost position, yet Mr. Kim decides to sacrifice himself, he was disqualified, showing that it was eventually good in him.
Park Jung-Bae
Player 390 (Crown game 2024)
Due to both his faster and two less episodes, season 2 of Crown game I didn't have as many memorable characters as the one who preceded it. Technically, one of the best was not even a character in season 2, as Park Jung-Bae's first appearance appeared during the pilot episode of the show, the red light, the green light, in which Jung-Bae Se. proves to be one of the gambling gambling friends.

Best characters in season 2 of the squid game
Season 2 of the squid game brought together an intriguing distribution of characters, and these were the most interesting on the screen.
This friendship is still explored during the second season of the show and shows that it is based on much more than on a simple mutual addiction. In several ways, Jung-Bae is the final wing man, who is willing to follow Gi-Hun to the heads of the Earth, if necessary. Unfortunately, this is the way he gets to meet his producer, Jung-Bae being one of the numerous people who are shot and killed during Gi-Hun's failed rebellion.
Kang Sae-Byeok
Player 067 (33 Crown)
Most players in Crown game It exists because of their weak life choices, but this is not always the case. After escaping from North Korea, Sae-Bbyeok decided to take part in games so he could bring his younger brother safely across the border. Technically, this could be seen as a weak choice from her, however, few could argue that she is not disinterested.
Although Gi-Hun ends by honoring his promise and helps Sae-Bbyeok's brother, she dies not knowing if she will be faithful to her word or even survives the final game. This itself is tragic, but the biggest shooting comes in Sae-Bbyeok's death moments, during which the public sees a young girl who tells Gi-Hun that she wants to go home.
Oh il-nam
Player 001 (33rd Squid Game)
A granted, the old man ended up being one of the bad and did not actually die at the end of Gganbu, but that moment when the public is led to believe that he was tender, to say the least. Although it was built on a lie basis, his connection with Gi-Hun was a strong one on the surface, making him a favorite fan character until then.
The player 001 was practically the father that Gi-Hun never had and always needed, which made their decision to make a marble team. This Gi-Hun then tried to fool him to give him all his marble showed that everyone has a dark side, even though the old man was later revealed that he let Gi-Hun win. The public learns a lot about Gi-Hun through this meeting, just as he learns a lot about himself.
Abdul Ali
Player 199 (33 Crown game)
Without Ali, Gi-Hun would have died in the first episode of Crown game. After saving his life, the gentle giant forms an alliance with the protagonist of the series and some of the other players, which eventually helps them survive the next few games. Unfortunately, however, this alliance is the one that leads to Ali's association with Sang-Woo during marble.
Ali is one of the most kind characters in Crown gameHowever, his trustworthy nature makes him a target for Sang-Woo's deception. After losing correctly, the latter changes Ali's marble for pebbles to save his own skin in what is probably one of the biggest television betrayals of all time. The gaze on Ali's face when he realizes that his mistake is sufficient to break the hearts of many spectators and helps the cement of Sang-Woo's place as one of the best Crown game characters so far.

Crown game
- release date
2021 – 2024
- Network