Pokemon GO players can use Remote Raid Passes in Shadow Raids during Fashion Week: Taken Over.
Players have a chance to catch Pokemon with higher IV stats during shadow raids.
Remote raid passes will only be available in Shadow Raids for a limited time.
Niantic announced this Pokemon Go players can use remote raid passes for Shadow Raids for the first time during the upcoming Fashion Week: Taken Over event. Shadow Raids have been introduced Pokemon Go in 2023 and were a popular way to catch powerful Pokemon.
As 2025 begins, Niantic has already announced a number of updates for the popular augmented reality game. Only in January Pokemon Go players see the return of Ralts for the second Pokemon Go Community day of the month. With a new event about to start, Pokemon Go developers have surprised fans by bringing a long-awaited feature to the mobile game.

Upcoming Pokemon GO Event Adding 2 New Paldean Pokemon
Pokemon GO announces a new event to expand its Pokedex with more Paldean Pokemon and details the other bonuses that will be available.
During Pokemon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over event, trainers can use remote raid passes for shadow raids for the first time. The event runs from Wednesday, January 15 at 12:00 AM to Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 8:00 PM local time, during which time players can participate in any one-star, three-star, and five-star Shadow. Raids in person or from a distance. All players participating in Shadow Raids will have a chance to capture Pokemon with higher IV stats.
Pokemon GO is temporarily introducing remote raid passes for shadow raids
While the feature will be limited to the Fashion Week: Taken Over event, players can battle remotely on Shadow Ho-Oh Raid Day on January 19th between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM local time. On raid day, Trainers will have an increased chance of catching an elusive glowing shadow Ho-Oh, along with the ability to teach it the Sacred Fire charged attack. Players can also use a Charged TM on Shadow Pokemon to forget the Frustration move.
Players will no doubt be excited to use their ranged raid passes in Shadow Raids as it remains one of the Pokemon GoIts most requested features since it was first added to the game in 2023. It's worth noting that after the Fashion Week: Taken Over event ends, players can no longer use any remote raid passes in Shadow Raids.
It's hard to say if Niantic will allow players to use remote raid passes for shadow raids from now on or if this is a unique experience. The developers of Pokemon Go faced criticism for Dynamax and Gigantamax battles due to the number of trainers required to personally gather to fight tougher monsters, so it would make sense for many fans if this feature became permanent.