The series needs several forms sulong


  • The minute tribe from a single piece has unique abilities, such as generating electro and accessing a strong sulong form.

  • Several mink characters, including carrot and inuarashi were shown, using the Sulong form.

  • The return of a mink character like carrot could bring the Sulong form and could explore its deeper applications.

One piece It is full of interesting characters who have incredibly unique skills. Even outside the standard skills, namely Diavol Fruits and Haki, One piece The characters have a great variety of powers that make unique characters. From the amazing powers of robotic cyborgs, such as Franky, or the pyrokinetic abilities of the monthly, A piece Powers are much more unique than most people can expect.

One of the most interesting groups of characters, especially in terms of powers, is the Mink tribe, a group of humanoid animals that shares a similar set of skills. These characters possess one of the most beautiful and unique transformations from One piece So far, the Sulong form. However, although this form has been presented several times during the series, it would be interesting to see that it appears several times before the end One piece.


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One Piece's Mink has unique skills

These characters can use powers outside Haki and Devil Fruits

In One pieceThe members of the Mink tribe, who live on the island of Zou above the Zunesha elephant, hold two unique skills, besides them increased by force and combat resistance, which differentiated them from other groups. First of all, the moth in One piece It can generate Electro, a kind of bio-electricity that they can use to improve their attacks or even shock and burn their opponents. This ability can be trained and improved to be used with various weapons such as swords and spears.

How mystical … – Jinbe referring to the form of the carrot

Secondly the members of the Mink tribe of One piece It possesses the ability to access a mysterious form, called a Sulong form. Looking at the full moon, Mink can access an incredibly powerful upgrade, which completely changes their skill and physical form. This form gives them a major upgrade in strength and resistance. However, at the same time, just like Chopper's monster One pieceThis form also makes the potential wilder potential if they are not able to access this ability.

Many amazing sulong forms have been presented so far

Nurba was left behind on Wano

The form of Bepo's Sulong.

  • Many mink showed sulong forms

  • Power should turn back in subsequent arches

So far, a mink hand was shown using their Sulong shape. From the mink tribe, they used the shape of characters such as Inuarashi, Nekomamushi and Carrot, as well as the most powerful moth fighters. Bepo, on the other hand, was able to unleash the form of Sulong through the powers of Chopper's buzzing balls, allowing him to save the law at Blackbeard claws. Apart from these characters, Pekoms are also displayed using the form.


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Although the shape is relatively rare, it would be nice to see more of the story of One piece. Unfortunately with fewer members of the mink tribe, especially with the absence of carrot and the rest from the mink after A piece Wano Arc, there are much less opportunities for characters to show their unique shape. Despite this fact, it seems that every character who used the form could only show him a few times in their respective arches.

A mink character has to return to restore the Sulong form

Carrot should return to the final saga


Generally having a character constantly uses the ability in the modern story of One piece It would be an excellent way to maintain the fresh power system. With so many characters using haki or devil fruits, having a constant mink character around, like The Forgotten One piece The character, the carrot, which can use enough capacity to explore the deeper applications of ability would make the power to feel more impact for the series. Unfortunately, with the departure of Morrot from Wano, it could take some time until the straw hats are again witnesses to the power of Sulong.

Not? Sulong? How can it be? The moon is not outside! – Blackbeard at Bepo

After all, while many minks were allowed to show their Sulong forms in One pieceThere was only a taste for what could be a main power of the series. In many ways, this unique ability, although restrictive in its application, could have been interesting to explore if a mink character like carrot would remain with straw hats. With the help of Chopper's zumzet balls that activate the ability outside the full moon, the Sulong forms have much unexplored potential in One piece.


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