What are the Pokemon tools in the Pokemon pocket? (And how to use them)

Pokemon's pocket introduced tool cards in the January 2025 update, Space Time Smackdown. This marks the third type of coach books added to the game, leaving the stadium's books as the only unexploited category. While the logic and mechanics of pokemon instruments in Pocket look closely at their physical geologists TCGThere are key differences that are worth exploring.


Pokemon Pocket: Best Pikachu ex meters

You don't have to play mewtwo to overcome Pikachu; Here are some other reliable and favorable meters to the budget to consider.

This guide covers what Pokemon instruments are, introduces all the new tools in the current A2 expansion, highlights books that synergizes with them and explains how to combat Pokemon tools.

In Pokemon's pocketPokemon tools are coach books that improve the books they are attached to. Their effects vary, from the growth of HP and to stimulate the damage to the gradual elimination of the opponent HP. However, all serve the same purpose: stimulating a Pokemon's statistics or abilities.

A Pokemon tool appears in a small box on one side of the book. Both players can view tools attached to any pokemon – whether they are their own or the opponent – touching the tool card icon.

How to check Pokemon tools in Pokemon TCG pocket.

As coach books, Pokemon tools are playing in a similar way to Pokemon's pocketArticle cards. At the beginning of each line, you can attach as many tools that you want to make different Pokemon. However, each Pokemon can have a single simultaneous tool, preventing it from attaching another, unless the existing instrument is thrown.

Here are the rules to play Pokemon tools in TCG pocket:

  • A tool on Pokemon: Each Pokemon can have only one tool. A new tool cannot be attached unless the existing one is thrown.
  • Without limit of tool attachments per row: Like articles cards, there are no restrictions on the number of tools you can play in a row. As long as there is Pokemon without tools on the board, you can equip them. Because up to four Pokemon can be at stake, you can attach up to four tools one at a time.
  • Tools can be replaced if thrown: If an opponent gives up your instrument or self-control after performing a condition, you can attach a new tool to its place.

Expanding Space Time Smackdown introduced the first batch of tool books in Pokemon Pocket, with three unique instruments: Lum Berry, Rocky helmet and giant cape. Here's what each of them does.

Lum Berry

“At the end of each line, if the Pokemon to which this book is attached is affected by any special conditions, it recovers from all and throws this book.”

Special conditions are debwards, such as asleep, poisoned, burned, paralyzed or confused. When Berry Lum is attached by a pokemon affected by one or more of these conditions, he immediately cures them all. However, the compensation is that Lum Berry self-disclosed to activate, which makes it a unique use tool.

The rocky helmet

“If Pokemon, this book is attached is in the active place and is damaged by an attack by the opponent's Pokemon, make 20 damage to the attacker.”

The rocky helmet mirrors the harsh ability of Draddigon's skin. When an opponent damages to a pokemon equipped with this tool, he suffers 20 instant damages. However, the rocky helmet works only when attached to an active pokemon. If an opponent attacks a banking pokemon wearing this tool, he will not suffer any damage.

Many consider Rocky the headset the best tool card in Pokemon's pocket. It can be attached to Druddigon to make it an even more deadly or paired tank with other bulky pokemon to create your own version of Draddigon.

Huge cape

“Pokemon this book is attached to +20 hp.”

Giant Cape works similarly to the Potion card, but instead of healing after deterioration, this tool increases the maximum Pokemon HP right from the beginning. For example, if a Pokemon has 140 hp, its equipment with Giant Cape increases its HP to 160.

Cards with synergy with Pokemon tools in the TCG pocket.

Along with Pokemon tool books, the Semackdown Space-time expansion has introduced Pokemon that directly synergizes with tools. They are currently including Pachisu Ex, Skarmory, Starly and Rotom. The table below presents how each of them interacts with Pokemon tools.



Pachisu ex

Offers +40 DMG if it has an instrument


Offers +30 DMG if it has an instrument


Give up the enemy's instrument before attacking


Offers +30 DMG if the enemy has an instrument

Pokemon Tool Counterters in Pokemon's pocket.

Fortunately, Pokemon's pocket introduced two meters into the Pokemon instruments in the same expansion: Starly and Rotom. To counteract the instrument of an opponent, you can use Starly's schooling movement, which eliminates the instrument before attacking, or Rotom's assault laser, which produces 30 additional damages if the opponent has an attached tool.



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