Where to find all Big Bath collectibles in Antonblast

AntonblastHis Baia Mare can be a somewhat confusing stage. The appearance changes as you progress. Walk down a hallway, double back and everything will have changed. This means you will come across areas where collectibles are placed in locations you have already been to. Confused!


Antonblast: All collectible locations in Bomb Candy Mines

If you want to blast your way through this maze-like level of Antonblast, we'll help you find all those collectibles so you can do just that.

We'll help you locate each of the Big Bath collectibles and make sure you have everything you need to leave with each collectible. As confusing as it may be, we'll get you where you need to go.

Where to find the collectible Big Bath Portable Console

Antonblast. Anton facing the game console in the Big Bath scene.

When you enter the area where you swim through the rings to become a torpedo, you'll have to hit a 10 ton wall (note the door above this wall). Go and do that. However, instead of swimming down, turn back and turn into a torpedo againgo back to where the wall of weights was and arch up to the crack. This will make the door above accessible. Go through the door and through the ring of mines, and the next door you enter will have the portable console.

Where to find the Big Bath box

Antonblast. Anton facing the tape in the Big Bath scene.

This is it absurd complicated. After detonating the blue blocks, proceed through the stage as you normally would. You will fall and land in the large pool. Head right and you'll come straight up against a wall of yellow blocks. Enter the door and progress, but once you reach the door at the end of this room, do not enter it. Instead, go back the way you came and the hallway you traveled through will now be a dead end. The box will be waiting for you.

Where to find the large can of bathroom spray paint

Antonblast. In the black room with the spray paint in the Big Bath scene.

On the way to the yellow piston, after jumping through a mirror, you'll find yourself in a room with a door above and below. The bottom door is where you'll find the spray can. The room will be too dark for you to see where the platforms are. Head to the center of the room, then travel right a bit, head up again, you won't be at the top of the screen, go left, then when you're near the last quarter of the room, jump left , as there is a gap that will throw you back to the beginning. Just fall to the left side of the stage and you'll grab that can of spray paint.


Antonblast: Tips for Beginners

Antonblast is a fantastic new platformer, but it can be a bit sadistic. These tips will help you get through each stage and get the most out of the process.

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