The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has gone down in video game history as one of the best open-world and lore-rich games ever created. Although your primary task as the Last Dragonborn is to defeat Alduin, another villain emerges, one more compelling than the Eater of Worlds himself.

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As the main antagonist of the Dragonborn DLC, Miraak makes his presence known after his cultists try to kill you at the start of your journey. The first Dragonborn in existence, Miraak is establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with. But how did one of the most powerful individuals in the game end up the prisoner of Hermaeus Mora? If you're keen to discover the history and lore of Miraak, you've come to the right place.
Who is Miraak?
It was Merethic
Born in the meretic age, Miraak was alive during a time when dragons ruled Skyrim and were worshiped as gods. Miraak's name means “Guide of Faithfulness” in the dragon language, and although he is the first Dragonborn ever, Saint Alessia was given this title because it was the first recorded in history.
Eventually, Miraak rises to a high level in dragon esteem and becomes a Dragon Priest, leading the Cult of the Dragon stationed in Solstheim, tasked with attracting more followers for the dragons.
However, Miraak proves to be ambitious, with his loyalty to the dragons not as firm as once assumed. Although it is unknown when in the timeline he began actively seeking other means of power, Miraak got his hands on one of Hermaeus Mora's Black Books. Possibly in exchange for esoteric knowledge, Miraak swore service to the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and became his championin the end learning Bend Will Shout to tame people and dragons.
With Bend Will Shout in his arsenal, Miraak rebelled against the dragons and managed to win over other dragon priests, Ahzidal, Zakhriisos and Dukaan, to his cause.
At some point, Miraak built his own temple on Solstheim and raised his own following. He has amassed great power as a Dragonborn, and although every Dragonborn must defeat Alduin as part of their duty, Miraak turned his back on this, rejecting Hakon One-Eye's and the other ancient Norse heroes' plea for help against Alduin.. As a result, he is nicknamed in Skaal lore “The Betrayer”.'.
Closed by the Demon of Knowledge
Of course, going against dragons doesn't come without consequences. At one point, a loyalist The Dragon Priest named Vahlok clashed with Miraakand proved stronger than the First Dragonborn, he was able to defeat him. According to Skaal legend, Vahlok was about to kill Miraak when Hermaeus Mora intervened and brought the wounded Miraak to Apocrypha's realm.

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With Miraak gone, the dragons burned his temple to the ground in retaliation and tasked Vahlok with keeping Miraak under control. In alternate versions of the story, the dragons made Vahlok ruler of Solstheim as a reward but made him swear to watch over the island if Miraak ever returned.
Meanwhile, Miraak's decision to become Hermaeus Mora's champion backfired on him hugely. After being rescued by the Daedric Prince, Miraak has remained in Apocrypha ever since, unable to leave and return to Tamriel. However, that didn't stop Miraak from recovering and using the knowledge he had find a way out of the clutches of Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora.
Miraak in the fourth era
Now we come to the Dragonborn DLC timeline, where Miraak finally began to stir. He has since rebuilt his cult, wreaking havoc on Solstheim and attracting the attention of the Last Dragonborn.
When our Dragonborn reaches Solstheim, Miraak corrupted the All-Maker stones and channeled his power to take over minds of anyone who comes into contact with it. As a result, the inhabitants of Solstheim rebuilt the temples of Miraak in their sleepthough some have deliberately sided with Miraak when conscious.
Despite being the champion of Hermaeus Mora, The Daedric Prince helped the Last Dragonborneven helping them master the Bend Will Shout as he had taught Miraak all those years ago. Once again, choosing to serve Hermaeus Mora proved to be a mistake.
During the final battle, Miraak himself admitted that the Daedric Prince must have allowed things with the Last Dragonborn to end the way they did, and he was proven right when Hermaeus Mora killed Miraak by stabbing him in the chest with a tentacle.
Apart from getting a front view of Miraak's tragic fate, we also get a glimpse of the duplicitous manner in which Hermaeus Mora operates. When the Last Dragonborn enters the scene, Essentially, we're giving the Daedric Prince a new, shinier replacement for Miraakwho has already rebelled as he did with the dragons. The deciding factor was when the Last Dragonborn actually defeated Miraakproving that they were a better candidate to be Hermaeus Mora's champion.
Ultimately, despite his power as the First Dragonborn, Miraak's repeated falls from grace they are the result of his greed for more and his inability to keep the vows he made both to the dragons and to Hermaeus Mora.